Careless murder/Dectives get involved/Tom gets infected with the feels

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A/n: Holly shizz! Just noticed, 181 votes! Thank you guys!! I don't know why you like cringing so much but apparently you guys do!! So thank you!! AND NUUUU Its the end of spring break and now school ;-;

Tom's POV
"That's my little secret" I whispered in Jordan's ear. He shivered and was just wide-eyed. I let go of him and backed up a bit.


Tom: "See you later Sparkly pants"

I turned around and walked away. (I'm only in 5th grade so we don't have PE clothes) I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. Dianite, may you teleport me to the park? "Yes my follower" Dianite whispered. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was under a tree, in the park. I smiled when I saw my sword was in my hand. There were three people eating at a table, two people sitting in the grass, and kids were playing on the swings. I smirked as I approached the three on the bench. I walked behind them, and swung my sword, which chopped off all of their head. I smirked as I saw the heads roll around on the ground. Everyone screamed. I approached the two that were frozen in shock.


I jabbed the sword straight into the middle of one guys head, pulled it out and shoved it in the girls stomach. I started to wrist the sword, and they both screamed. I pulled the sword out and walked down the path. (Forgetting something) I saw a family sitting in the edge of a dock, fishing. They had a little girl with them. I slowly walked behind them, careful to not make a noise. I jabbed the sword in the little girls back, and she screamed in pain. Her parents gasped. I pulled the sword out, and kicked the girl into the murky water. I then cut off her dads foot, and hole he was off balance, I kicked him into the water. I did the same to the wife.

"What a perfect happy family they will be in heaven"

I say Heaven because it's a disgusting place. (I'm religious, so religious people, don't take that offensively please) Hell is where great people like me go to. With Dianite. I wanted to see more blood. So I continued looking for people to kill.

Jordan's POV
It's now lunch, and there is no sign of Tom. (Killing people takes a long time you know!) I was walking to the bathroom. I was going to skip lunch. It's to tempting seeing people eat. I'm to big as it is. I can't eat more food. I probably was going to throw up. That's what I always do. But when I opened the bathroom door, I saw someone I didn't expect to see. Champwan was in the corner, with his knees against his chest, and he was hugging them.

Jordan: "C-Champ!?"

He looked up at me. He has scared marked all over his face.

Jordan: "What's up?"
(Wow just wow. He didn't mean that in a chill way)

Champwan: "C..Can you get M..Martha?"

I was confused but nodded.

~5 minutes later because I'm that lazy~

Martha looked at me like I was insane.

Martha: "Your telling me... to go in there!?"

Jordan: "That's where champwan is"

She took a deep breath and walked into the boys bathroom. I didn't expect her to do that.. Martha saw Champwan and gasped. She kneeled down next to him.

Martha: "What's wrong Champ?"

Champwan: "D...D..D.."

Martha: "It's okay Champ... just say it.."

Champ: "I...I...ILIKEDEC!!"

Champ barried his face in his knees. Martha and I just stood there, trying to process what he just said. Martha cleared her throat, while pushing back her light purple hair behind her ear. (Am I the only person who does this?)

My Bloody Little Secret (Syndisparklez)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora