Creepy Boys/Horribly written/ PLOT TWST, sorta

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A/n: FLIPPIN BLOODY HECK I SCREWED UP! #BasicBitchDec #BlameDec I hate it when I accidentally delete a chapter I was working on. Oh and, Twitch, I hate you. You load soooo slow and freeze every 10 minutes for me.

Song: "You're so creepy" by Ghost Town

Warning: Be prepared to laugh at my horrible idiotic-ness when it comes to the song X3

Jordan's POV
I shot up when I heard my phone going off. I looked around, and saw no one. Shit! I fell asleep! Where's Tom!? I automatically went into full panic mode. Where the hell is Tom!? Is he okay!? Is he hurt!? Where is he!! I hope he's okay. (Jordan is mum) Why am I so panicky? Well duh the guy who hurt himself is gone. Well Ya but still! Because he's your damn crush. Oh ha, forgot about that for a moment. wait... why am I talking to myself!? Is that even possible!? Well apparently it is now because you're talking to me. Gahh! Go away go away go away! "*giggle* it's funny seeing mortals flip out at the drop of a hat" Ianite's words confused me but I just ignored it. Shes so cryptic sometimes...

Suddenly, an even more bloody Tom ran into the house, and slammed the door behind him, sliding down the door.He was out of breath, and coated in white stuff. (White stuff...TOM!? WHO HAVE YOU CHEATED ON JORDAN WITH!?) Wait... White stuff?! That's snow! Wtf!? I didn't hear anything about snow! "I thought that this town needed something pretty in their lives. Don't you think? It's fun to play with, and good for romance, it's just wonderful!" Ianite exclaimed. Wait... you made it snow!? "I'm someone with a lot of power, darling. I can do almost whatever, but I must be careful with how much power I use" Ianite's words didn't shock me at all. She's alway confusing and hard to understand. I guess I can see her perspective on snow being wonderful though. You may be cold, but it's nice to have the fire going, drinking warm drinks, and cuddling with blankets, trying to stay warm. (I live in the desert. I have to drive 5 hours to see snow. I haven't seen snow since my parents are to lazy in 3 years) okay, I'm getting g off topic!

Jordan: "Tom!? What happened!?"

He glanced over at me, and a smirk plastered on his face. What's going on!?

Jordan: "Tom... you're bleeding! Are you okay!?"

Tom: "I'm fine... just tripped while walking and the snow made my cuts worse"

"Lies" Lady Ianite whispered in my ear. Her words cutting my hearing like blades. What do you mean lies!?? "I'm only telling you this because he's crying out for help. You just can't see it" Her words were daggers, cutting and scratching me. (Not literally) what!? What's that suppose to mean!? He's fine! He's smirking for heaven sakes! He slowly got up and walked over to me. The smell of blood filled the air around me. And for some f*cked up reason, this captivated me. (Wat) I have no idea why. It just turned me on. He lifted my chin up with his fingers, and made me look up at him. (irl I'm pretty sure Jordan is shorter) A dark shade of blushed covered my face as he leaned forward with a smirk. Are lips connected, and I kissed back. Its so cliché to say this, but, I felt Sparks and energy wiz through me. (it's called c#m) Suddenly, his phone buzzing like crazy interrupted us. I pouted slightly as he pulled away ad took out his phone. "What!? Why!?... But I-... You're no fun. Fine..." He hung up and shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Tom: "I gotta go. Mums pissed. Love ya"

He kissed the side of my face quickly, before running out the door. 'love'? One simple word changed my emotions immediately. "Don't be fooled. It isn't him" Ianite hissed. All emotions turned into confusion. What!? He just said he loved me! You... you don't know what you're talking about! You're just someone weird in my head! "No, I'm not. I know I confuse you, and I really wish I didn't. I am trying to save you from heartbreak. He does love you. He really does. But it's not him. The him you just saw, isn't him" Ianite's words confuses me even more. UUUUGH!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? OF COURSE ITS TOM! (Jordan u fool) "no, it's not. Physical features may seem the same, but mentally he's not himself" Ianite's words confused me even more. "I'll show you if you would like" Ianite said as her voice softened. Yes. For some reason, I nodded. Wow. I'm smart. "As you wish"

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