More Work and Trouble

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"Alright Gino, we need to put that table there." Georgie  says as she and Gino were the only ones preparing  at the moment  since her other employees were at lunch and Gino and Georgie  could deal with the tables at least, and they both start to push it over to the side so the VIPs would  be able to move around  and enjoy  themselves even if they weren't  going  to  be  able to. 

Georgie  had so much to do and knowing Gino he had to probably fix a few things after this since they  had complaints about  things breaking  down and although  Gino wasn't  a repair guy he was pretty handy with tools.

"Well that's  done. Can I help you with anything  else  my mady?" Gino asks as Georgie  rolls her eyes at the nickname, Gino calls her as she tries and hide a blush. She was not used to being called a lady; she was always a tomboy just because  she loved horses and didn't  mind dirt  didn't  mean she wasn't  still a lady; she was just different.

"I think we're  good Gino, but I guess we'll  see tonight  my parents  will be watching." Georgie  stated  before  looking  at Gino.

"And you swear you're going  to keep Tessa's  secret?" Georgie  asks seriously  as her friend  nods his head.

"Your secret's  safe with me. I would  never go to Divine  about  anything  in the first place all she does is scream at us employees  she has everyone of them slightly  afraid of her Gino jokes as Georgie  sighs she knew it was true though.

"Could I pleasure you with another smoothie  before all Heck breaks loose tonight, boss?" Gino asks as Georgie  just looks around.  

"Why not, this ballroom isn't  going  anywhere and as far as I know Tessa is helping  her step family now she'll need me back to change her into Bella and I still need to find more contacts ." Georgie  mutters thinking aloud  as Gino chuckles. "What?" Georgie  asks shoving him lightly.

"You are always  thinking  a mile a minute aren't  ya?" Gino jokes as Georgie  nods it truly  was there was just  so much to do before  her parents  got there tonight.

"Only when my over burdening  parents are going  to be here, and when I'm literally trying to keep Tessa secret" Georgie  says with a huff as Gino nods, starting  to walk towards the door. 

"What color contacts do you need. I still have backups from when you and Lily broke them in highschool theater." Gino says as Georgie  Georgie looks  at him in shock. 

"Oh you still have them because  Lily still breaks them and goes to you doesn't  she?" Georgie  asks as Gino a gave a curt nod. "Um sorry about that but do you have the green hazelish ones 


Fifteen minutes later Tessa quickly goes to Georgie  makeup trailer looking for her friend, but only finding Iris and Brook, and sighs Georgie  was late again. She didn't  get to finish her thought before  hearing  the voice of her stepmother  and and quickly turns on her heels looking  at Divine

"There you are!" Divine says and Tessa panics how was  going  to explain  this especially  since Iris was right there. Iris just looks in between  them and starts to bark for Georgie, knowing  she was good at being  diplomatic.

"Divine! Hi." Tessa says trying not to act nervous  but knowing  she was not doing  well as she was terribly intimidated  by her stepmother. 

"Oh, I know what you are doing." Divine says in one of her fake voices that Tessa hates and it makes her even more nervous  where was Georgie  when she needed her?

 "You do?" Tessa asks her stepmother  just nods and Tessa pets Iris carefully  as Iris looks for Georgie  Georgie wanted her owner's  help desperately. 

"Yes, these eyes see everything." Divine says and Tessa shrinks a bit Iris just walks in front of Tessa  looking  at Divine challengingly.

"They do?" Tessa gulps still looking  down at Iris's  golden tan fur.

"Oh, I know you have your own little fantasies about being up on stage, but lurking around the VIP area, Cinderella, is just sad and, frankly, a little creepy. I'm surprised  that Bella's dog hasn't  attacked you for trespassing.  No more creepy." Divine says and Tessa let's out a silent  breath she had been holding  and looks at Iris her stepmother hadn't  figured it out.

"Right, yeah, of course. I'm so sorry." Tessa stutters out, finally looking  at Divine for a moment  before  looking back at Iris.  Who simply growls. Tessa just knows the loyal pup is playing  along.

 "Oh, good. Now where are those gowns?" 

-The gowns!

The gowns! Where are the gowns?

"Yes, I was just about to pick the gowns up, actually. You can come with, unless, of course, you don't want to be seen In, you know, the service area." Tessa says forcing sweetness into her voice  as her stepmother  walks away

"Have them in the suite in five minutes.
You need to help us get dressed." Divine says on her way out and Tessa just sighs looking  at Iris. 

"Yes, of course. Iris, that was way too close girl, way too close." Tessa mutters petting  Iris as Georgie  rushes in  muttering  something  in afrikaans under her breath.

Sorry I'm late, I had to find more contacts speaking  of you  need to stop losing  them we only have one more pair." Georgie  says as Tessa nods

"That's okay, and I'll  be more careful  now. Please help me with this." Tessa says as Georgie  nods, getting  to work quickly petting  Brook and Iris before doing  so.

"Is this almost over?" Georgie  asks as Tessa shook her head and before  getting  a word out Georgie  lets out an annoyed groan 

"No, now I need to be in three places at once." Tessa says as Georgie  sighs, petting  Brook again as she works her magic as quickly as possible.

"Ugh great, that makes two of us." Georgie  says quickly  as she finishes both girls just sigh it was too late to turn back now. And neither  wanted to despite the fact they knew they would get into tons of trouble if they got found  out. "Come on Tess, we can do this, what can one more place be." Georgie  says as Tessa nod petting  Iris  Georgie  was right they were so close just a few more days and as long as Georgie  was still good she was too.

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