Getting To Know The 'Beast'- Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Getting To Know the 'Beast'

Bella POV

2 Weeks Later

     For the past two weeks I haven't seen Adam anywhere. It's like he is trying to avoid me. I don't understand what I did to him he was the one being rude to me. But he somehow did make my favourite meal of all time and it even tasted good...ok then.

     I walked into the kitchen only to see the hairiness of Adam at the counter. "Hi..." I said to him. He turned around to look at me and then turned back to what now I can see is his cereal. Wait is that fork? What heck? "Umm... won't it be easier to eat that with a spoon?" I asked him. He looked at me and shook his head. Why is he being stubborn? I went to the drawer and pulled out a spoon and went to him. I put it in front of his face... and ....well I never seen someone jump off there chair faster.

     "WHAT ARE YOUR TRYING TO DO KILL ME?" He yelled. I looked at him shocked. Um... it's a spoon. What is it with him and spoons?

     "Um... its a spoon calm yourself Adam." I said to him. He pushed the spoon out of the way and took his cereal and left the room. I followed him and saw him go sit on the couch. So I sat next to him.

     "Why are you following me?" He asked while not looking up from the bowl. I looked at him and I gave him a weird look he saw from the corner of his eyes.

     "I don't know if you know but were going to be living together for the next few months and I like getting to know people I live with." I said to him. He looked at me nodded and put his bowl on the table next to us. He then turned to me.

     "Wanna play 10 questions?" He asked. I just nodded. "Ok you ask questions first..." He said I just nodded.

"Hobby?" "Singing, and football."

"Favourite colour?" "Blue and Purple."

"Birthday?" "August 29th 1993."

"Full Name?" "Uh... Adam... James.... Linton."

"Why are you hairy?" "Long story short... I pissed off a witch." He laughed.

"Why do you live here alone?" "My roommate said I turned into a beast... I didn't know what he meant by that." He laughed again. I laughed along.

"Favourite animal?" "Turtles!"

"Phobia?" "SPOONS!" I nodded. Ok that makes sense now.

"Nickname?" "Uh... Daddy."

     "Do you mind me living here?" I asked wondering about the answer to that question for a while now. He looked to me and smiled. "No I love you here."

     "I like living here to Adam..." I said happily. I then pulled him in for a hug. I could feel under all that his hair that he had a hard stomach. He did smell good though so that's good. We finally stopped hugging and now it was his turn to ask me questions.

"Full Name?" He asked. "Isabella Claire Lersin." I answered.

"First kiss?" He asked. Shit my first kiss was with Zayn. "Um... I had it with a friend a few weeks ago..." I said shyly. He just nodded, smiled, and moved to the next question.

"Birthday?" He asked. "Same as Harry Potter July 31st." I smiled happily. I love sharing that fact with people. Having the same birthday as Harry Potter is an honour.

"Favourite colour?" "Um... pink and black."

"Hobby?" "Drawing, writing, and reading."

"Favourite movie?" "Harry Potter."

"Something nobody knows about you?" "I had a strange obsession with Beauty and The Beast when I was younger." I said while turning away he then pulled my chin and moved it to look at him. "Well he is the beast." He laughed and I laughed along with him.

"First crush?" "Um... on a guy named scratch that a dick named Jake in 10th grade." I said sadly.

"Dream?" He asked me. I actually thought about this long and hard and I have dreamt about this for a while. "For my mother to be what she was like before my dad left..." I said while letting a tear fall down my cheek.

"Someone you want to meet?" He asked me trying to change the subject. "Um... my best friends other band member Liam Payne." I said happily. Apparently he went through  tough break-up and well I wanted to cheer I'm up. Adam looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Umm why do you want to meet him?" He asked.

"Because my friends say that he went through a tough break-up and now is a dick. I don't think he is I just think nobody understand him. Break-ups are hard for some people and I think he needs someone to talk to and I wanted to be that person." I looked at him and I can see through all that hair that he was smiling.

 I wonder why?

"Well Adam I wanna get some sleep so night." I said and I got up and went to my room.

Liam POV

She wants to me meet me....


I UPDATED YAAAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Sorry for the wait anyways I don't wanna write a lot cause I'm super tired. But I did wanna say...


Anyways vote comment fan


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