'Home'- Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


Bella POV


                                               He sleeps alone.

                                    My heart wants to come home.

                                I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.


            Home... what is home? I looked up in the dictionary what the word truly means and it simply said: Home- a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. Well that is true I am in a house that am I’m currently residing in and my family is living with me here… but thing that got me is that I didn’t feel at home. So I looked that up also; (of course online this time because what I was looking for won’t be in the dictionary) what it means to feel at home and I found things, things that I don’t feel works with me. According to the website it says: “When a person feels at home, this usually means he feels as if he belongs rather than like a stranger or an outsider.” Another website stated: “to feel as if one belongs; to feel as if one were in one's home; to feel accepted.” I liked these meanings; these ones truly are the definition of home. So why is it that where I am living I don’t feel like I belong, I feel like a complete stranger in a place that less then a year ago I called home. I don’t feel like I belong here it’s like I need to be somewhere else, or should I say with someone else.


 I finished unpacking the last box with my mom; she wouldn’t let me do it alone. Though I wish she had because she kept asking me about him. Questions I didn’t want to answer and questions I just didn’t want to hear. You know how mother can be when it comes to boys: ‘Are you two together?’ ‘Where is he?’ ‘I can already see you two walking down the aisle together.’ ‘He was such a nice boy!’ ‘What do you mean he didn’t want you anymore? You must have it all wrong baby cakes.’ And the thing was because I haven’t seen her in forever I felt obligated to answer the questions, at the same I was also trying to hold back tears; I wanted to show her I was strong, that I could handle a broken heart from boy who was merely a roommate.

“Honey, are you feeling ok?”

“Yes mom, I’m fine.” I lied.

“Why don’t we watch a movie?” She asked while smiling. That was the thing about my mother; she was oblivious to what was really going on around her. She could never tell if I was lying. We went downstairs and I picked a movie while she started to cook. She wanted to make this night perfect since it was the first night of us being reunited as a family again.

I decided to pick one of my favourite movies; Beastly. I love Alex Pettyfer so much. I put in the movie and then went to set the table for dinner.

My walked into the living room and placed the food on the table, I went to sit down and I swear I almost cried right then and there. There in front of me was a plate of white pasta; the first meal he ever made for me. In the plate was a single spoon, my mom always liked to twirl her pasta but I couldn’t bring myself to use it. I lightly smiled her and said thanks. She just nodded happily, she wanted to make my favourite and it made me smile, but it also reminded me of the first dinner I had with him.

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