Horribly written chapter/RICK FLIPPIN ROLLED!!

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A/n: My parents are fighting and I'm actually really scared but thank God for Skylox being intoxicated or else I would be crying right now.... I don't have a good past so Skylox is literally running around like an insane person to cheer me up <3

Jordan's POV
I opened the classroom door and took my seat. The ball hasn't rung yet so that's good. And I also flung out UserCreated is also in this class. (#TwistedUser & #TwistedCreated) He sat down next to me. I've figured out what people I know in my classes. In this class, I have UserCreated, Capsize, Tucker,Sonja, Champwan, and usually Josh and Tony. There's other people but I can't remember their names....or I haven't met them.

~Time skip to Lunch~

I felt envy and jealousy when I saw Tom walk out with Martha at his side. I clenched my fist but ignored it. I felt something on my shoulder and I turned to see a very happy Sonja. I smiled.

Jordan: "What?"

Sonja: "Wanna eat with us again? Since you kinda only know us?"
(I love how cheerful everyone makes her)

Jordan: "Sure"

I followed her through the crowd and we finally reached a table. (I can't even spell table for the life of me) Nade, Josh, Tony, Tucker, KillerTom, Ifrez, Phil, Champwan, Dec, and Waglington were all sitting at the table. Sonja and I sat down.

Tucker: "Hey Sonj, where's Tom?"

Sonja: "I don't know.... Jordan have you seen him?"

Jordan: "He was chatting with Martha when I saw him"

Wag: "Why does he even act like a player?"

Tucker: "He's just an Idiot"

Tucker is right. He's just an idiot......

Tom's POV
I walked out of class and started to walk to the lunch room. I heard a metal sound-like thing. I turned and saw Al with his hand on the handle of his blade. It must be cool having a lieutenant as a f*cking dad. He gets to carry a f*cking blade around everywhere!! He was accompanied by Martha. (That was fancy word) I was waved over by Martha.

Tom: "Yu-p?"

Martha: "Do you know where Steve is?"

Tom: "No actually...."

Martha: "I was wondering something....."

We were now grabbing are lunch.

Tom: "....Ya?"

Martha: "May you tell him to find me? I have something...."

We were now walking though the crowd.

Tom: "Okay....See Ya!"

Martha: "Farewell"

I walked backwards 2 steps and turned on my heels. I strutted over to my table. (Cocky much?) I sat next to Jordan and didn't say a word.

Nade: "Tom~! Where the f*ck were you 2nd period?"

Tom: "Oh....Uhm....Uh....Er..."

Shit! I forgot all about that! Jordan and I looked at each other. We both had "Oh shit we're screwed what do we say?" written all over our faces. Nade raised and eyebrow. (I was gonna say cocked and eyebrow but some of you may not know what that means...) A smirk was plastered on his face. Oh shit. I know what he thinks. He looked at Josh, but Josh had his mask on but you could tell her was holding in laughter. Tucker and Sonja just looked pissed. They shouldn't hold grudges now should they?

Nade: "You two dont seem to happy"

He said as he poked Sonja left arm. She had her hand prop up her head. Tucker just groaned with annoyance.

My Bloody Little Secret (Syndisparklez)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora