Haha... Ya...

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A/n: HOLLY FREAKING WHAT!? 500 votes, 1.16k comments, and 15.2k views!!! What!? WHAT!? You guys have so much faith in me to read my books. This makes me happy that people enjoy my stories. Love you all <3! And also, that picture up there is just a screen savor for my phone. I thought a lot of you can relate to it X3

Apologies: I'm sorry, it took me a while to write this, and I also got distracted with sketching... sorry it's late. I try to do 1000/2000 words every chapter and its a little hard with school :3

Jordan's POV
Even though it was Tom, it still didn't really calm me since I wasn't 100% percent sure it was Tom. (am I the only one who says percent even though I put a % sign?) I kept kicking and trying to get away, and I even bit his hand. He pinned me to a wall. there was Tom. Standing right in front of me. I blushed out of embarrassment. He covered my mouth with his hand. That's when I realized something. The taste of blood was in my mouth. (blood from where?) Thats when I looked Tom from bottom to top, and noticed it looked like he was bathing in blood. He leaned closer to me, and I blushed even harder. (I'm sowwy, HARRRDEER TEDDDY HARRRDER) "Now be quiet" He whispered and it sent chills down my spine. Why does he make me feel this way?

Suddenly, I head sirens. I heard wheels screeching against the road, and onto the sidewalk. (Americans say "Sidewalk" apparently. I'm souly not an American ;-;) I winced at the sound. Tom pulled me closer, slowing his breaths. Blood was getting smeared on me from him. Well crap. I heard yelling and footsteps down the pavement. "KID! YOURE UNDER ARREST! GIVE UP NOW" Tom pulled me closer, and literally stopped breathing. I paled a bit when I saw police officers with guns in there hands pass us. Of course, like every original action movie, they didn't see us. Sheer luck. They went out of the other side of the ally. Tom caught his breath, and let go of me. As soon as he did that, my first reflex was to shove him away as far as I could from me. He caught his balance, and didn't fall.

Tom: "wtf Jordan!"

He was... laughing?! This really scared me. He's soaked in blood, and laughing. (Not scary at all)

Jordan: "Why are you covered in blood?! Who's blood is it!? Did you cut yourself? Are you okay?"

He found my worrying funny, and chuckled. Am I missing something?

Tom: "Jordan, Jordan, Jordan... You don't need to worry about that...."

The way he said that... it sounded a bit different than how he normally talks... (COUGH SEDUCTION COUGH)

Jordan: "Yes! I do need to worry about it! You're covered in flippin blood!"

He walked closer to me and I flushed bright red. Somehow, his hands ended up around my neck. I shoved him off before he could go any farther.

Jordan: "Tom... Why were you running from the cops...?! Did you... are you the one who kill-"


He looked generally upset. I immediately regretted saying that.

Tom: "Do you seriously not trust me that much!?"

Guilt filled me. Crap. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, getting blood in it.

Tom: "Look, just don't ask okay?"

I nodded. A smile plastered on his face. Well, more like a smirk. He grabbed me by my collar and pulled me close. I froze. "Now let's go" He whispered seductively!? It sent chills down my spine. I swallowed and nodded. We walked out of the ally, to my motorcycle. Shoe prints of blood trailed behind Tom. I wonder what he was doing... it's awfully suspicious... But he said he wasn't doing anything... "That's what every murderer would say" Something whispered.

My Bloody Little Secret (Syndisparklez)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن