Confronting- Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Liam POV

I woke up slowly from Bella's bed only to see she had left me alone. Ugh I have a feeling she still mad at me because of something that she got completely out of context but I can't tell her the truth without telling her about me being well me.

If she finds out who I really am then she will leave me. She will leave me for sure because of how much of a jerk I am to people around me. But she makes me want to be a better person. She makes me feel amazing inside but if she finds out who I really am then she will leave. I don't deserve someone like her and I never did. I clearly didn't deserve Dani and I obviously don't deserve Bella my beautiful Bella; thought she isn't mine. She cares for Zayn and I doubt she would care for a Beast like me. I truly am a Beast, Bella deserves a Prince not a beast. She deserves someone like Zayn.

I walked down stairs slowly to see if maybe Bella was in the kitchen eating but she wasn't there. I looked around the room to see if there was a note and there was.

I'm going out. -Bella

Yup she's definitely still mad at me. If she was so mad then why did she ask me to stay with her last night? Maybe it was just to keep her warm. I sighed. It probably is; it had been getting cold around here. I looked around the house and decided to pick up a pen and write. Write about her that is. Music.

You make me strong.

I got up and walked out of the door. I went to the car I owned that is now like frozen since I have used it in about 10 months. I found myself driving along the oh so familiar roads.

After about and hour of driving I found myself pulling up into his apartment building. I hope to God he's home because I need to speak to him. I walk up the stairs to his apartment; 5b making sure nobody saw me and my hair. I knocked hoping he would answer but he might be at the hospital still so I don't know.

Finally once I was just about to give up the door creaked open and Zayn like through. "I was waiting for you to come." Was all he said to me before he opened it all the way and let me in. I walked in and sat down on the couch. I thought back to all the memories I had here of me and him playing xbox and talking about the tours or song ideas. But we both know I'm not here to talk about songs or tours; I'm here to talk about her.

"She cared for you, you know." I started. He sat down across from me and nodded. He was looking at his hands and his feet and making sure to not make eye contact with me.

"She cares and maybe even loves you more." He said finally bring his eyes to mine. How could he say something like that? That's not true.

"So you kissed her the day she moved in. Then you just left her. You left her. Why?"

"I left because she wants you. I wanted her but I knew you two were meant to be. Your her Prince not me." He said to me.

"Your lying someone as perfect as her would never love a beast like me." I said turning away from him. I don't understand how he could lie to me.

"I was the best friend. I can tell when she cares for someone and that one is you. It might have been me to but she would never care for me more then she cares for you. It was always you." He says to me.

He's wrong she doesn't love me. I'm going to stay like this forever I will never be the liam I once was. I will always be Adam the beast. The one who she was forced to live with for a year until he mom got better. I will never be her Prince. "She deserves better then me though. She deserves a Prince not a beast."

"Liam you are no beast. You are one of the most kindest people I have ever known in my life. You had a falling out but look at you now, you've changed to the man that you once were. The sweetheart, the loving, caring gentleman, and the Prince of Bella's life. I'm no prince for her and it took me a while to figure out that she was not my princess. My princess it in a hospital in a coma. She is and always will be your princess Liam." Zayn said to me. I turned back towards him.

That's right I've been here for about a half hour and not once have I given my condolences to him about Scarlett. "I'm sorry Zayn about Scarlett. She will wake up soon." He looked at me and smiled. I don't deserve that smile, I'm selfish worrying about my problems when people around me have problems also.

"Thanks li. I'm afraid she might not wake up though." He said to me. I got up from my couch and walk over to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"Zayn she will wake up. Like you said she's your princess and if it's mean to be she will wake up." I said to him. When we let go he looked at me and smiled. I looked around and noticed a few picture of a blonde who I'm guessing is Scarlett. "Is this her?" I looked to him and he nodded. I smiled and then I walked towards the door, but before I left I looked towards him. "She will wake up."

I left after that. It was time to get home because hopefully Bella will be home by now and I can make lunch. I finally reached home around 12:30 and walked into my house. I looked around and noticed Bella's keys were on the shelf and smiled to myself knowing that she is now home here with me. I then walked up the stairs to her bedroom. I knocked on the door hoping she wasn't that mad at me anymore and was wiling to let me talk. "Come in!" She yelled. I walked into her room only to notice she was looking up well me. Well the Liam Payne me. She was on Google searching different interviews of the old me you could say.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked. I little giddy that she wanted to know about me. Even though she doesn't know that it is me. "Well I was looking up some stuff about Liam Payne because well I don't there's something about him that reminds me of you. But well your way nicer apparently." She said. My smile went into a frown... if she figures out that Liam is me well then she will defiantly leave and never come back.  


HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK! Also vote to because that stuff but mostly comment I really wanna know what you think. ANYWAYS THE FIRST CHAPTER FOR DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES IS GOING UP TOMORROW SO DON'T FORGET TO READ THE PROLOGUE AND EVERYTHING. It's the second book of my Moments In Time Series.



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