3rd of December 2021

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Louis has no idea what Harry has planned each day. Sometimes it's a present and sometimes they're doing something together. Sometimes even both. He's gonna turn thirty every year from now on.

No surprise in the morning and they head to their studios as usual. Since Harry hasn't requested that he would be home at a specific time he stays recording until half-past seven when he finally calls it the night. He feels a little guilty for staying that long but he just wants to finish the album so he can spend some quality time with Harry.

Harry comes running into the hallways as soon as he closes the door behind him.
"Hi love, I'm sorry I'm late. I was in the middle of recording a..." Harry grabs his hand and drags him along. "Wait, I haven't even taken my coat off." Louis protests.

"You need it. Come on. I've been dying to show you something all day." Harry smiles. He also has his coat and shoes on.

Harry stops by the door to the back garden and pulls up an eye mask, one they usually use in the bedroom. Louis quirks an eyebrow in amusement. Harry rolls his eyes.
"Just humor me. Put this on."

Louis complies and Harry takes his hand to lead him outside. The cold weather hits him and he shivers a little. What is Harry up to this time?

They walk over the patio and Harry helps him down the stairs so he won't trip, which he appreciates. They continue out on the lawn and their footsteps creak, just like it do when there's snow on the ground and it hasn't really snowed that much. Louis is confused. Suddenly they stop.
"Ready?" Harry asks.

"Yes." Louis smiles.

The blindfold comes off and Louis blinks a couple of times. His mouth falls open and he spins around to take it all in. Their backyard is transformed into a magical winter wonderland. There's snow and lights everywhere.
"How?" He says.

"Snow cannon and a couple of handymen who put up the lights after we left this morning. I returned to let them in." Harry smiles.

"It's so beautiful. You're spoiling me." Louis smiles sweetly.

"You deserve it." Harry says.

Louis takes his hand and pulls him in and starts to dance slowly. Harry giggles and wraps his arms around Louis' neck and hunches down a little so he doesn't have to get up on his toes. He always does that and he fucking loves him for it. They dance until it's getting too cold. They hurry inside and Harry makes some noodle soup. They sit down in front of the tv and watch another Christmas movie. They cuddle under a blanket as soon as they have gotten some food in their stomachs and Harry gives him the picture of the day. Louis looks at it and smiles. He's nine and his mum is hugging him. They're both smiling brightly.
"I love this photo."

He puts it in the album immediately so he won't lose it and then they head off to bed.

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