Hospital life

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Lee's pov
I looked down at my feet while waiting for the news , my phone went off in my pocket it was a message from my mam.
"Lee where are you, your teas ready"
I stared at my phone, a tear slipped out of my eye I can't tell my mam where I am, she will get worried but I can't do it alone I need my mam to hold my hand and tell me everything is all right.
"Lee Carter" the doctor called out.
"Yes" my voice was soft as the tears slipped down my face.
"Georgia should be fine, she is one lucky girl if you had rang the ambulance wen you did she would have been dead, fingers crossed she will make it through the night, is there anyone I can ring for you?"
"No I'm fine but thank you" I started to smile she was going to be okay. I text my mam telling her I was fine and I would be spending the night with Georgia. I was over the moon that she was fine my heart felt like it had fixed its self just by starring into her eyes. She lay there so peaceful, she looked so cute sleeping, I wanted to pick her up and hold her, tell her everything was okay. I walked over to her bed,
"Georgia if you can hear this I'm glad your okay, I don't know what I would have done without you, "a tear slipped out of my eye." I don't care what anyone says but I love you and I want to be with you, if everyone thinks we're stupid we will run away and live together. We can be together no matter what." Her eyes started to open, a smile crossed her pale face
"Did you hear any of that," I smirked
"I did, why didn't you just tell me you loved me"
" I didn't want you to hate me,"
" Lee Carter I could never hate you, I love you too," Georgia smiled as she sat up. I sat down we both leaned in a shared out first kiss but will it be the last.

Sorry this chapter is a bit long but I think in the next chapter, Georgia might find out who her mum and dad are. I think after this chapter I'm going to make a squeal of this book. Let me know if you want a squeal.
Tegan 💘

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