This Is Going To Be a Long Vacation

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Hey everyone, here's  chapter two of this story. In this story  I decided to  make Georgie  bilingual  like the actress who plays her so some of her dialogue  is in Afrikaans.  I have what the word means at the end of the story. Anyway  I hope you  enjoy  if you do vote and comment 💖

Tessa once again groans, pulling her headphones out of her ears as she pulls out from under the car she was working on. The minute she did she once again heard insistent  honking  and sighs. Divine was here to pick her up for their 'vacation' . Tessa knew she would  be their servant  even though she hoped they might lay off her a bit since they'll be busy with the Cinderella  play they were auditioning  for, but who knows.

Tessa was snapped out of thinking  by  Divine, screaming her name Tessa just hands her stuff to Joe quickly and takes off her coveralls. Joe just gave her a small smile, "Maybe they're  nicer and less crazy on vacation." Joe suggested. Tessa just nods, a girl can hope right? 


"Do I  have to go?"  Georgie  asks beggingly. One of her father's hotel, resort thing was doing  a Cinderella  play, and Georgie  had been dreading  it for weeks. She hated fancy things, and she was missing a play her two best friends  had worked on forever.

"Georgia, don't  beg. You know you have a responsibility  to  be there, just as we do, and it's  time for you to trade your riding clothes, for something  a little more functional. You're going to be working with us in a month" The mother chastised. Georgie  just glowered looking  at her puppies under the bed. You see, her parents  didn't  know  she had any pets except for their white cat, Jenna. Her parents  would  probably  take her pets away if they found  out that's why she was very careful  with  them.

"I know mother, I  know." Georgie says keeping  eye contact with her mother even though she wanted to look down and roll her eyes. This was the same argument Georgie  had several times, and she knew she sadly wasn't  getting out  of this. She then had an idea. "Mother can I  at least take my car over? Georgie  asks as they had a stable near  the resort, and if Nova  would  be  there. It wouldn't  be half as bad.

"Well, I  guess so,  but you have to be there on time!" Her mother says, as Georgie  nods quickly, looking  at her mother who was looking  away, and quickly  puts Brook in the bag, zipping  it up most of the way.

"Of course  I  wouldn't  think of being late. In fact I  think I'll  leave now so I can enjoy the ocean." Georgie  says it was her excuse to pick up her horse from the stables and to get her other pets that lived there.

"Alright  honey we'll  see you there around  five." Her father says as Georgie  grabs her bag gently  and walks down the stairs and out the door.


"Iris kom!" Georgie  commands in her second language  although  it was her grandparents' first language.  The cockapoo just trots over happily  wagging  her tail. "Good girl" Georgie  told her dog, patting her head. Before  looking  over to Ethan  and Lily. "Hey lovebirds can I  borrow the trailer?" Georgie  asks playfully  as she puts the tack on her horse.

"Yes, of course, try to have fun on vacation, and don't  forget  your helmet! Ethan calls out from his horse's stall. Georgie  just smiles gratefully, as she leads her horse outside  to  the trailer looking to the cockapoo  puppy, and back to the trailer.

"Iris gryp." Georgie says pointing to the hay." The puppy just nods and grabs the hay bringing  it to Georgie  who quickly spreads it out across the trailer, and leads the horse  inside tying her up securely  before opening the  car door letting  Iris  and Brook in along with her newest puppy, Pumpkin. 

"Alright  girls we're  just going  for a ride." Georgie says before starting the car, and heading  off, hopefully  it wouldn't  be as bad as she was dreading, but the minute she saw some news people  she knew it would be.


Holy crappola, Tessa! You've scuffed my favorite bag!" Tessa heard her step mother scream out. Great, she was already  making  a scene. Tessa just hoped no one important  heard that.,  but there were also workers right there. Tessa was a little embarrassed, and she felt for the people  who would  be working  with them. Because  they were crazy.

"I'm sorry, Divine. Uh, this is a lot to carry. Tessa says trailing  off as she looks to the trunk where basically  everything  Divine  and her step sister owned was. Thankfully  a nice worker came up to Tessa 

'I'll bring a cart." The young man says, but Divine  stopped him, and Tessa  rolls her eyes. She felt bad for the guy, and for herself  because  she knew what was coming.

 "Uh-uh. Uh-uh .No! No way am I tipping those vultures.No! No!" Divine yells out  just loud enough for Georgie  who had  just  gotten back from putting her animals up, and had heard the tail end of the conversation, and didn't  like how she was treating their employees.

"Excuse me ma'am, I  couldn't  help but overhear. These men are directly paid to do what you're doing. It's complimentary, and I  really dislike how you're treating our employees." Georgie  says. She may hate her destiny, but it was her job to make sure everything  runs smoothly until her parents  arrive.

"And who are you child, to be telling  me. How to do things." Divine asks as Tessa  just watches. She wasn't expecting this to happen on the first day. But it would be interesting to  see how it played out, as she had no idea who the girl was and Divine didn't like being  bossed around  by a girl who looked to be around  Tessa's  age.

"I'm Georgie  McCall  the daughter  of the owners of this resort, and inheritor of their company. I will be reporting this  to my parents." Georgie  told them before walking  away muttering  under her breath, "Dit gaan 'n lang vakansie wees."

"Be extra careful of Sparkles.Who's a good dog? Who's a good dog?" Divine says to the dead dog. Making  Tessa  grimace, and speak up

"Divine, he's dead." Tessa says with an eye roll. This was going to be a long vacation. 


Kom: come

Gryp: grab

Dit gaan 'n lang vakansie wees.": It's going to be a long vacation

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