A Busy Day

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After  the early  meeting Georgie  walked out of the office looking  at the now active VIPs  than at her puppy. "Komaan Iris kom ons kry dit klaar" Georgie told the puppy, who quickly  followed. Georgie  sighs when she gets into her room with more complaints. Georgie read through them. Most of them were these spoiled VIPs tattling  about each other and the decor. One was interesting though, but she shook her head. It couldn't  possibly  be true.

Georgie  quickly puts most of them through  the shredder, and grabs her bag full of makeup  stuff as she goes to the theater room.

"Hey Reed is everything  going  okay," Georgie interrupts Reed  who's  practicing a song. She also watched some of her worker's  work with the stagehands to get everything  set up, auditions  weren't until later that night.

"It's  going  well, how about your side of the work?" Reed asks as Georgie  just sighs.

"These VIPs  are going  to be a handful, I've  gotten tons of complaints  already, and they just  got here yesterday. " Georgie  says with an eye roll as she sees Tessa  from the door frame. "I'll be right  back, Reed." Georgie told Reed who nodded. "Hey Tess, he's  good isn't  he?" Georgie asks as Tessa nods. 

"He really is. I didn't  know  you knew Reed  West." Tessa says as Georgie  smiles. "Yeah I met him before  he came to my town one time when I  was fifteen. He ran into my horse." Georgie  tells Tessa  before  seeing one of her workers and one of the stage hands come up both of them 

"Hey Gino, what's going  on?" Georgie  asks, seeing he was covered completely with what looked to be exhaust. Gino just gave a smile before coughing.

"That bike that they want to use for the Pumpkin  carriage is not working.  Let's just say that." Gino says in frustration  as he was a resort worker not a mechanic.  Georgie  just sighs looking  at Gino and then at the guy she did not know.

"Both of you  go get cleaned up, and Gino meet me in the meeting  room in um… half an hour. I have something  you'll  be better at than working  with  a motorcycle." Georgie  says as Gino smirks.

"Whatever you say boss." Gino says as Georgie  rolls her eyes at the employee.

"Gino, go before  I  decide to fire you." Georgie  warns somewhat playfully, as Gino nods, leaving for one of the showers. "And that's  why Cinderella  had a horse drawn carriage, and not a motorcycle." Georgie  tells Tessa playfully. Tessa just chuckles. 

"You know I'm a mechanic  I  can probably  get the motorcycle  going.  If you can show me where it is." Tessa says as Georgie  nods. She needed to go that way and see if that oil exploded  anywhere else other than just on Gino and Eddie. 

"Yeah, that  would be great if you  can. I have to head that way anyway to make sure it didn't  destroy  anything.  Follow me." Georgie  says smiling  as she leads Tessa  to the basement. 


Georgie  sighs in relief when she saw Gino had already  covered everything  important  in  the room. "There's  the motorcycle." Georgie  says as she takes some of the pictures off the wall. Tessa just nods looking  around.  

"Um are there any--" Tessa  asks, but Georgie  was already  ahead of her throwing Tessa  some coveralls. Tessa just smiles, pulling  them on. "Wait Georgie  I have to get these dresses for my stepmother  and stepsisters." Tessa says as Georgie  grabs her walkie talkie. 

"Janice, I  need you to pick up these dresses in the basement  and take  them to room-- 302 please?" Georgie  asks kindly she just heard the Wally talky ding, before hearing  the reply. "Alright, that's  taken care of." Georgie  says as Tessa  smiles before  Georgie  heard yelling and her walkie talkie.

"Georgia I'm  so sorry to  disturb you, but we have a problem  in the cafeteria. That could  greatly  use your assistance. "  Georgie  just sighs before answering  the desperate  employee. 

"I'll  be right there." Georgie  says putting  her backpack  on and looking at Iris than at Tessa. "I've  got to deal with this. I'll  see you at lunch." Georgie  says Tessa  just gave her a small smile.

"Good luck." Tessa says as Georgie  smiles back. She was going  to need it. Georgie  then hears the screaming again and briskly  walks off not even saying  a command to Iris, but the loyal puppy quickly follows.


"Alright, what's going on!" Georgie  calls out as she comes into the cafeteria seeing a few VIPs quarreling, Georgie  just inwardly groans.

 Gino came up to her. "I was just trying  to get lunch before I  met you, and then this happened. I don't  know what happened  exactly, something  about the food being cold their mistreating the cafeteria  ladies." Gino says as Georgie rolls her eye

"This feels like high school all over again." Georgie  tells Gino  who just nods. Recalling  what Georgie  was  talking  about, highschool was crazy. 

"Yeah and these are adults twice our age acting like this. Also remember the news people want to see you at twelve" Gino says as Georgie  nods.

"Don't remind me." Georgie  groans before  looking  to the fight and then her friend. "Gino you should go. I got this." Georgie  says as Gino nods quickly  doing  as told as Georgie just briskly  walks to the situation.  "What's  going on  here. " Georgie  asks calmly 

"The food is cold."  The lady whined and Georgie  rolled her eyes. They were standing  right near the kitchen  and it was hot. Georgie  just takes a long breath trying  not to let her 'fiery personality'  shine through,  her Mom had told her something  very similar  to one of the Hamilton songs. Talk less, and smile more." 

"I'm  so sorry. I'll make sure to talk to the workers who made it, but for now let me get you  some warm food." Georgie  says as she goes to the kitchen, and looks at the cafeteria  people. "Give me some hot food please." Georgie  says as they nod, handing  her two trays.

"Here you guys go. Anything  else I can help you with?" Georgie  asks looking  at the time. She really had to go or she'd  be getting  a call from her parents  for being late for an interview.  After getting  her answer she quickly left for outside.


Tessa  groans as she hears her  stepmother  scream out. "Tessa get on here and help us 0get ready for the auditions." Divine yells out. Tessa groans she could pretty  much guarantee that her stepmother  and step sisters were going  to be kicked out and banned from this place.  If Georgie  had any say in it.

"Coming Divine." Tessa calls out as she gets up from her chair in the basement and goes to the upper room. She had fixed the motorcycle as best as she could. She despised having  to help her step family  like this, but she wanted her father's repair shop. She  would have too. She just quickly  goes over at Divine. 

"There you are! Don't  take so long!" Divine tells out as Tessa just sighs. It had only taken her two minute to get up here. The elevator  could only go so fast.

"Yes Divine, I'm  sorry." Tessa says quickly.

"Don't be, just  get to work!" Divine says with her sickening  sweet gake voice that Tessa despises. Tessa just nods, going over to her stepsisters  room.


At lunch Georgie looks at Tessa  and smiles.  "You're  step family will be busy  for a while come on let's  go to the stables. I want to talk to you about  something. " Georgie says all but dragging  Tessa  and their lunches to the stables. Taking the back way so she didn't  have to encounter  the news people again.


Komaan Iris kom ons kry dit klaar: Come on Iris let's get it over with

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