The Show Begins

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"Gosh, I miss you, I wish you were here, Dad. Well, not exactly here.Now, what would you do if you were me?" Tessa asks the photo of her father lying alone while Georgie  was still talking  to  her friends. She knew her father would want her to follow her dreams like he did, but she would lose her dad's repair shop if she did.  She sighs though Georgie  and her friend were right, this was her big chance she had to take it.

At that moment  Georgie  comes in with her headphones on and two puppies  follow. Georgie  just gives a smile  before  sitting  down on her bed opening  her locket and looking  at the pictures in it. Letting  out a sigh of content before  taking  her headphones  off. 

"Georgie  I hope you're ready to be busy tomorrow,because  we're doing this." Tessa says as Georgie nods happily she was glad Tessa came back around. 

"We better get some sleep then, good night Tess." Georgie  says as Tessa nods, lying on the bed beside her friend's bed, eventually  falling  asleep.


Tessa wakes up to no Georgie  and sighs getting  ready for the day. The play started this afternoon and Tessa  was very nervous for this. She just heads to breakfast hoping  Georgie  would be there to calm her. Sure enough Georgie  and her friends were sitting  at the corner talking  in hushed whispers.

"Hey guys, got room for one more?" Tessa asks as the three friends nod their silent conversation  ending awkwardly. 

"Good morning  Tessa, are you ready for today?" Georgie  asks as Tessa goes, buys nods.

"Yeah, I'm just very nervous  about  this afternoon." Tessa says as Georgie  nods in understanding  but instantly  lets  Lily take the lead as she was chomping  on the bit and was an actual theater actress.

"Don't  worry Tessa, you'll  be fine. I get the feeling I remember  my first play, it was the most nerve racking thing ever. Georgie  can get you, she had to fix my makeup six times…" Lily  says as Tessa smiles at the attempt to make her less nervous.

"It was more like seven or eight times and I remember  hating  that. But Lily's  right, it's  nothing  to worry  about, everyone gets nervous,but you'll  do great, I believe  in you." Georgie  says as Lily and Ethan nod.

"We believe in you too!" Lily and Ethan says as Tessa smiles anymore  Georgie's friends were a bit rowdy, but she could see why  Georgie  kept them around. They were really nice and supportive.

"Thank you guys so much.I really needed that." Tessa says as Georgie  nods in understanding  looking  at her  friends who smiles and look at her clock. 

"No problem for you Tess,  now come on let's  get you ready. Lily do you have any more  of those color contacts or do I  need to contact  Gino?" " Georgie  asks as Lily  grabs a  a plastic box handing it to her.

"Here ya go. Good luck Tessa we'll be watching" Lily says as she and Ethan head out of the room. "Meet you at the show G" Lily says as Georgie  nods, getting ready for the day ahead.


"Okay you're looking  good." Georgie  says kindly finishing  up her makeup  work. "You can do this Tessa." Georgie  says as Tessa nods.

"Your right, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this…." Tessa started murmuring  to herself in her horrible  British accent  as Georgie  just smiled and interrupted  as she still had tons of people to do makeup on.

"Yes, you can now go. I still have quite a few people  to do makeup on including your step family." Georgie  says as Tessa nods nervously, walking  out of the makeup  trailer almost  bumping  into Gino.

"I'm  so sorry." Tessa starts as Gino just smiles waving it off.

"It's  fine Georgie shoves me all the time on purpose so I'm used to it." Gino says as Tessa just smiles in relief as she starts heading to the theater with a gulp. She had to face Reed  even though she really didn't  want to.

"So do you have a crush on my friend?" Tessa asks as Gino nods no need to hide it, as everyone  seemed to know  except  for Georgie  herself. 

"Yeah, yeah I have for quite a while. Anyways I have to go clean up  before   the show. Good luck Bella." Gino says with a smile before  rushing off, and Tessa  sighs everyone  was so busy today. 


Tessa sighs after finishing  the first part of the play. Georgie  was behind the scenes giving her an encouraging  looks when not being  busy. Tessa could hear the people  cheering  as Georgie  gave her a touch up

"Well done, Bell. You are doing  so well." Georgie  says as Tessa nods and sighs, petting  Iris as they were. "What's up?" Georgie asks as Tessa sighs again 

"It's just... It's hard to be Cinderella when I know my Prince Charming is in love with someone else." Tessa says as Georgie  just grabs one of the elastic shooting  it at Tessa. "Hey what was that for?" Tessa asks

"Get a grip, and focus on what's important."  Georgie  says as Tessa nods. Georgie  was right as usual  and although  she had a unique way of showing  it.

"Yeah, you're right." Tessa nods letting  out a breath as Georgie  gently  hugs her trying  not  to mess up the makeup.

"Go back out there, and show them who you are, okay?" Georgie says as Tessa nods, petting  Iris again as she gets ready for the next scenes.

 "Okay." Tessa says releasing  a breath as she gets up nervously "Let's go. Okay I can do this." Tessa says as Georgie  rolls her eyes. She pushes Tessa lightly  with a slightly  annoyed loo

"Just go you'll  be fine , I have to check on my family and my friends  then I'll  be right back okay. " Georgie  asks as Tessa nods  in understanding. She pets Iris one last time before  going back out on stage.

"Okay…" the show continues. 

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