chapter 06, use you

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I walked through the hallway, like a zombie, barely awake. Without stopping at my locker, I made my way toward Heeseung's locker. 

He was taking books out of his locker and turned around when I approached him. 

I slammed the papers on his chest. "May both sides of your pillow be warm"

 Wobbled my way to my locker. 

I heard Heeseung saying. "Well, that was a well-mannered insult"

Staying up last night, doing mine and Heeseung's homework, was a very bad idea, as seen in eye bags which everyone was turning around to look at. 

"Jia!" I heard someone call behind me. I turned around and found Yeona running towards me, with a concerned look. 

"What happened to you!?" She asked, shaking me as if a screw would drop out of me. 

"What did not happen?" I blandly asked, taking my books from my locker, which happened to be the wrong ones. 

"It's Heeseung again, isn't it?" Yeona asked, scowling. "I'm going to crush that guy like a piece of paper and feed it to the rats before I-"

"It's okay, Yeona," I said. 

She turned behind to look at Heeseung, who was also looking at us. Yeona gave him an infuriating look before dragging me away to our class. 

We were joined by Hana on our way to class, who was told by Yeona the repeated story of Heeseung bullying me indirectly. 

"Guys, it's not a big deal," I said, irritated. 

"It is a big deal, Jia!" Yeona exclaimed, "that boy is using you to do his homework"

"But you can't really do anything about it," stated Hana, "his father is the principal here" 


During classes, I tried my best to concentrate and take notes but was all in vain. Not only did I keep falling asleep, but the annoying guy behind me kept telling me to do his homework again. Which I rejected, of course. There's no way I'm doing anybody's homework again. 

"You remind me of something," I told Heeseung, who was reaching the limit of my anger. 

"What?" Heeseung asked.

"My pinkie toe," I plainly said. "Sooner or later, I'm gonna bang you on a table" 

Heeseung looked at me like he didn't know if he had to laugh or get embarrassed. "Yah-" he started, but didn't know what to say. He held his book in front of his face and pretended to read. 

"It's upside down," I said, referring to his book. He chaotically turned his book up and buried his face once again. 

After a feeling of satisfaction, I turned back to my desk and continued the eluding attempts of studying. 


Finally, the day was over and I happily walked to Hwan's playschool to pick him up, listening to some music. What was better than going home after a shitty day? 

I skipped my way, jamming to the music. 

"Ew, what are you listening to?" I heard someone say behind me. I took off one earbud and turned around. I sighed as I saw Heeseung and his friends walking toward me. 

"I know right? Your voice is awfully annoying" I said, and the guys except Heeseung oh'd. 

"Yah, watch your pretty little mouth, darling" Heeseung hissed. "Or I'll close it for you before you do" 

I simply rolled my eyes and continued on my way, ignoring the guys behind me. They kept following me and cracking jokes about me until I reached Hwan's playschool. 

Hwan was waiting outside, swaying side to side holding the straps of his backpack. I instantly broke into a smile at the sight of my brother. 

Ignoring the group of boys behind me, I went towards Hwan, who excitedly jumped onto my arms. 

"Did you have fun at school, Hwanie?" I asked my brother, who did not notice Heeseung and his friends behind me. 

"Yes! We made these paper planes and-" he stopped, as his eyes fell on the boys. "Heeseung Hyung?" 

I faced them as Heeseung came forward to see Hwan. "What are you doing here?" Hwan asked him, as Heeseung bent down on one knee to face Hwan. 

"He came here to go to school with you, Hwan," I answered before Heeseung could. Heeseung looked up at me, annoyed as his friends laughed behind his back. 

"Can you shut up?" Heeseung snapped at me. 

"Please don't talk like that with my Noona," Hwan said, disturbed. Heeseung and the other guys looked at him, surprised. Heeseung stood up and faced me, giving me death glares. 

"I'm going to kill you tomorrow, pretty girl," Heeseung said, eyeing me. "Where your pretty brother is not there"

Heeseung walked away, cursing under his breath, and the rest of them followed. 

That guy couldn't even get through a five-year-old protective brother. 


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