The Call- Chapter 22

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But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me...


Chapter 22

The Call

Bella POV

I was at the dinner table waiting for Adam to bring out the rest of the food out. Adam really was a good cook I must say. He always seemed to want to make my favourites. I loved that about him. Just then Adam walked in and placed the dish he had in his hand in front of me. I sighed as the plate in front of me showed again one of my favourites. I wish one day he would cook for himself. He doesn't always have to make me my favourites; I mean out of the many months I've been here I'm sure he's getting tired of White Pasta.

"You like?" He smiled. I nodded. Still looking down at my plate in front of me.

"Adam you don't have to make my favourites all the time..." I said while moving some of the pasta around in my plate.

"I make it because I know its your favourite Bella." He said happily while putting the pasta in his mouth.

"What's your favourite?" I asked him.

"Um... I would have to go with Rice with Mushrooms." He smiled. I nodded storing that piece of information in the back of my mind for later on.

*20 Minutes Later*

"Um... Adam I'm gonna go out. I'll be back in maybe an hour or two." I said to him while bring the last dish to the counter for him to clean. He also always insist on cleaning up to. Something about 'his mesh he should clean' I don't get it, it's almost like he wants to pamper me which I wish he wouldn't. He turned around with a towel in hand and looked at me.

"Um... ya sure ok. Be safe." He said to me. I just nodded as I walked over to him and gave him a hug. This hug meant just so much to me but clearly nothing to him. He couldn't care about me. I'm a nobody; I'm just plain old Bella.  Adam meant so much to me in my life. He completely changed my life around as soon as I met him.... it seems like yesterday we just met but now its been a few months. I know he won't miss me as much as I miss him but at least I can dream.

I grabbed the key's from the counter and walked out the front door. I slid into my car and just drove. I drove until I finally reached Louis and Harry's apartment. I walked up the oh so familiar stairs to there apartment and knocked on the door. To my surprise Niall answered the door .... in his boxers.

"Um... Ni...whatcha doin in your boxers at Louis'?" I asked going all wide eyed. His eyes went wide as he looked down at himself.

"Oh... um... sorry Bells...and I'm living here now..." He said awkwardly. I just nodded and walked in. I looked around the apartment where I had so many memories. I just smiled thinking about them.

"So um.. where's Lou, and Haz?" I asked.

"HERE WE ARE BELLS!" Louis screamed as him and Harry walked in form the kitchen. I just laughed.

"Oh God, Hey Bells." Harry laughed. They all jumped onto the couch and Niall flew off. Niall ended up on the floor laughing. Just then Harry looked at him... "Ni why are you in boxers?" He asked. I laughed. "Oh shit... um... you see I dropped soup on my cloths while I was watching TV." He said as his face went completely red. "And you didn't think to put on a shirt, we have guests." Louis joined in trying to keep a straight face , but it didn't work he ended up dying of laughter seconds later.

Niall got up and left.

Just then Harry and Louis turned towards me. "So whatcha doin here Bells? Something on your mind?" Haz asked. I decided maybe I should tell them about what I found in Adam's drawer, though they might tell him... still I need to ask someone.

"Ya... um... you see I was cleaning around the house and I was in Adam's room--and well you see, I found this book. It had songs in it. Thing is I think he had written... and well there was this one song called Strong I'm assuming, and well at the side of the page it said I wrote this for her..." I couldn't say anything else. Niall was back in the room and was looking at me. So were Haz, and Lou. I hope maybe they can tell me what this means if its for me, or maybe for someone else.

"So... ya. I was juts wondering what you guys think it means." I said looking around the room because I couldn't handle looking at them in the eyes.

They hadn't said anything in a while.

This scares me.

Should I go?

I knew it. It wasn't about me. Why would he write a song about me. I'm a nobody.

"Bells. Um.. I don't know it might be for you. Hopefully it is." Louis said while putting a smile on his face. I looked at him and only him, and just nodded. I wish it was for me.

"Do you want it to be for you?" Haz asked with a smirk on his face. I looked at him and just slowly nodded.

"I can only dream I guess." I said to myself not wanting anyone to hear it but I think Ni did because he was sitting next to me now. He just looked at me and nodded. I huffed and looked around the room at basically my best friends in the entire world.

Just then my phone rang...I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID Unknown.


Hi yes it this Isabella Lersin?"

"Yes it is."

"I just wanted to say, due to her excellent behavior your mother is allowed to leave early from the 1 year program."

"So what does this mean?"

"It means your mother is going home and as I heard from her you are allowed to go home with her. She is now capable of taking care of you. You should be very proud. She did this for you. Thank you and Goodbye." Just then the man on the line hung up. I looked up at the boys still shocked from what I just heard.

"Bella who was it?" Niall asked me. I turned to him and I tried to speak. I couldn't.

"It--it was the centre my mom was at. She can go home. I can go home and live with her now." I said finally finding the words to say to them. They all gasped and looked at me.

I'm shocked.

I can go home.

I can go live with my mother.

All I kept thinking though was...

"How will I tell Adam?"


THERE YOU GO!! I UPDATED YAAAAAYYY!! soooo happy <3 anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter I know I enjoyed writing it so much... <3


ps. also this book is coming to an end very soon. If you want to see more Bella though then you have to go read the second book in this Series called Don't Close Your Eyes its a Zayn Malik Fan fiction and Bella is a pretty major character in the story. SO GO READ<3 (Link is the external)




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