Im just complaining so skip if ya no want

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Warning: If you're a guy, you might find this weird but whatever

SCREW GIRL LOGIC! And when I say that, I mean physically and mentally. Physically because you could probably assume what I'm talkin about X3, and mentally because, HOLLY SHIZZ SOME GIRLS'S LOGIC DONT MAKD SENCE! Like, for 1, if you try to flirt with a guy, they will be very confused. Trust me, the only guy who talks to me can't take a hint when a girl in my class flirts with him. Like, CMON GIRLS! THERES MORE TO LIFE THAN JUST GUYS!! HEAVEN SAKES!!! JEEZ! If you are a girl and don't act like a slut around guys, thank you! It's just pissing me off. I'm tired of seeing girls stick out there butts and make themselves look skinnier and have more curves around boys. LIKE WE ARE ONLY FLIPPIN 11 SO CALM YO TITS! Like seriously, since when do 11 year olds seduce each other!? It just makes me sick. And another thing I hate about Girls's logic, is that, if you compliment one of them and you yourself are a girl, they will automatically assume you're flirting and say "Sorry but I'm not a lesbian so f*ck off". LIKE SERIOUSLY TAKE A FLIPPIN COMPLIMENT!!! Jeez! Since when did girls become this complicated to understand!? I'm the only "simple" girl in my class. I'm quiet, have no friends, and plays video games. LISTEN LINDA, YO DONT NEED NO MAN FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! ESPECIALLY SINCE EVERYONE IN THE DAYUM CLASS IS 11! Like seriously, WHAT IS LOVE!? Kids 1-14 don't understand what exactly is love. You can act as damn mature as you want, but it ain't helpin. Like, some people ARE just mature like, I guess you could say "proper", and that's fine. But when you're acting like a slut, that's isn't fine. You're 11, you don't need to act like a slut. You're only aloud when you're 18 legally. SO CALM YO TITS LINDA! And if you are a girl like me who is tired of this bull, thank you. It just pissed me off cause I'm tired of everywhere I turn seeing boobs and butts sticking out from everywhere. TELL ME IM NOT THE ONLY ONE PLEASE, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS RANDOM SHIZZ X3!

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