chapter 07, p.e

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We made our way to the girls' changing room with our gym clothes in our hands. The gym had this annoying smell of salt, which I gagged at when we entered the room. 

"Seriously, even if I were hanging off from a cliff, and my killer asked me if I wanted to go to the gym room or die, I'd choose death," Hana said, pinching her nose with her fingers. 

I and Yeona agreed as we removed our clothes and slid inside the nylon, sticky t-shirt, and shorts. 

"Do you think Mr. Choi will let us play what we want today?" I asked Yeona, pulling up my socks. 

"I hope he does," Yeona replied, wearing her cap. 

According to Yeona and Hana, Mr. Choi, the P.E teacher, never let them play. He made us do hardcore exercises, telling us "young people need to be fit" 

We made our way towards the playground, where Mr. Choi was waiting for us. 

"Today, you guys can play whatever you want," Mr. Choi said, once we were settled. Everyone cheered and started running around. 

"did he have a fight with his wife or something?" Hana asked, and we laughed. "He seems off" 

We girls decided to play basketball and divided into teams. I and Hana were on the same team but were playing against Yeona. 

Yeona whined and went on the other side, as the game started. 

It had been so long since I played basketball. The last time I played was when I was in Busan. But I remember every move perfectly well. 

The ball came to me and I skillfully dodged it from the opponent before making my way to the hoop. I used every last bit of strength I had and jumped as high as possible, scoring two points for my team. 

But before I could touch the ground, a ball hit me on my shoulders and I fell to my knees. Tiny stones penetrated deep into my palms, giving me a burning sensation. I winced and looked down at my knees. The skin was practically torn open. 

The girls rushed towards me, helping me up. My eyes fell on the football in front of me. A pair of sports shoes came and stood in front of it. 

I looked up to see Heeseung. 

He picked up the ball and without even apologizing, he walked away. 

"Jia! Are you okay?" Yeona rushed towards me and held me by my arms. I didn't reply but I simply stared at Heeseung's figure walking toward his football team. 

"It's that jerk again, isn't it?" Yeona glared at Heeseung. 

 Ignoring Yeona's words and I walked towards the water tap and washed up my wounds. 

Time skip

Since I have parents that don't give a shit about me, I decided to finally get my butt out of my bed and look for a part-time job. 

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