chapter 15, fake play

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"Heeseung-ah, this blue tie suits you!"

"It's too bright," I nonchalantly said, buttoning up my shirt. I put on my black coat on top and got ready to proceed toward the waiting car.

"But you're gonna look very casual in between those luxurious men at the party," mom said, scurrying after me.

"I don't care what I look like, mom," I said, turning abruptly, startling her. "I'm only doing this because the lives of my friends are on the verge of being ruined because of that old man you married"

I regretted saying it instantly because my mother's eyes started glowing with tears. I tried not to think and pay attention to it and walked toward the car.

I got inside the car beside my dad, who was busy talking on the phone. The car started moving and from my peripheral vision, I saw my mom waving a bye with the blue tie in her hand.

I sighed at the same time when my dad hung up the call.

"Why aren't you wearing a tie?" was the first thing he asked.

"No reason," I answered.

"Anyway, guess who else is coming to the party?" He asked. When I didn't answer, he said, "The Wangs"

My stomach made a somersault as if it wanted to throw up. "The W-wangs?" I asked.

"Yes, isn't that great? I can finally get that contract signed!"

I turned away and stared at my reflection in the window. The only problem I had with Wangs was their extremely clingy daughter Cho.

And it also meant my dad asking me to hang out with her for the sake of their "business relationship"

Tell me something worse than that.

The car abruptly stopped as the first drop of rain dropped on my cheek through the window. I put my palm out and felt another droplet fall.

"Let's go," Dad said, shoving me to open the door. We got out of the car and jogged inside to cover ourselves from the rain.

The first thing I noticed in the huge building was the people I wanted to see the least.

"Mr. Wang!" my dad greeted him as they shook hands.

"So good to see you, Mr. Lee," Mr. Wang said. "Ah, the younger version of Mr. Lee!"

Mr. Wang hugged me and I simply stood grounded on my feet.

"Heeseung," a voice called out.

Mr. Wang moved away from me and I got the first glimpse of her.

"What's up, Cho?" I asked her uninterestingly as she slid her arm through mine.

She simply smiled like an idiot, giving me one of her stupid puppy eyes.

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