Green Of Envy- Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Green Of Envy

Bella POV

I'm currently driving home from the hospital. Adam was probably worried sick at where I was but I know he understands that I had to be there for Zayn. He needed me. I can't let the feelings I have for him get in the way. I don't think I even have feelings for him anymore. Seeing him there look at that girl- Scarlett made me realize that he cares for her so much, and honestly it hurt a little but not as much as I expected it to. I didn't get green you could say.

I was about a block away from the house and I looked up to the street sign that said the name of the intersection. I smiled. This was my old house. I made a quick right on to my old street where my old house was. I stopped right in front of the house. It was still owned by us and I do still have a key to it but I don't think I could go inside and not break down. Gosh it looked old. It was starting to grow brushes all up the side of the house. I then her a honk from behind me telling me someone was behind me wanting me to move. So I did. I let and made my way to home to my big hairy -ugh... umm I don't know what Adam is to me... my big hairy something.

As I parked in front of the house I was living in, I started to hear voices as I was getting closer and closer to the door. Did Adam have friends over? I looked at my watch- no it's 1:30 in the morning he wouldn't. I pressed my ear up to the door to see if I could hear anything. Muffles that was all I heard.

"I love..." I know I heard from a boy; probably Adam.

"I know you do, I..." Someone else said; a girl if I'm not mistaken. God I wish these doors were thinner. Who is in there with him and I'm sorry HE LOVES HER?

"This conversation isn't private ADAM anymore."

"What why did you...? Oh!" Just then the door opened and I fell on the floor. Shit I've been caught. I looked up only to see Adam with a smirk playing on his face. I looked over to the couch on to see a girl with long blonde hair sitting there. She stood up and smiled. I don't get it she doesn't seem like Adam's type why doe she love her and all this time I thought well I don't know what I thought but I thought something.

"Um... hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hello you must be Bella, I'm West. I've heard such lovely things." She said to me while bring me in for a awkward hug.

"Soo.... um. Your um.. Adam's girlfriend?" I asked. I'm surprised he never mentioned her I mean we have been living together for a long time now.

"NO!" I heard from behind me. I turned to look at Adam. "Were only friends, right West?" He said.

"Oh yes, I could never date Adam. He's to hairy for my liking." She laughed.

"It's not my fault that some witch put a curse on me." He said while annoyed.

"Oh Adam, look at you now talking about witches and curse's like there real." West laughed. He just narrowed his eyes at her. Ya just friends my ass.

"Well I must be going. It was nice meeting you Bella." I didn't feel the need to say goodbye to Adam's 'friend'. He closed the door behind her and then walked over to me. He opened his arms and I just laughed. If he thinks he's getting a hug he's crazy. I just roll my eyes and turn away from him .

He looked at me and frowned. I hope he knows I don't believe there just friends. He was probably planning on doing other things with her before I showed up. Gross. And here I was thinking he was probably freaking out about where I was. I felt a hurt right now. Very hurt. I slowly walked over to the stairs and went to my bed.

Beauty And The Payne- Liam PayneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora