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A/n: my IRL friends are dirty minded people.. They "ship" me with 3 other guys in my class and make s#x jokes. AND WE ARE ONLY 11-13!! WTF!? Wait no, make that flippin 6 people. I have the best friends ever (sarcasm) And, I just re-found "I don't wanna die" OMFG! How could I forget about this!?

~Time skip from last chapter~

Jordan's POV
I woke up with a huge pain in my head. Where am I!? Oh..... I'm sill at Martha's house... I looked around, just to see that everyone else was asleep. Capsize fell asleep half on top of skipper. Steve and Martha fell asleep next to each other, Steve with his hat covering his face, and Martha with her head on his shoulder. Dec was sitting against the wall, with Champwan's arms wrapped around his waist. Dec was blushing, but Champwan was alseep. (Clingy Champ)

Dec: "Seems that everyone has passed out"

Jordan: "Ya... I'm going to go home... I don't wanna leave my mom alone with that bitch"

Dec: "Okay...?"

Shit. I forgot no one knows bout my family situation... Oh well. I got up slowly, brushing the dust from the floor off, and cautiously walked out the door. Thank god my motorcycle is still here...

Tom's POV
Blood trickled down my face and body as the figure disappeared. F*ck... that hurt like hell. ("Worse than being bottom while having s#x with a guy and no lube"- skylox 2015) I heard the doors close. I was in a huge amount of pain. It seriously hurt. But, I was use to it. I'm glad my mother and father got divorced. My stepmum is the best! But, I'm just a pain in the ass to her. I literally do things on purpose just to piss her off. I kinda feel bad but I don't at the same time.. it's kinda like #sorrynotsorry type of thing...

"I'm sorry to hear you are use to this. Poor wisdom... he didn't see it coming" Ianite said with a bit of sadness in her voice. (Lemme quote a youtuber and see if you get it "I DIDNT EVEN SEE CHIKA COMIN!") What? What do you mean by that? Didn't he just get knocked out with a book or somethin? "It's not that... It's that that was Wisdoms.. er... split personality I guess you could say" WHHHHAT!? How do I not know about these people!? How many other people are you guys hiding from me!? "I'm pretty sure it's just the two..." Ianite seemed un-sure of herself, but whatever. Wisdom busted in.

Wisdom: "Ianite seems to be fine now.. sorry for him.. er.."

He snapped his fingers and I stopped bleeding, and the blood disappeared.

Wisdom: "Er...I can't get rid of the bruises"

Tom: "It's fine. Thanks"

Welp. At least I'm not gushing out blood.

Ianite: "Wisdom...What did he do?"

Wisdom just shook his head.

Ianite: "I am sorry Wisdom for his actions. Let Tom out so we can discuss this"

Wisdom: "Yes Lady Ianite"

Net thing I knew, I was somewhere I didn't recognize. Wait... Wait.,..Wait. MATHAS HOUSE!? I was standing right outside of her house, looking as if I was about to open the door. "Open the door" Ianite said calmly. Why should I?! You're not my god! "Tom, open the damn door" Dianite hissed. Since when are you and Ianite buds!? "I despise her, but, I need you to open that door. Just for the lingering torture for Ianite" Dianite's words confused me. "I knew you were only doing it because of that!" Ianite spat.

I opened the door, and immediately saw the limp body at my feet. Oh no! What happened... I noticed that they were still breathing. I looked around the room. Oooh. They're asleep... But why is...? Skipper was at my feet, and Capsize not that far. I carefully/cautiously stepped over them, and over to the couch. Steve and Martha were sitting up there, also asleep. I looked to my left, and saw something that almost made me burst out into laughter. I pulled out my phone, took a quick picture, before clearing my throat, letting him know I was there. Dec immediately stopped playing with Champwan's hair and looked up. (how embarrassing)

My Bloody Little Secret (Syndisparklez)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora