What do you mean?

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Ross's pov
I woke up in a warm white hospital room. I glanced over at my arm the drop was digging in to my hand causing it swell and be sore. The nurse walked into the room with my pills and placed them into a plastic cup she also placed a jug of water on the table.
"Ross Barton time for your medicine" her voice was sweet and pure.
"Okay gorgeous pass them here"
She poured the water into the cup and handed me the tablets. I took a sip of the crystal clean water and quickly swallowed the tablet. I moved my eyes towards the woman that was stood in front of me.
"Ross, are you okay?" She questioned.
"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"
She smiled "oh it doesn't matter"
She glanced back then walked out the room. I reached over and picked up my phone I decided it was time to text Georgia and find out how her and Millie are.
Hey Georgia, it's been a while. I should have text you straight away but I'm at hospital at the moment. I promise I'll come and see you and even meet Millie bet she's a little star 🌟. Please don't be mad, but I think I love you more than I've ever loved anyone the whole thing with Debbie was a mistake, I only did that well - well because I was lonely and missing you. Even just holding you in my arms I thought Debbie would be the same but it wasn't.
I'm sorry 💗
I quickly sent the message and threw my phone across the room. The screen cracked and the battery went flying. I lay there staring at the celling wondering if I did the right thing but sending that to Georgia? What happens if she doesn't feel the same? I've made a dick out of myself?

Georgia's pov
I had walked for what felt like hours thinking about life. Was Lee okay? Am I a good mother? Should I have stopped Dean? Suddenly my phone beeped causing me to stop in my tracks. I picked it up and glanced at the screen. "Message from Ross 😏" flashed on it. I swiped across the screen, the message said
Hey Georgia, it's been a while. I should have text you straight away but I'm at hospital at the moment. I promise I'll come and see you and even meet Millie bet she's a little star 🌟. Please don't be mad, but I think I love you more than I've ever loved anyone the whole thing with Debbie was a mistake, I only did that well - well because I was lonely and missing you. Even just holding you in my arms I thought Debbie would be the same but it wasn't.
I'm sorry 💗
I smiled from ear to ear I was the happiest girl alive just knowing that someone wanted me and Millie. I knew that I couldn't move far away because I would miss my family not to mention it's been a year since my mam's rape I loved her far too much to leave. I text him back,
Ross that is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I think that I love you too. I've never met anyone who has been so kind to me and Millie.💗
I was the most happiest girl in the world 🌍.

Hey guys seen as its Halloween today I'm going to do a Halloween chapter and update it today, the next chapter is going to be about Mick, Linda, Georgia, Nancy, lee, whit, Elaine and babe 🙈
It may include Dean as well but I haven't decided yet so enjoy
Tegan 🙈

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