Definitely Not Planned

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"Georgie?" Tessa asks   looking  for her friend  backstage after finishing  up her song she then finds  a note on the mirror saying "meet me in the laundry room." Tessa sighs and starts heading  to her old room quickly  "Georgie!  she calls out not seeing  Georgie  in there before the door slammed  shut and she sees Divine  behind  the door. "Divine." Tessa says in her british accent

"Cheerio, Bella. I knew you smelled like cookies. Did you really think you could get away with this'?" Divine asks and Tessa gulps of course she found  out most of the way through the play. Divine just continues  though? "Athena has the blood of a star running through her veins, and she will take her rightful place. " Divine says as Tessa groans shaking  at her prison door

"Divine, please don't do this.Please don't do this, Divine." Tessa calls out to her step mother but it was no use. 

"Toodle-oo." Divine says  but before  leaving snatches Tessa's wig. Then she leaves. Tessa just shakes at the door harder. Of course it didn't  work. She was so stupid Georgie  wouldn't  tell her to come here. She was always either in the makeup  trailer or backstage.

"Divine, no. No, no, no! Divine, please! Divine, please! Can someone hear me!" Tessa calls out before groaning. "Come on, think, Tessa, think." Tessa mutters before  getting  an idea she just hoped would work. She whistled the whistle that Georgie always used to call her horse. It usually  brought  along most of Georgie's  faithful  dogs.

Georgie, you're friend with Tessa.  So is Tessa all right? She's not answering my calls or texts" Reed says as Georgie  rolls her eyes grabbing a bit more powder

If you really care, why don't you ask Freddy?" Georgie  says with a sass as she leaves Reed she wasn't  upset at him per se, but she was upset at his manager  for doing  what he did to Tessa.

Her walking  and thinking  was cut off when she heard yelling  from the theater. "kak" Georgie  curses under her breath as her three friends come walking  out briskly looking  at Georgie.

"G, something  is going  on. Bella is missing and there's  a whole lot of yelling.  This show will be ruined if we don't  do something." Lily 

Georgie  quickly  looks around  trying  not to freak out as her parents  were right up front. She would be in so much more trouble if she messed this up. "Alright , I have no idea where Tessa or Reed are, time  for plan B. You two get up on the stage and start doing  what you do best improv."  Georgie  says both of her friends stared at her in shock before  nodding knowing  Georgie knew what she was doing  and they did know the lines.

Georgie  must have known something like this was coming. After they went over Georgie  quickly  used her walkie talkie. "Gino bring security and get Divine Athena and Olympia out of here please." Georgie  says before  looking  at Iris. "Iris vind Tessa." Georgie  told the pup who nods, looking  at her worriedly  as she smells the air. 


Tessa hears scampering  from down the hall and sees a clumsy white ball of fluff come to her and cock her head in confusion, the black and brown Yorkie  following  behind. "Pumpkin, Brook I've  never been so happy to see you. Listen, I'm  locked in. I need someone's  help to get out. Can you find Georgie?" Tessa asks as both nods, Brook running  off quickly, while Pumpkin  opts to stay with Tessa, squeezing through the hole. 

Iris leads the way, running  through  the halls as Georgie  follows. That is before  Iris skids to a stop at seeing Brook. "Tessa needs help  follow me and hurry." Brook barks out and Georgie  seems to get the memo. 

"Good girl Tiny show." Georgie  says with urgency as Brook nods, running  to the laundry  room. Where Georgie  sees Tessa. "Tessa, what the heck are you doing  in there." Georgie  says as Tessa  sighs.

"Long story, but Divine is trying to sabotage the show I need to get out  of here now." Tessa says quickly  as Georgie  nods, grabbing  Brooks' bow. Brook just barks in disdain as Georgie tries to unlock the door.

"It's  jammed,  hold on a minute  Tessa. I'll  get you out." Georgie  says grabbing  her scarf, and trying it securely  around  the knob. "Alright  girls, on my count pull as hard as you can. In three, two, one." Georgie  says and she and the puppies pull as hard as they can, finally  unjamming the door. "Good girls. Now come on Tess let's  get you back out there." Georgie  says as Tessa gulps.

"But I don't  have my wig. If I go on again, my stepmother  will take away my dad's shop, and what about Reed?" Tessa questions  as Georgie  rolls her eyes 

"She probably  already  will, and Tessa you started the show you  need to finish it. You can do this. I believe in you now, believe  in yourself, plus I'm  pretty sure your step family  are stuck with security now." Georgie  says as Tessa sighs and nods hugging Georgie  who smiles and hears back to the stage.


Thank you again Georgie  for everything " Tessa says as Georgie  nods.

"How can I help?" Gino whispers to Lily Ethan who were struggling on acting as now they did not have the two evil stepsisters in the play. 

"Honestly  don't  know Gino, we weren't  planning  on improv today. Where is Reed.  What's  taking  him and Georgie  so long? We need Bella back now. Wait ,play the advisor now" Lily whispers before  continuing  talking to the crowd. As Gino nods, getting  what Lily meant as they tried their best despite  the screaming that was still going  on as security   was still trying  to get Divine  and her daughter  out of here. That's before  they heard Reed because  his microphone  was still on.

The three gave up because there was too much going  on and finally  decided it wasn't worth the trouble as this show was already going  terribly, and decided to listen.

"What are you doing? I need you out there." Freddie  says in a rush as Reed groans

"First tell me what you said to Tessa. Georgie  told me you had something  to do with this." Reed told his advisor

-"Tessa? Reed, the show's a mess. I can't find Bella…" Freddie  says as Reed looks out seeing  Georgie  friends struggling  but knowing  they could hold out for a few more minutes. 

"I'm not going back out until you tell me what you said to Tessa" Teed says no nonsense in his tone as he glares at Freddie 

"Okay, I may have said something about you
and Harper getting engaged. That's all." Freddie says as Reed groans

"Oh. Why, Freddy? Why would you say that to Tessa?" Reed asks very upset before  Ethan solemnly  opens the door

Guys if you want our help then cover your mics!  Everyone  can hear you." Ethan says as Reed and Freddie nod as Ethan  continues  to work.

"Reed, I did It for you… Freddy started, but Reed stops him

"Look, I know you mean well, Freddy, but you do not get to make those calls for me! Harper's just a friend. I don't like her that way." Reed says as Freddie looks at him in confusion

"Tessa, I mean she's sweet, but what's the big deal?" Freddie asks as Reed lets out an annoyed huff

"The big deal is, for the first time In my life, I think I'm In love.'' Reed forgets to cover his mic and all goes silent. This day was definitely  not going  as planned.

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