
17 2 1

Well this is the end of this story. Thanks to all who have read this whole AU story it means a lot to me to know you read and enjoyed it. As always I have a few chapters and scenes that sadly did not make it into this so I'll be posting them in my extra chapter book so keep an eye out for those. I appreciate y'all so much enjoy 💖

"And done Georgie says with a huff of satisfaction as her horse let her sit back down on it." Georgie and Gino had been coming to Tessa's repair shop since they had bought it off Divine. Which was nearly two months ago. Reed of course knew about this and they were in town. So Georgie could give it back to Tessa after repairs were made.

Today was also the grand reopening of her grandfather's stables and she was thrilled as that is where Lily and Ethan were right now and when they called it was busy.

""Is that everything?" Gino asks as Georgie nods picking up the border collie puppy that was following her boyfriend faithfully. They had gotten Anathi as a herding competition dog like her grandfathers old dog was

"I am Margaret with Channel 34 News Today is officially the grand reopening of the stables. That everyone here used to know and love, and it's better than ever. Thanks to Georgia McCall. Tell me Georgia what made you want to reopen the stables." Tessa heard from the TV. She smiled knowing Georgie was right where she wanted to be.

"Well my grandfather started this stable around forty years ago, and after his death it kind of went downhill. I was raised in this stable, and it was given to me to take care of. I knew I had to carry on his legacy, and that's what me and my friends plan to do." Georgie says as Tessa smiles at her friend's confidence as she speaks.

"I see Georgie got her happily ever after." Reed says with a smile as Tessa nods. They had both achieved their dreams. She may have lost her repair shop for it, but it was okay she was free.

"Yeah, I guess we both finally got our happily ever after." Tessa says before seeing Reed smile.

"Not quite, we have a surprise for you." Reed told Tessa to look at him in confusion. She had no idea what Reed was talking about. "Come on, I have something to show you." Reed says Tessa just nods in confusion.

They drove for a bit before Tessa recognized where they were going. "Wait, are we going to my old repair shop?" Tessa asks as Reed nods. Tessa just looks in confusion the last time she heard the building had sold a month ago. "Why are we here?" Tessa asks as Reed smiles.

"I was supposed to keep it a secret until tomorrow, but it's yours. We bought it back" Reed told Tessa, who looked at him in shock.

"Who's we?" Tessa asks as Reed chuckles. Looking over to the repair shop and whistling. Tessa saw a dog she immediately recognized and smiled. "Iris."
she says with a smile as the pup wags its tail happily at seeing her friend.

That's when Georgie trots up on dark bronze horse Gino behind her. Tessa just smiles happily going over to where her best friend was. "Georgie, what are you doing here? You were just on the news." Tessa says, causing Georgie to laugh.

They recorded that earlier this morning plus were a timezone behind you so it worked out." Georgie says happily petting a new puppy that was in her lap.

"So you guys bought this place how?" Tessa asks as Georgie laughs looking at her boyfriend. Who smiles at his girlfriend

My boyfriend works for my parents who do real estate. It wasn't that hard. What was hard was getting this place in order. Gino and I spent every weekend here for a few months." Georgie says petting her horse.

"I don't know what to say... Georgie you have done so much for me and you were and still are risking a lot for me. I really appreciate all of this." Tessa says as Georgie nods.

"Of course, but we're not done yet." Georgie says looking at Iris she had been thinking over it a lot. Iris deserved all the love and affection she could get. She had grown a bond with Tessa during the play which Georgie just couldn't fill, and while she would miss her pup the two belonged together. "Take a look at Iris's tag." Georgie encourages Tessa just look at the girl in confusion before nodding.

She notices that Iris's collar and tag are different , and when she reads it she looks at Georgie. "G I cannot take Iris from you." Tessa says as Georgie smiles.

"She was never mine. I was merely taking care of her until she found someone of her own. My other pups chose me. While Iris was handed down. Please Tessa, she chose you. 0 know because the five I have chose me." Georgie says as Tessa smiles.

"If you're sure." Tessa says as Georgie nods.

"I'm sure we have Ana now too and while she'll never replace Iris I know she is in amazing hands." Georgie says as Tessa nods petting Iris. Who wags her tail happily Georgie and Gino just smiles at Iris then Tessa. Before checking the time.

"My lady, hate to interrupt this but that horse show you signed you and Nova up for. Is starting in twenty minutes you might want to head there." Gino warns as Georgie nods looking at Nova.

"Sorry I have to leave so quickly, but the show only last an hour. Could we meet up after it's over?" Georgie asks as Tessa nods.

"Sure but can we come and watch? I would love to see you compete. " Tessa says as Georgie nods before gently nudging her horse.

"Sure I'll see ya there." Georgie says mounting the horse and riding off to where the competition was being held Tessa just looks at Gino in confusion he shrugs.

"I'll get you the directions ." Gino says pulling up his own phone as Tessa chuckles she missed her friends, and she was so glad to have her father repair shop. She couldn't have done any of this without Georgie, and she knew Georgie felt the same way. They made an amazing team and who knows maybe one day they will work as team again but for right now they were going to enjoy their happily ever afters.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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