Lunch Date?- Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Lunch Date?

Bella POV

" First day back...." I whispered to myself as i walked back into hell for my final semester. Just one semester is all i had to get through in order to finish and get my certificate. I made a promise to myself that i wouldn't think of him. I wouldn't think of anything that even sorta is like him.

I walked into the office and smiled at the same lady who use to work there when i went here.

"Bella! It's great to see you again...."

"You to Ms.Clashir." She has been working at this school for over 20 years. She was such a nice lady, she had 4 grand kids and they all lived with her becuase their parents past away. It was a terrible car accident.

"So here is your schedule for the semester. You have math, english, business, and economics."

"Thank you. I'll be on my way now, don't want to be late my first day back."

I took my schedule and ran to class. The bell had already rung and i didn't want to miss so much of my homeroom class, which happened to be english.

English okay. I can handle this. I knocked on the door and waited. "It's open!" Someone yelled.

I walked in and noticed everybody. They all started to stare at me. Then they turned the person next to them and started whispering. I was in shock because I seemed to be the talk of the class. So I quickly sat down at the back of the class next to a boy who I didn't see the face off.

I looked down at the book that was given to me. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. I've read this one so many times. I smiled to myself knowing this unit would be easy for me.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little Bella." I looked up in horror knowing that voice and who it belonged to. My tutor, my enemy, the first boy I have ever liked...Jake.

I wanted to move right away but there were no other seats in the room.  I almost stood up to leave and go to the bathroom when he grabbed my arm.

"Listen Bella, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. Why don't we go for lunch today? So I can make it up to you." I shivered at the memory of him at my house. Or my old house.

"Great so it's settled. I'll meet you on the parking lot at lunch." he said happily. I just looked at him in horror. I didn't want to agree but I couldn't find the words to protest. He let go of my arm and I sat down... still in shock.

What have I gotten myself into?

I waited in front of the school doors for Jake to come meet me. Just then he came by with his car. "Hey hop in" he said to me. I then went around the passages seat and sat next to him.

"So where to?" I asked.
"I was thinking Cafe Barbosa." he said as he drove through the city.

I just nodded and sat quietly.

"We have really missed you Bella."
"Thanks I guess."  Was all I could really say to him.

I could only think of him. Of Adam and how much I missed him. It was like a part of me was missing.

We got to the Cafe in 2 minutes and we sat down. I looked at the menu and decided to order the BLT.

My back was facing the doorway, and Jake was sitting directly across from me. He kept trying to start conversation but I couldn't be bothered.

I was only thinking of him.

Liam's POV

I walked in wearing a hoodie. I needed to get away from the house because all I kept thinking of was her and only her.

I walked in to the cafe and I took a look around and that's when I saw her with him. How could she be on a date with him? Didn't she care about me at all?

Jake looked towards me and recognized me in a instant. He smirked and then went back talking to her. I then stormed out of the Cafe.

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