A Rough Day

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"Georgie  the newscasters  are back." Gino says quietly  as Georgie  groans from her spot in makeup  she had just finished  getting  everyone set up for rehearsals  including  Tessa, Bella whatever  you wanted to call her, and she was just trying  to  take a breath for just a minute before  either dealing with crazies or making sure the buildi  did not catch on fire why did the news anchors have to come at the worst time possible.

"Um alright, Gino, can you do me a favor  and make sure the way runs smoothly and tell Bella I'll be  in makeup as soon as I can." Georgie says as Gino nods, grabbing  his small duffel bag. With all the essentials he needed.

"Got it my lady." Gino says as Georgie  just rolls her eyes making  sure to straighten  her dress that was under her sweatshirt and sighs going  over to the back area.  To talk to the news.


"Georgie, Reed  needs some help." Tessa says in her normal voice although  she was still in her Bella Snow  disguise she groans when Georgie  wasn't  around.  "She's  not here Tessa, she's  most likely  dealing  with the news." Gino says regularly  causing Tessa  to look at Gino.

"What are you  talking  about? I'm not Tessa,  I'm  Bella." Tessa says in her ridiculous  British accent as Gino rolls his eyes at the teenager that was a few years younger than him.

"If you think I'm  going  to tell, I won't.  I'm  one of Georgie's  best friends  and I have kept all of her secrets including  her adopting three puppies, and camping out at the stables every night for almost a year. Plus I don't  want to go anywhere bear your step mother I deal with her enough no offense." Gino says as Tessa sighs.

"No offense taken, she is crazy. How'd you find out?" Tessa asks ultimately  curious  as she knew Georgie  hadn't  told Gino  just rolls his eyes pointing to the shaggy dog that was Georgie's.

"Your kind of calling Georgie's  grandfather  dogs yours. Plus she and Lily did this all the time in high school.  Georgie  usually  very reluctantly, but it kept Lily  from bugging her. I know her makeup  works anywhere." Gino admits  as Tessa looks at Irus she had not thought about that. It tricked her stepmother, but not any of Georgie's  friends who knew her and her dogs.

That's when Tessa looked back seeing her stepsisters. Ugh they're  spying on me." Tessa says purposely using her accent as Gino nods, and whistles a familiar  whistle Tessa had heard Georgie  use for Nova.  Take the backdoor  they won't expect and get on Nova she's  fast you'll  lose them quick." Gino says as Tessa nods, going  out the back way and seeing  Georgie's  sleek horse in front of her.

"Alright, Nova I have no idea how to ride you, but I'm  kind of desperate  so um tak eme to Georgie. Tessa says in her British  accent  making  the horse at her for a second  in confusion  before  she realizes  it's  Tessa  and nods making  sure Tessa  was holding on tightly  before  galloping  off and hearing the whistle  her owner used again and huffs skidding to a stop and galloping  back over to the back where Georgie  was waiting.  Nova didn't  stop knowing  Georgie  knew how to jump on while moving, and noticing the girl really wanted to get out of here.

"Hold on Tess I'm  not stopping  Nova whinnies  as she continues  to gallop weaving  through people like it was nothing since she did this at least once a week. ¹1q11
"Wait Nova, where are you going. " Tessa says not knowing  how to stop the horse.


Georgie  just smiles  although  she was confused  on why Tessa was riding  her bareback horse. She times the galloping with her foot and counts. Once getting  close  enough  Georgie jumps a little, grabbing  onto Nova's  mane and pulling  herself up behind  Tessa. "Nova, take me to the grove." 
Georgie  says  quietly.  "Bella what are you doing here and specifically  I mean on Nova without  a helmet or any tack. You could have gotten seriously hurt." Georgie  says as Tessa puts one hand up in surrender.

"Hey, you talk to your crush about that. My stepsisters  were snooping  and he told me to take Nova for they wouldn't  see who I was, and I'm  fine I may not know what I'm  doing  but  Nova does." Tessa days as the horse whinnies in agreement. 

"I wouldn't do that and you know that Georgie. You know me better than that." Nova nickers again as Georgie  sighs, and Nova stops where Georgie  wanted her too.

"Good Girl Nova, and I know you would never hurt her girl." Georgie  tells the horse who nudges Georgie, and lies down. "So Tess, what did I miss?" Georgie  asks as Tessa chuckles.

"Well your crush knows that we're doing this since I'm using  Iris to help keep my persona. He also said you did that a lot in highschool, and oh I think my step family  is getting suspicious  about  Bella. " Tessa says as Georgie  sighs so neither of their days were going  well.

"Jeez, I really just need to call security  on Divine she has probably  had all three strikes, but if my parents  find out I kicked someone  out  I'll  be  in so much trouble because  even if she did the stuff and I have three dozen reports  about her my parents  would find a way to get  mad at me."  Georgie  says as she learned by now no matter what she did it was never good enough and her parents  would find a flaw anyways.

"I rather you  not. I don't  feel like dealing  with that screaming  fit. Plus if she  goes I'll have to go." Tessa says as Georgie huffs as Tessa was right.

"You're  right." Georgie says before her calendar went off and it caused the teen to groan she hated this job. "Just a reminder we do have that costume  party later." Georgie  says as Tessa groans  as well. 

"Why!" Tessa says as she didn't  feel like dealing  with going  to that thing she already  has enough  things to do and she could  only imagine  how  Georgie  felt her schedule  was triple to Tessa's especially  if this night were to go smoothly. 

"I don't  know it's  what they wanted. Trust me I hate this as much as you  do. " Georgie  says quietly as Tessa nods.

"I better go help them set up I know our room is definitely  not ready for a ball." Georgie  says and as if they knew her radio went off.

"I'll  see you tonight  Tess." She says briskly  walking  away. As Tessa sighs and nods she better get back before  Divine  noticed she was missing 

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