Horribly written/ #OhDeer

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A/n: I swear, if the 3 wizards were in high school, they could be apart of the debate club. They're soooo good at justifying things it's not even a joke X3 and problem of the day, trying to draw a Minecraft torch that doesn't look like a dick (oh and your guys's responses to me complaining was amazing)

~Next Day~

Jordan's POV
I sighed as I stated at the sleeping Tom on my couch. Blood was everywhere. I'll have to clean that up later... Mother walked in and jumped back in shock. Crap. I forgot to tell her I had Tom with me... She glared at Tom's sleeping body, in confusion. I just gave her a weak smile. I didn't feel like explaining. Even though I knew I was going to have to explain, I just didn't feel like it. My mother gave me this look that only mothers can do to you. It makes you stir with guilt, and the feeling that you're in trouble.

Mom: "Jordan!? Who is this!?"

Jordan: "That's Tom"

Mom: "Is he dead!? Why is he covered in blood!?"

Jordan: "Er...He.... Uh.. GotInAnAccident!"

I was trying to remember what Tom told me. But I didn't believe he got in a accident, well, that was until I saw the cuts. My mom nodded, showing she understood.

Mom: "Well, I'm working the early shift so I need to get going. Do you need any help with him or will you be okay with to-"

She just realized that Tom is the person the detective was talking about. I could tell. I don't know how, but I just could. She shook the idea off and kissed my head.

Mom: "I'll see you when you come home from school"

She smiled before walking out the door. I sighed. How did I end up getting a bloody Tom inside my living room?

~Short Flashback~

A tipsy Dec, with a drunk Champwan wrapped around Dec stood at my door. And when I say Champwan was wrapped around Dec, I mean it. He was literally wrapped around him. He was standing behind Dec, his arms were wrapped around Dec's waist, and he was literally clinging onto him. Champwan is definitely drunk. He isn't that bold. Dec was just standing normally, pretending Champ wasn't there.

Dec: "Tom has gone missin'. We need you to fin him and get 'is stuff outta the bar"

His words were slightly slurred. I immediately started to panic, but I didn't show it that much. I nodded and stepped out of the door frame, shutting the door behind me.

Jordan: "How did you guys get here?"

Dec: "We walkez. Its only a mil away"

His words, again, were slightly slurred. I nodded, showing I understood.

~At da bar~

My eyes shot around the room. Something caught my eye I didn't want to see. Tucker, was on a stripper pole. Yes. My male friend was on a striped pole. Great. Lovely. (SARCASM) But, something else caught my eye. Martha was against the wall, blushing like crazy, and Capsize was next to her, with her arm wrapped around Martha's waist. Then another thing, Josh pushed past the crowd that was surrounding Tony, grabbed Tony by his collar, and kissed him. Not on the cheek like the other girls. On the lips. Tony blushed but kissed back, and the women 'OOOOO'd or pouted. Most of them ooood though. I think they liked the excitement or something. That's when I saw something that topped it all. Steve and Skipper, were making out in the corner, getting a little 'freaky'. (Cough s#x-like cough)

Dec: "Thaz 'is duff"

Dec's words were a bit more slurred. I think the alcohol is kicking in for him. Champwan tightened his grip around Dec's waist, and a dark shade of blush splattered on Dec's face. (When champ is drunk, he tops) Dec was pointing to a wool jacket, iPhone, and a wallet sitting on a bar stool. Why did Tom just leave? And why did he leave his stuff!? I picked it up, and faced the two.

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