Old Friends and New Friends

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Here's part three of this story💖

Tessa sighs as she escapes to the cool air. She was so embarrassed  about  earlier today. The owner's  daughter  had to chew out her stepmother.  A girl who was on TV  a lot and seemed to have the perfect life. And that Olympia and Athena thought was perfect. It clicked after it happened. She wished she had gotten to apologize to the girl.

Tessa just looks at the blue ocean. This place was beautiful. It would be an amazing  place to vacation. If she didn't  have her step family  with her. It was so peaceful  out here instead of her sleeping  place and this is the only time of day she could  truly  be herself. She started to hum to herself as the waves quietly  lap over each other.

Georgie  quietly  sings a lullaby to her pups, so they would  sleep. After they were asleep Georgie  sighs looking  at her horse. Her parents  car had broken down so she didn't  have to worry about them for right now. "Come on Nova, let's  go for a ride." Georgie says quickly putting her hair in a messy ponytail before  mounting  her horse, not even bothering putting  the tack on and just placing  a saddle blanket on the horse. 

"Alright  Nova ya!" Georgie  says gripping  onto the horse's mane. Nova just whinnies happily. And runs through the  sand of the beach. Georgie smiles as Nova goes steadily  on before  getting  an idea. "Nova steady." Georgie says  carefully  standing  on the horse's  back. Georgie  stays balanced  watching  the waves.

"I love this place,yet I hate it so much. This is just part of what I'll be taking  care of once I inherit  this place." Georgie  murmurs before  sitting  on her horse right. That is before  her horse rears up stopping in her tracks. "Nova what was that for?" Georgie  asks, holding  on as tightly  as she could without  hurting  Nova.

Before seeing a slightly  younger girl in front of her that she recognizes from that morning. She quickly dismounted  the horse. "What are you doing  out here so late?" Georgie  asks questioningly.

Oh um-- hi, I'm um-- just admiring  the ocean. How about you? What are you  doing  riding  a horse this late." Tessa  questions as Georgie just sighs, grabbing her horse's rope lead.

"Just getting away from my responsibilities  for a little  while." Georgie  says quietly. "I'm  Georgie  by the way, and this loyal horse of mine is Nova. What's  your  name?" Georgie  asks quietly. 

"Wait you're  Georgia McCall, you're the one that confronted  my stepmother. What are you  doing  riding  a horse when you have such a nice car." Tessa asks as Georgie rolls her eyes and chuckles. 

"Please, just call me Georgie. I actually  despise being called Georgia.  And because  my horse is way more reliable  then some car that could  break down at any time. May I  ask what your name is?" Georgie  asks.

"I'm  Tessa Golding, I'm basically  an indentured servant and I'm  so sorry for what my stepmother  did earlier." Tessa rambles out as Georgie  just laughs.

"It's fine I'm used to yelling, and as you  know  I'm the daughter of the  people who own this place." Georgie  says, casting a look at the big resort and then looking  at Tessa, "You have bigger dreams though don't  you Tessa?" Georgie  asks as Tessa looks at her in bewilderment.

"Yes, of course how do you know that Tessa  asks cautiously as Georgie looked at her in confusion  before  realizing that Tessa  didn't  know  she was an empath.

"Oh I'm an empath, it means I can feel others people feelings.,and I can feel that we're  a lot alike." Georgie  says as Tessa looks in confusion. 

"How you probably have everything you've  ever wanted while I have to work super hard to keep my father's repair shop. We're  totally  different." Tessa  asks Georgie, sighs.

"Life isn't  what they make it look like on the news, Tessa. I am forced to do just as much work as you do. We both crave freedom. We're  more alike than you think. Ons is dieselfde, we're the same." Georgie  says as Tessa rolls her eyes there was no way she was going  to believe  that. She was probably just as spoiled as her step sisters were. She then heard a mutter from the slightly  older girl."Nova gaan asseblief terug stalle toe." The older girl muttered out as the horse whinnied and trots off toward the stables.

Tessa cocks an eyebrow as she didn't  understand what the girl had said. "What did you say?'' she questions  as Georgie  rolls her eyes. No one knew her language in  this day. 

"I asked Nova  to go to the stables please." Georgie says as she looks to where the stable is. "I know we've  just met, but why don't you  come to the stables with me and you can meet the rest of my family." Georgie  says as Tessa shakes her head no as she didn't  trust Georgie.  Although  Georgie  was just trying to be friendly.

"No thanks, it's  getting  late and I  want to get some sleep. I'll  see you around Georgia. " Tessa  says as Georgie  rolls her eyes before  hearing  a familiar  voice call out.

"Georgia, it's Reed West. My advisor and I want to see you." Reed calls out as Georgie smiles as she hadn't  seen Reed since she was fifteen.  He was just starting  his music career  back then.

Georgie  quickly  goes inside making sure to flatten her dress she was wearing. "Hi Georgie it's  good to see you  again. Reed says as Georgie  nods curtly. 

"Hiya Reed, looks like  you finally got your job in line." Georgie says playfully  as Reed  rolls her eyes. 

"I see your fiery spirit hasn't  disappeared."  Reed says playfully  to the other young adult who smiles. "What Freddie and I  came to ask you  is if you are still into that makeup artist stuff, because ours just quit on us. By the way the VIPs act, it will be a tough gig." Reed says as Georgie  looks at him with interest, but then looks at her parents  room in fear. They would  kill her if they found out."

"First off you literally ran into my huge as heck horse that's  why I  was fiery the first time. Second  off Reed, you know my parents  would get me for doing  something  like that, and I'll  have to deal with those VIP people enough with being  who I  am already. My mom and dad's car broke down. I'm the only one here to keep everything in one piece which is going  to be a lot of work anyways. I already had to get on one of the VIPs for badmouthing  one of the workers. " Georgie  says as Reed looks at her. 

Please Georgie we're desperate." Reed says as Georgie sighs. Georgia's parents  weren't  going to stop her, and she was a risk taker.

"Okay fine, but on the condition that my parents  never, ever find out." Georgie  says as Reed nods. 

"Yes, of course goodnight  Georgie  Reed  says as Georgie leaves to her room. Where a stack of papers lying on her bed. This was going to be a long night. She reads over the first one with a groan. She was definitely  going  to have to call a meeting in the morning. These VIPs were brutal  and it had only been a day. "Hoekom ek, hoekom ek." Georgie says under her breath.

Ons is dieselfde: We're  the same

Nova gaan asseblief terug stalle toe: Nova go back to the stables  please

Hoekom ek: why me

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