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Georgie woke up with a jolt. It was early morning. She sighs a nightmare. Georgie  was use to it at this point, but it didn't  make it any easier. She just quietly  gets up not to wake Tessa  and walks out the door quietly.  Whenever she had a nightmare she always seemed out her animals. She wasn't  use to having anyone that really  cared, and she didn't like waking her friends if and when they  were  around.

Georgie just  quietly  walks in the stables sighing at the feeling  of calm that overtook the place at night it also always gave her  a feeling  of closeness to her roots and her grandfather. This if course wasn't  their main stables, but this one would  always hold a place in her heart  as well. Her Oupa still lived for the two stables he had opened up, and she wanted to live for them too. She had wanted too ever since she was a young  girl.


"Oupa where are we going?" an eight year old Georgie  asks curiously as her grandfather  helped  her put the tack on her old horse Faithful. It was a beautiful spring morning and both were gearing  for a ride.

"There is so much more the world of horses has to offer kleindogter, and its time to show you  the  wilder side of things. Now come on follow me." Her pupa said leading  the way out before  his horse broke into a gallop. Georgie  just quickly  mounts Faithful and follows quickly catching  up.

A short ride later, her Oupa stops and Georgie  does the same with Faithful.  She looked  across the horizon and saw a whole  
herd of wild horses free on the horizon. It was beautiful. "These horses are what made me do what I  do. They are so wild and free, and I'm  going  to make sure it stays that way. "I only take in the young ones who mother died or the horses that are too weak to be with the herd." Her grandfather explains  as Georgie  nod appreciating the view she had never seen wild horses before. She loved it and the idea of what her grandfather  did.

"And I'll  help! When I'm  older I  want to be just  like  you. I want to ride and take care of horses for a living." The young girl says happily.


Georgie  just  sighs, "I miss you Oupa you  always knew what to do. While I'm  barely  even managing to keep my head above the water most of the time." Georgie  whispers as she sits next to Nova  who just shuffles closer and lies right next to Georgie.

Georgie heard the door opening  she desperately  hoped that wasn't  her mother and she sighs in relief when she just sees Tessa.  Her clock read five and she sighs. "Good morning Tess." Georgie  says as Tessa smiles. 

"Good morning  Georgie, I figured you  would  be here Tessa  says with a smile as Georgie  nods as she and her horse got up Nova nuzzling  her.

"Yeah well it doesn't  take a scientist  to figure that out. This is my happy place, and where I  truly feel connected with my grandfather  his spirit has always been within  the stables he built." Georgie  says as Tessa nods.
"I understand  I feel  the exact  same way in my father's repair shop. It still feels like he's  there. So we got another  few  hours before  all heck breaks loose. So what was your grandfather  like?" Tessa asks as Georgie  smiles.

"A lot like me, free spirited, stubborn and he loved to help people. He actually  had a therapy dog named Anika, and he went around to the hospital nearby. He gave so much for his community and loved everybody. He wanted to make a change, and help people all around  the world." Georgie  says  with a smile.

"I wish I could  have met him. He really does sound  a lot like you. What about  the dog Anika? Where is she?" Tessa asks as Iris whimpers at the mention of her late sister.

"She passed away a few weeks after Oupa died she was fifteen and lived way longer than most border collies  would, plus she wouldn't  have been able to adjust  to the life I live so it was for the best. How about you, what about your father, what was he like." Georgie asks petting Nova's nose

"He was strong and always believed  in his dreams. He could  achieve anything. He was very smart when it came to cars and was very funny. He could  always turn a frown into a smile." Tessa says smiling at the memories. 

"He sounds like he was a great dad." Georgie  says as Nova whinnies again, nodding  towards the door. Tessa just laughs at the horse's  persistence.  "Nova we can't  practice  now. Plus we can't even go to the horse show this year. My parents definitely  wouldn't  allow it. " Georgie told the horse. Tessa just laughs again.

"Show me how you do those cool tricks." Tessa says with interest  as she had been watching Georgie  and Nova ride the last three days and she was very interested  in  how they did it.

"Okay, but you  have to show me how you fix something in a car." Georgie  says as Tessa just nods in agreement. "Alright.   come outside though we need room." Georgie says as Tessa nods.

"I'm guessing  when you  say tricks I guess you mean standing  up, jumping  and the side hold." The easiest  to do for me is the standing,  but you have to be a master and be able to trust your  horse.." Georgie  started before looking  at Nova.  "Nova steady" Georgie told the horse, who started trotting. Georgie  quickly  stood up feeling  the rhythm  of the horse beats, and holding  onto the mane carefully  and firmly.  

"I could  do more stuff like that if I had my performance saddle. The other two are very easy as well you  just need the right timing for. Georgie  says as Tessa nods watching  as the rider drops down sleekly looking  at the clock.

"Come on tess we need to get you  into your costume  now she says as Georgie  knew it would  be another crazy day. Thankfully  her mom had just left a message saying  she was needed back home, that made things a little easier for the duo

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