Likes Me? Likes Me Not.- Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Likes Me? Likes Me Not.

Bella POV

I couldn't understand what I was listening to when the lady on the TV said that Zayn had a girlfriend. I mean he didn't even feel the need to tell me that he was seeing someone. I thought we were friends... well to be honest I thought there was more to us then 'just friends'. We had something but I can't put my finger on it. Adam walked in the room and he saw what I was watching and I could swear behind all that hair I could see his face frowning. I mean I shouldn't be sad over Zayn it's just that... I don't what to feel.

"I need to go speak to him..." I said. He just nodded. I got up and went to put makeup on and put something on. I don't know what to expect from going to see him. I just need to know why he's acting the way he's acting.

I walked down the stairs and looking to find Adam crouched over on the couch with his hand on his face.

"Bye Adam." Was all I said before I left him there.

I walked. Walked more than I ever had and tried to remember where Zayn said he lived. Luckily I have a fantastic memory and....well ok I called Simon. After I got off the phone with him I realized that Zayn doesn't live to far from where I was currently walking. Just a block away.

I finally reached the building I was searching for and I walked up all those stairs to get to his apartment. Ok now where is room 3B? I finally reached the door and knocked on it. Nothing. I knocked on it once more until finally the door opened only to see that Harry was on the other side of the door.

"Hey Bell what are you doing here?" He said sweetly. I sighed and then I think he figured it out. "He isn't here right now Bell." Was all he could say. I frowned and started to walk away. I didn't know what to do or where to go. "Bella if you want you can come in..." He said shyly before I reached the stairs. I looked over to him and just nodded.

I walked in the apartment and took in what was all around me. It was beautiful...big...something they would buy... it literally screamed teenage boy apartment. I went over and sat on the couch. Harry walked over and sat next to me. He put his hand on my back why I just sat there... a little depressed.

"Louis told me what happened between you. Don't worry I didn't tell L-I mean Adam and now I'm assuming you heard about Zayn's new girl." He said to me. I looked over to him and put on a smile; a fake smile but a smile just to show him that I'm stronger than what I appear to be.

"Come one why don't we watch a movie Bells." He said while smiling his bright smile. I can honestly tell you Harry is one of the nicest people you could ever meet in your life. He does everything he can possible to make you feel better and I sweat that's what I love about him.

"Ok what movie?" I said while wiping a tear away from my face.

"How about we watch a comedy?" He said. I just nodded. "Great now you put one on while I go make us some tea." He said while getting up and walking over to the kitchen. I got up from the couch also and walked over to his movie collection he had stored right next to the TV. I looked through is and noticed my favourite movie ever Step Brothers. I put it in the DVD player and went back to the couch and waited for Harry to walk back in with some Tea. After about 5 more minutes he walked back in with the Tea in his hand. He set it down in front of me and then sat next to me.

We snuggled into each other and then pressed play.

About a half hour into the movie the door knob started to giggle. I looked towards the door and then I heard voices. I looked over at Harry and he was currently passed out on the couch snoring; snoring loud I must say. Just the door opened and I ducked down; why I don't really know but I did.

"Yes Babe... Ok Scar... I'll talk to you later. Ok. I love you to." Was all I heard or what I'm assuming Zayn say. There already at the point of love. He walked over to the kitchen and I slowly got up and went for the door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Was all I heard. I took a deep breath and turned to the face that hasn't talked to me in about 2 and half months. Zayn. As soon as I saw him my heart ached. Not a lot but it did a little.

"Zayn. I'm sorry I came over to um... hang out with Harry and well now I'll just be leaving." I said while trying to not look into his eyes.

"Bella I'm sorry."

"Um... you know Zayn I don't know why... there is no need to be sorry. I don't even understand why you're apologizing..." I lied.

"Bella I know you. You're mad. You're mad I haven't talked to you in two and half months and your mad also because you I'm assuming found out by the paparazzi's." He said while taking a step forward. I moved a step back. I need to be as far away from him as possible.


"I know Bella and I wish I had an explanation but I don't. I hated not talking to you but I had to give you space. You had him and I wanted you. You wanted him. I had to give up on you and you know that. I did like you but now with her... it's different. I love her and I hope one day you can meet her because you two could be best friends." I left after he said that.

I couldn't be in the same room as him. I can't stand looking at him.

Liam POV

"It's Zayn isn't it?" I asked West. She showed up right after Bella left and she was just sitting there until I was ready to talk. I felt happy to know that she was here for me.

"She loves Zayn doesn't she?" I asked once more

"No I told you. She doesn't love him. She has strong feeling towards him but it's you she cares more about." West said while getting up and walking around the room.

"Then how do I get her back?" I asked hopefully. West turned and looked at me. She gave me sympathetic look and then sat next to me on the couch. She put her hand on my back and slowly started rubbing my back. Just then the door knob started to giggle and West was gone. I looked up at the door and watched Bella walk in with a sad face.

"Bella do you love him?"

"No I don't and I never did." She said with a look on her face that showed me that she truly did never love him.

Maybe there is still hope.


YAAAAAYYYY i Uploaded<3 I'm so proud of myself right now lol. anyyyyywaysssss please tell me what you think down in the comments and also remember to vote<3


LOVE YOU-Pamela<3

Beauty And The Payne- Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now