More Likenesses and Friendships

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Georgie wakes up early the next morning   as she grabs her bag and heads out to the stables to feed her animals. Out in the stables she heard humming,but shook her head thinking  it must be the bees. "Good morning  girls how are you, and are you hungry  Georgie  asks the horse and the puppies who whinny and bark in a resolute fact.'' Georgie  just chuckles, Figures Georgie  said in a whisper, leaning  her head into the horse's  strong side.

Here girls, here's  breakfast," Georgie  says as she gets up to leave. The horse just whines in disappointment as Georgie  sighs knowing  exactly  what the horse  wanted. "I want to go to Nova,  but I can't. I have twenty complaints on my desk. My parents are not here to help and if they find out that  you and the pups along with me doing  a side makeup job I'm dead." Georgie  says as Nova just looks at her wistfully. I'll sing you a song, but then I've  really  got to go. I have to set up for a meeting." Georgie says quietly  picking  up the Ukulele  her mom had forced her to take lessons for.

After finishing the song she gets up looking  at Iris. "Iris kom saam met my ek het 'n emosionele ondersteuningsdier nodig" Georgie  says as Iris nods. Georgie just quickly snaps a leash on and sighs walking  , off. Before hearing  Iris growls. 

"It's  just me." Tessa  says looking  around  and then glancing at the dog who was growling. "This place is beautiful, your dog is beautiful. Um-- could  you please make her stop growling?" Tessa asks as Georgie  nod looking at the puppy.

"Iris staan ​​op" Georgie  tells the puppy who nods, but still watches Tessa intently. "Tessa why are you  in here?" Georgie asks as Tessa smiles. 

"I wanted a place that was solitary  and I remembered  you mentioned  this place so I came. Plus I  wanted to meet your family." Georgie just gives a forced smile

"Well this is Iris. She was my grandparent puppy that only  knows my grandparents native  language afrikaans. That's  why she only listens to my commands." Georgie  explains before looking  at Brook "That's Brook she is the oldest of my pups and my friend and I  saved her and her sister when they were like a few weeks old. "Then there's  Pumpkin, she's the youngest and I just adopted her a few weeks before  I  left. You've  already met Nova. "  Georgie  says quickly  before  looking  at  Tessa  than her pup. 

 " I really  have to go. I have a meeting  in 15 minutes. I'll see you around .Iris kom." Georgie  says quickly  speed walking off, iris quickly followed  behind Tessa quickly  runs up beside  her. 

"I heard you talking  to  your animals. I can't  believe you  have all that work to do. When do you ever get a break? Tessa asks as Georgie  laughs  wryly at the questions.

"Not anymore and this is only  the beginning. Next month I officially  start working  with them,  and I'm  despising  the idea Georgie  says bitterly as she looks as Iris whose head was cocked in confusion .

"Why don't  you just leave it. I'm sure your parents  will  understand. Tessa says as Georgie tells her eyes redirecting the question  back to Tessa as she knew Tessa would have  the same answer.

"Because I  have a legacy to protect.  It's  my responsibility to  keep my father's repair shop going, and because Divine  would  most likely  hurt me if I didn't  do as told." Tessa says as Georgie  nods, looking  at her puppy.

"Same here, my grandfather  passed away a year ago right  after he had gotten Iris. He owned a stable. He was the one who taught me to ride. I'm the inheritor  of his stables and of Iris since my parents don't  care about animals at all, but the stable isn't making  a lot of money on it's own and my friends  and I  need something to  keep us afloat.

I  would  get a lot of money for working with my parents, but I  truly want to be a makeup artist. I love the stables, but my friend  has it under control  once I get money to them. It doesn't help that my father  and  mother  made it very clear that I  would  only ever be working for them. If I don't  there are consequences and none of them are good.? Georgie rambles out as Tessa  gapes maybe they were more  alike then Tessa  thought they were.

"I want to be a singer and dancer, but I also want to keep my father's  legacy  alive. You know, maybe you're  right, ons is dieselfde. We're  more the same than I  thought." Tessa says as Georgie  chuckles and nods

"First off you butchered  the pronunciation  of  that sentence,  but close enough. And two we are. You know I can help you with your  dream. Meet me at the stables at eleven sharp tonight. I'll  explain  my ideas then." Georgie  says before looking at her watch. It was almost  time for the meeting.  "Now I  really have to run. See you  tonight Tessa!" Georgie  calls out, running  off with her puppy following behind.

Tessa just chuckles watching the older girl run off; she kind of felt bad for Georgie.  They may come from two completely different sides of the  line, but they had the same struggles. She can't  believe  how happy  Georgia -- no Georgie   looked on TV compared  to how stressed and unhappy she was in real life. Her two step sister were basically fawning over another version  of herself.

She then looked  at the card Georgie  gave her with the time she needed to be at the stables.  She had no idea what Georgie  was planning, but she was curious  to  see. Even though Tessa  had just met the girl she seemed resourceful  and ready for anything.  Plus Tessa  really likes Georgie. She was nice. Maybe her vacation  will go better than she thought. At least she made a new friend  out of all of this. Someone who would actually  understand  what she was talking  about.

That is when Divine starts yelling. "Great" Tessa thought  to herself at least she had something to  look forward  to, and maybe she would  see Georgie  around while working. 


Iris kom saam met my ek het 'n emosionele ondersteuningsdier nodig: Iris is coming with me I need an emotional support animal

staan ​​op: stand down

Kom: come

ons is dieselfde: We're the same.

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