Monthly Mortgage- Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Monthly Mortgage

Bella POV

"Mom please wake up..." I cried. She was on the floor again drunk from the night before but it was scarier this time because she wasn't waking up. Is she alive? I checked her pulse...ok she has a heart beat... I wouldn't know what to do without my mom. I know that she is drunk but before all this she really was an amazing mother and i couldn't have asked for better. But that day he left it all changed...

I looked down at her and saw her slowly start to open her eyes. She has beautiful eyes. They were a light green and she had very long eyelashes.

"Honey...?" She asked while standing up. I looked at her and smiled.

"Ya mom?" I asked.

"What day is it today?" She asked. I looked down at my watch.

"It's the 4th..." i said.

She grinned. I knew what this meant and it happened all the time on this day of the month.

You see once my dad left; my mom stopped working so i had to start. I worked at a small business in the city. It didn't pay much but since i was 15 when i got the job it was all i could get but you see i couldn't pay the mortgage on this house we have. We have to pay our mortgage every month on the 27th. If we don't pay by then a man comes to our door and will come and get the money so we pay...but you see mama doesn't pay him in cash if you know what i mean...

I mean yes i got a knew job since then but it still doesn't pay enough. Yes i know what your thinking  'why don't you move?' well we can't because mama won't let us since in her words is the last thing we have of my father. Ever since he left my mom makes it sound like he died... but i know the truth.

"Mom you mean you didn't pay again? What did you use the money i gave you for?" I asked already knowing the answer...

"Vodka..." She said while walking upstairs to get changed for the man. It was always the same man. I always left when he came. It disgusts me to even be around them.

10 Minutes Later

I heard a knock on the door. I went to the door and opened it only to see the man there. His name was Taylor and he had black hair with blue eyes. He was a very good looking man but he was my age. That's whats even weirder. My mom came down stairs in short-shorts and a shirt even to tight for a stick. I turned away from the disturbing sight and left the house.

I did love this time of year. All the leaves were changing color but weren't falling on the ground yet. This time a years ago i would have been starting to get ready for school. But this year i decided to stop. I had to get a full time job to actually support me and my mom.

I walked by my old school and smiled. I had so many memories in that school. I wasn't popular what so ever though. No guy ever wanted to be with me. I wasn't there 'type' was what some of them said to me.

One of them even said was to 'different' from him to date him. I figured out fairy tales don't exist. Which is true. They don't. I'm not going to go to a ball and loose a slipper and then my 'prince charming' is going to come along on a flying carpet and wake me up with a kiss. That doesn't happen in real life. We don't meant an ugly beast and then he turns out to be your 'sole mate'. Its only in books.

I saw a few people next to the swings by my school. They were in my grade ...shit! They saw me. They waved me over and i slowly walked over to them.

"BELLA!" One of them screeched. I looked over to who screamed my name and it was Courtney. I have always hated this girl she was always so mean to me. She was like the slut of the school. We use to be best friends but then she found boys and i found books and it all stopped.

"So Bella how are you?" She asked while snickering. It was just her and a bunch of boys...typical.

"I'm good." I said looking down. It was still light out but you can see it was going to get dark in the next hour.

"Awww why are you hiding your face?" One of the boys said. I looked up on to see it was Jake. I use to have a huge crush on him not anymore.

"Come on baby why don't you give Jaky a kiss..." He said. Everyone else erupted in laughter. I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

I was about half way to the sidewalk when i heard them start to talk about me.

"That little b**** is in love with me... she is so ugly she would never get me." I'm guess it was Jake who said it. I was use to hearing him say this. He always thought i was 'in love' with him but truth be told it was only a crush.

I walked faster. I looked down at my watch to see it has been an 1 since i left my house. Knowing my mom she would be done by now. I walked some more though. I always did this rout. I crossed the street and walked through this small subdivision. It was owned by the more richer people in the city. I remember when i was a kid and my mom and dad would walk me around in here i would always dream of living in one of them. The one i wanted to live in the most was at the end of the street. It was this huge mansion.

(Pic of Mansion on the side -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>)

I was slowly coming closer to that house. It was so beautiful.

It was a very secluded house father from the other yet it wasn't to far.

I loved it.

I walked past it. I walked back to my house only to find the man was just leaving. I then ran up stairs and into my room.



Please vote fan comment would mean so much to me. Anyways the next chapter should be coming out next week.


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