Ross's Secret

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Ross's pov
I was missing Georgia ever since the death of Donna I had lost all my faith. Watching her fall off that building hearing her bones break, it broke me. I loved her more than I have loved anyone ever now I was chasing after anyone I could get my hands on. I mean I was wrong to go for Debbie ( Petes girlfriend) I broke Pete and now I'm lying in a hospital bed after I went to punch Pete. I told him I forgiven him but I haven't I'm just waiting for the right time and place anyway back to Georgia I haven't seen her in over 3 years. I had a crush on Georgia I mean I have kissed her and I've slept with her but I want her to be mine not Keanans and now that they have spilt up its my turn to care for her. He never treated her right but I will. I think the world of this girl. I lay there with my family by my side. I had to think of an plan. I knew that she loved me but I couldn't get in touch with her but now that I have found out that her and Keanan have split up is the best news to ever have reached me.
"Ross, wake up" my mum called.
I slowly opened my eyes, my ribs were sore, my arms were bruised and battered. My face was sore and stiff.
"What's up m-mam" I crocked out, my throat burned. The medicine had gave me an infection.
" the nurse has decided that she is going to take you for an X-Ray for your ribs" she smiled a little smile." Just to make sure their not broken"
"Okay mam, now let me sleep please"
"Sorry baby," she kissed my head and rubbed my hand until I drifted off in to a deep sleep thinking about my future and my life to be with Georgia.

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