Dean & Lee's battle

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Dean's pov
It's been 2 weeks since I decided on my plan but I was ready for anything. I knew what I had to do but I couldn't do it, I loved Roxy and I wanted to keep the peace. But I knew something that could break the Carters.
Lee's pov
I could feel my depression kicking in but I needed to stay strong I wanted to keep the peace. Dean had to go but Im off to the army, I kissed my parents goodbye and also hugged Nancy, Georgia and stole a cuddle from Millie as I walked out of the door feeling proud of what I have become. I glanced across the square my eyes make contact with his. He smirked and walked away! I followed him staying far behind when someone grabbed me from behind and threw me to the floor. They pinned me down I tried moving but I couldn't.
"Lee calm down," a sweet voice sounded.
I looked around just then Cindy came out from the shadow.
" let go of him, you pricks" Cindy screamed.
"What are you going to do you pathetic little girl" the lads giggled as one grabbed ahold of her.
Her screams filled the air.
"Fucking let go of her" I shouted pulling myself up.
I grabbed him off her and punched him in the lips. Blood went flying everywhere. Like a pack of scared dogs they ran off into the darkness. I pulled Cindy up who's head was bleeding from when they threw her on to the ground.
"Thank you Lee", she smiled " nobody has ever done that for me"
" no problem, come on let's go get that head checked out"
I helped her through the dark alley. As we reached the roadside. I got us a taxi and off to the hospital we went.
Dean's pov
My plan had worked Lee had took Cindy to the hospital. I felt guilty that I left them to beat up Cindy but what's done is done. I heard rumours of a wedding but I'm not sure who's?
Georgia's pov
I had just put Millie down in her pushchair to sleep when I got a text from Lee saying that he took Cindy to the hospital to get checked out. I text him back saying okay. I decided while it was nice to go outside with Millie I put her blanket over her. I walked out of door when Dean ran past. I totally
blanked out and tripped over the path luckily I was okay and so was Millie.

Hey guys it's been a while since I updated this story lucky I already had this part wrote hope you enjoy it, I'm not sure when I'll be updating- Tegan 🎈

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