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A/n: HIYA!!! I just found out that we are having 2 funerals or some shizz. Its really confuzzeling me. Anyways, I have a little story to tell your since I had to go to 1 of them today.. So, shall I start?

Okay, FIRST THINGS FIRST! (On the realist) I had to be Catholic for a day so ya. And I am not Catholic so that was confusing. I mean, not knowing anything about there religion they were talking about was really confusing. ANNND!!! And, IT WAS IN SPANISH!!!! Okay, first, I hate it when people say if you are Mexican you should speak Spanish. I DONT SPEAK SPANISH!!! I may be Mexican, but I can't understand a word. So, it was Catholic, and in Spanish.

AND!! If you thought it wouldn't be weird, your dead wrong. Okay so, one of my older cousins offered me gum. And of course I took it, being the Gum-hog I am. But, guess what. Guess what embarrassing thing I did. I SOME HOW GOT THE GUM IN MY HAIIIRRRR!! Yes. You heard me. Or, read me...? Anyways, yes. I got gum stuck in my hair. BUT THANKFULLY IT WAS BEFORE THE THING STARTED! So I had to wait in the bathroom, while my mum asked the priest for scissors. Yes. Thankfully it wasn't that much that she had to cut off, but still. HOW DO YOU GET GUM STUCK IN YOUR HAIR DURING A FUNERAL I DUNNO! Just leave it up to me to embarrass myself.

Another thing! Okay so, my mum was adopted and we are at her bio-families funeral. So, that means she didn't grow up with this family. So, it was extremely weird. How might you ask. Well, For 1, I didn't know about them until I was 8-9. And 2, I don't know half of them!! I know... 1...2..3..6! I know 6 of them. And there were 30-45 people in the room. So ya. Awkward.

And, no offense but when they were singing there catholic stuff in spanish, my ears were bleeding a bit. I have really sensitive hearing. So my head was pounding, ears gushing blood (not really), and my hands were on my temples the whole time.

So ya. That was 1 of the funerals. The other one is tomorrow so ya. Wish me luck! Oh and I'm slowly working on next chapter with the free time I have.

Question Of The Day: IRL who do you think is top? Champwan or Dec. And, Tom or Jordan.

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