The Start Of Craziness

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The next morning  Tessa woke up to see Georgie  going  through a stack of paperwork muttering  to herself in  her other language. She was already dressed in a t shirt and some jeans. "Good morning  Georgie, you're up early." Tessa says, causing  Georgie  to pull her earphones, putting them down.

"Good morning  Tessa, sleep well? Georgie  asks not glancing  away from the paper she was working  on.  She threw all of them in the trash. 

"Yeah, how long have you  been up Tessa asks Georgie  who looks at her watch before her walkie talkie goes off. 

"What's  up, Georgie  questions as she hears Reed's  voice from the device. 

"Hey, G just a reminder  we need you in make up in fifteen.  Also do you know a girl named Tessa? The motorcycle broke again and she's  the only one who knows how to fix it." Reed says as Georgie  laughs .

"Yeah, I know Tessa, and I'll  be there as soon as I handle some paperwork." Georgie says through the  walkie talkie. As she packs her horse bag up with all her makeup  stuff. Georgie  says as she looks at Tessa. "Alright  Bella, let's  get you ready for rehearsal." Georgie  says grabbing her stuff as Tessa  nods.


After getting  Tessa,  no Bella  ready Georgie  just briskly  walks to the makeup room  where everyone  was standing, Freddie just looks to her. "Good you're here. I left the makeup pamphlet on the desk." Freddie says as Georgie  rolls her eyes,.

"Okay I'll  look at it. That is if I can even get through." Georgie  says to herself as she pushes  past everyone  waiting for their  makeup  to get done. She internally groans, seeing Divine's daughters right at front. They had definitely  gotten the right role for this play.

"Come on in , Georgie  says making sure her hoodie was on and letting her thick accent  flow in. Tessa says these sisters idolized her,  and she didn't  want them to be bugging her all the time or getting  her in trouble. She did not want the consequences  if her parents  found out.

Georgie  just cursed under her breath after getting  done with Olympia and Athena. She did not know how Tessa  dealt with this all day every day. She could barely  deal with  Lily somedays like one of her stable sign said she loves horses and only tolerates  people.


Tessa sighs, getting  on stage as her counterpart Bella. Today they were just receiving scripts to practice; tomorrow  was when the real practice  began. Tessa looks over the script carefully, Iris  right beside her with her head on Tessa's  lap. Everyone  was  busy except Divine  who decided  it  was time to call Tessa  for the first time that day. 

"Tessa come here,'' her stepmother  called out  loud enough  for both Tessa and Georgie to  hear it. Silently  Bella Snow left for makeup. Georgie  was already  set up and ready  to go. It only  took a moment  for Georgie  to clean the makeup  off. 

"Alright  Tess, I have press in an hour so you're  going  to have to stay as one person or another  then because  I'll  be busy informing  everyone  what's  going  on right now." Georgie  says as Tessa nods.

"Alright  I'll come back probably  right before  then to become Bella  again." Tessa says running  out as Georgie  sighs locking  the door and getting  into a dress her mother and father would  freak if they saw her in her sweatshirt  and jeans. She then pets Brook  who she had sneaked in since Iris was working  with Bella.

Afterwards she goes backstage to make sure nothing  was going  on and no one was murdering  each other.


Tessa helps her stepmother  brush Sparkles  when a letter is delivered  to them addressed to her. Divine just  instantly  snatches it. She read it out loud. "Reed West requests the company of… no!"

"What is it? What's wrong?" Tessa asks in confusion. She didn't  understand  what  was wrong.

"You! Why does he want to see you?" Divine  questions  Tessa  who looks at Divine in confusion. That's  when she remembers  the call on the walkie talkie  earlier that morning.  He must still need her to fix the motorcycle.
"I saw you at Reed's announcement, making gooey eyes at him." Divine says as Tessa tries not to roll her eyes

"No, that's…" Tessa starts, but Divine cuts her off instantly  making  Tessa  quietly groan she never got to finish  her sentences  around  Divine.

"You plucked your eyebrows for him,didn't you?" Divine questions grabbing Tessa's  chin Tessa just shook her head. 

"No, I didn't. I didn't. It's just a big misunderstanding. " Tessa says she really hoped it was anyways. She was only  a little doubtful  she had been doing so well so far, but they could  know it was her.

"Well, we'll find out, shall we come with me." Divine says as she grabs Tessa's hand and they go to see Reed.  Tessa's  nervousness  just continued to rise. 


"Reed West? I have Tessa here. You wanted to see her?" Georgie  heard Divine  call out, causing  Georgie  to peek out from backstage. She and Tessa  just both exchange a glance. Before turning  back to the task at hand.

"Oh, yes, been trying to track you down." Reed says again both Georgie  and Tessa  look at one another.  Georgie  giving Tessa  a reassuring  smile. Although  the way he phrased it did not ease either girls nerves.

"Why would you want to see her?" Divine asks rudely as Tessa sighs. Divine  was even rude to Reed  West… 

"Why, I just need your help. The show kind of depends on it. The mechanic said you were the one who got the motorcycle started yesterday?" Reed asks trying  to get through  his question before  Divine  would start talking  again.

"Yeah, Yeah, I did." Tessa says, giving a quiet sigh in relief and seeing that Georgie  looked a lot less tense as well, and Georgie left probably for whatever press meeting she had.

"I'm sorry for mistaking you for a dude." Reed says as Tessa gives a small smile.

"It's okay." Tessa says quietly  as she has a huge crush on Reed. She was also still relieved  that no one figured out about her secret.

 "Well, there's... there's a little clunking noise
coming from the motorcycle." Reed  says as Tessa nods, listening  to what he has to say. She knew a lot about  motorcycles. Tessa didn't  know exactly  what Reed  was talking about  since he didn't  seem to know a lot about motorcycles. 

"Yeah, I think I know what you're talking  about. Tessa says thinking  about how Reed describes the sound. 

Well, we just need to get It fixed, If we can. Otherwise, Cinderella won't have a pumpkin carriage." Reed says as Tessa nods she would love to try and fix it repairing  cars was her job, and if gave her another excuse  to stay away from her step family 

"I can try." Tessa says as Reed  nods. After a few minutes  of talking  and her stepmother insisting that her stepsisters  got a second audition. Freddie sets up  a spot for Tessa  to  work. So Tessa  quickly  got to work, glad to be out of her stepmother  clutches for a while. She just  hoped Georgie  would come back soon so she can switch persona.

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