Disguises and A Close Call.

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"What are you doing? Tessa asks as Georgie  just smiles. She had stayed up most of the night going through  how she could  help Tessa out, and came up with a plan. The worst case scenario  was that this wasn't  going  to work, but Georgie  believed it would, and if not she would just buy Tessa's  Dad repair shop out from under Divine. It would  be easy enough  to do. She hadn't known Divine for very long, but she knew the lady was just looking  for money. But that was only  if everything  went awry. Which Georgie  doubt would happen.

 "Like I  said, I have an idea. On how to achieve your dream." Georgie  says as Tessa  looks at Georgie  in confusion and interest. I love doing  makeup, what if I  disguise  you,  and then you can audition your step mother would  never find out!" Georgie  says as Tessa looks at Georgie. Tessa felt like Georgie had a plan, but Tessa  was doubtful Divine  seemed to know everything.

"Georgie, I  don't  doubt  that you're an amazing makeup artist, but this will never work." Tessa says as Georgie's yorkie popped up. 

"Then you obviously don't  know Georgie.  If she can disguise me and Rascal  as kittens.  She can definitely  make this work!" Brook barked out as she believed in Georgie  and knew  she had experience in the field of Georgie  disguises. Georgie  just chuckles at the pup's random outburst knowing exactly  what she was thinking  about. 

"It will Tessa  trust me on this!"  Georgie  says calmly she had confidently in her eyes, and Tessa  immediately  knew it was worth  a try.

 "Okay I'll give it a shot." Tessa says as Georgie  smiles looking  at Iris. Iris looks around  for a moment  before sitting  at attention  waiting for a command. Georgie  just quickly  translates  the words in her mind before  speaking  to the dog.

"Iris kry my tas asseblief vir my" Georgie  calls out as Iris nods running over to the edge of the stable dragging  Georgie bag over. Leaving it at Georgie's side. Georgie  quickly  took out what she needed.

"I'm  not even going  to ask why you have all that material  in your  bag. When you're  not an actual makeup artist." Tessa says as Georgie  smiles rolling her eyes fondly  at the thought  of her best friend who was the one who got her into  makeup.

"My friend wanted to be an actress so when we were younger her boyfriend and I wanted to keep her from breaking  her neck. So we acted like we were in a play, so I  always had costumes and stuff in my bag. I still carry it around.  It's  a habit now I  guess." Georgie  explains  while trying  to figure out which look would look best as Tessa's disguise. Then she got it. "Alright  Tessa, hold still this will only take a few minutes." Georgie  says quickly  getting to  work.


"And done!" Georgie  says putting her makeup pallet down and inspecting her work. She then looks to her animals since her best friends weren't  here to criticize like they usually  were." The animals  just bark and whinny happily. Georgie just smiles happily, handing  Tessa  a mirror. Tessa just gaped.

"Georgie, your makeup brushes are  like magic  wands!" Tessa exclaims as she looked completely  different. She didn't  even recognize  herself. Georgie  just smiles happily  at her work.

"Great, now come on, let's go try it out. I'm  sure  no one will figure  it out,  but let's  be sure. Plus auditions have already started so let's  go." Georgie  says, but Tessa  stops when she thinks about  something  else that would  be a roadblock.

"Again, your makeup brushes are like magic  wands, but I  can't  do it. My step family would  instantly know it was me." Tessa rambles out as Georgie rolls her eyes at the girl who was overthinking  everything. 

"Then disguise  your voice, it's not that hard now, come on!  Georgie  says as Tessa sighs, but follows Georgie  this time Iris follows right  beside her.


"Trust me Tessa if Gino didn't  recognize  you then nobody will. Gino had to put up with me changing Lily's identity  everyday for three years in highschool  he knew my handiwork. " Georgie  tries to reassure Tessa  who was standing at the edge of the audition waiting area. 

"Alright,  I'm  going to do this. Tessa says unconvincingly  and  Georgie  Immediately  knew she needed to get Tessa out there.

"Tess go!" Georgie  says, slightly  pushing her friend who nods and walks out. Georgie  stands there for a minute  before  walking  out to Tessa  seeing  how tense she was, and she didn't  want anyone to get suspicious. Plus she had to be in the room for auditions  anyways to make sure everyone  was  respecting protocols. 

"Hey don't worry about  it friend, you'll  do great. I'll  see  you  in there since I  have to make sure no one sets the stage on fire Georgie. Speaking  of  auditions, I need to get  in there." Georgie  says before  nudging  Tessa  and going  inside to sit down in one of the chairs Iris sitting right beside her..


Tessa gulps nervously as Georgie  left she knew Georgie  had work to do too, but she wished Georgie  had  stayed so that she didn't  totally  blow this so she stayed away from most everyone, but of course  Divine  noticed her.

"Young lady, are you a VIP guest? I didn't see you at the brunch." Divine says making  Tessa  freeze up trying to  think what to say and what kind of accent  she should have  after a minute  she quickly answered 

Um… the trolley broke." Tessa says in a horrible British accent. She hoped that sounded real enough, but she had no idea.

"The trolley?" Divine questions  her. Tessa sighs. Divine was already  onto her; she had to get her off the trail somehow.  She just didn't  know  how 

"Yes, it's a bloody shame." Tessa says as Divine squinted her eyes observing  Tessa 

"I know you from somewhere." Divine says. Tessa just shook her head. Keeping the act on although  she had no idea how long it was going  to  last.

"No, um, I don't think so." Tessa replies  now she really wished Georgie was around  to help her out. That's  when Iris  came out of the stage as she had gotten  bored and came out to see Tessa. She instantly  saw and felt that she was in trouble and got an idea. 

Iris quickly chewed on Divine's purse. Which tasted terribly,  but if it could  get Tessa  out of this she was willing  to. Divine just quickly glaring  at the puppy. "Who's  dog is this?" Divine asks as Iris looks to Tessa  who quickly  gets the idea the puppy had. 

"That's  my puppy. I'm so sorry about  that, Iris af." Tessa says hoping she didn't  butcher the pronunciation  of the word.  Iris just let's go of the bag and went over to Tessa. Divine huffed and walked away  as it was their turn anyways.  Tessa just  looks to the puppy in relief. 

"I have no idea if you  can actually  understand  me, but Thank you and that was very good timing. I was about  to blow it. Tessa says as Iris wags her tail. "You're  such a good dog, and I'm sorry  if I  I butchered  the command as you already know I  don't speak afrikaans." Tessa says as the puppy nods before  noticing  it was her turn. Go on Iris  go back to Georgie  I've  got to go audition. Tessa says as Iris nods running  back to Georgie. 

Tessa Just sighs. Here goes  nothing 


Iris kry my tas asseblief vir my: iris please get my bag for me

Af: off

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