Friends In High Places

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"Hey E, you're going  to totally hate me for this, But do you remember  how to get documents  from another computer  onto my laptop?" Georgie  asks as she quickly hears Ethan pacing around.

"You mean hacking?  It's  literally  your mom and dad's  resort. You probably  have every important  documents around in your room." Ethan says as Georgie  rolls her eyes.

"All the papers I've  been getting  are complaints.  These guests are nastier than you used to be Ethan  and that says something." Georgie  says as she immediately  feels Ethan tense. 

Alright fine, but what's the reason that we need to do this?" Ethan asked  as Georgie  looks back to the room.

"I've  met a girl, her name is Tessa, and she's  a modern day  Cinderella.  I really want to make her dream come true, but you know how bad I  am with computers, I was too busy making  sure  Lily  didn't kill herself, and I  never was good with computers." Georgie  explains as Ethan  chuckles. 

I know you aren't.  If you know the password  to main computer  I  should be able to access it from my laptop and do it easy peasy." Ethan says quickly grabbing his laptop from his bag as Georgie  looks up the password  that was on her phone.

"Try jenna2253." Georgie  says quietly  as Ethan nods as he gets in through  his laptop.

"Ok I'm  in now I'm looking  for the  VIP  list and editing to add-- what name am I  adding  exactly? " Ethan asks as Georgie  thinks quickly  trying  to figure out a good cover name.

"Um Bella-- Bella Snow." Georgie  says as that was the best she had thought  of. Ethan just chuckles as he adds the name.

"Does your new friend  know how deep of waters this could  get you in?" Ethan asks as Georgie  rolls her eyes. 

"No and she's  not  going  to. My parents  say they are coming  in two days from now. But by then we should  know what were doing  and they'll  never figure it out," Georgie  says unconvincingly. She knew how much trouble  she would  be in, but she was willing  to  risk it all. Her grandfather  always taught her if there was someone who needed help. Help them. As long as it wasn't  against  the law.

"You obviously  know the consequences.  I just figured I  warned ya, and the list has been printed. We're  good Georgie. Anything  else  you  need before I  go '' Ethan asks as Georgie  nods, "Yeah, tell Lily we're  going to have a serious talk about the stables and my grandfather's legacy. I have no idea when I'll  be able to talk between makeup work, and helping my friend,but we'll figure it out. Bye Ethan  I've got to go." Georgie  says before  hanging up and heading  back to her room.

"Alright Tessa  the whole VIP thing was taken care of. Your cover name  is  Bella Snow." Georgie  says as Tessa looks at her in surprise.  

"How did you do that so quickly?"  Tessa asks questioningly as Georgie  just smirks. 

"Again I've  got friends  in high places. I got one of them to help me, and got your  name on the registry." Georgie  explains as Tessa  smiles.

"Thank you." She says before  getting  another question. "Why do you hate being your parents' heir to their business? At least you have a sure path ahead of you." Tessa  says as gently pulls open her bag taking a picture putting  it on the nightstand. 

"Again it's  just not who I  am, I want to respect my oupa's culture and the way he lived. He taught  me everything  that I  love the most. While my parents are forgetting  where they came from and I  don't  like it. Plus they're only nice when it's  someone important. For the truth they're just toxic to be around all the time. 

They don't  accept anything  I  do and apparently  I'm  never good enough. So yeah that's  why I  want to get out of the business there. I want to be able to help people like my grandfather  did, and to do makeup for part of my living. " Georgie  explains as she looks at the picture of her grandpa, Lily and herself along with their horses.

"Really?  your parents  sound kind of like Divine." Tessa says as Georgie  nods. There were some similarities.

"There are some similarities, now I think I'm  going  to  go for a ride. Do you want to come with me?" Georgie  asks as Tessa shook her head no. 

"The minute  I  leave Divine is going  to need me. Plus your horse scares me." Tessa admits as Georgie  laughs. Nova was pretty intimidating  when she wanted to.

"Alright,  do you need anything  before I  go?" Georgie asks as Tessa shook her head.

"No I'm good, thank you Georgie  for everything. Tessa says as Georgie nods.

"Alright Tess  see you  tonight. Georgie says as she goes outside ¹whistling for her horse who instantly  galloped over. The horse didn't  even  ¹stop as Georgie  aimed and grabbed onto the horse which instantly  took her away. Tessa just watches in amazement.  Georgie's riding skills were amazing.  That's when she heard Divine call her name and groan as she goes to the elevator outside  her room


"Yes Divine." Tessa asks as she looks at her stepmother.

"Tessa there you are! We're  going  out and we need someone to watch Sparkles Divine  says throwing the dead stuffed dog  at Tessa. Before  walking  out with Olympia  and Athena  following. Tessa just sighs as she goes to the stables once making  sure Divine is gone.


There she sees Georgie  sitting  in one of the stalls reading with her three pets beside her. The three pups look up instantly  knowing  the dead stuffed  animal of their kind and the two younger ones back away slowly.  Georgie smiles, Hey Tess." She says before  looking  at her startled pups. "Pups you know Tessa why are you  acting  like that? Georgie  asks as Brook and Pumpkin look at Georgie. 

"Because  she has a dead stuffed dog, and that's just so, so wrong!" Pumpkin  whimpers as Iris looks at Pumpkin  and Brook reassuringly. 

"Jonger suster, it might not be hers she has an evil stepmother  that makes her do stuff. I think Tessa's  just watching it." Iris says as the two puppies nod. That's when Georgie  noticed the white pomeranian.  That's why she has been getting  so many complaints from VIPs and workers alike.

"Tessa, is that a real dog?" Georgie  asks cautiously as Tessa  just groans and nods looking at the dead stuffed  dog.

"Yes, but she's  not mine she's  Divine's trust  me I  think stuffing  an animal is so wrong. " Tessa says as Georgie  sighs looking at the white dead dog. It looked like Divine had just gotten her second strike. 

Oupa: Grandpa

Jonger suster: Younger  sister

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