Chapter Twenty: Capabilities

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This is it guys! Last Chapter! Wow! It's about 10 months now! I know I'm a slow writer! Ok onto the Chapter!

Enjoy, Lena


*Gabby's point of view*

I woke up and unwrapped myself from the sleeping boy beside me. I smiled as I tried to memorize his features. Then my frown faded as a reminder of the fact that I won't be able to wake up to this for much longer. He's leaving tomorrow morning and I don't even get to spend all of today with him because he has another meeting and I have class. In the process of just over month I've grown so attached. I know that sounds bad, but it's true.

Lately all I can think about is Niall and how happy he makes me, but when he told me they were leaving my heart ached. I pretended to be strong for him. I don't want to ruin our last moments together with tears. I should have known this was bound to happen eventually, but I think somewhere in the back of my head I wished otherwise. I rolled out of bed and headed to my bathroom. I took a quick shower then put my hair in a messy bun. Let's be real it's school I am not trying to impress anyone. After putting on my underwear and bra, I slipped on some leggings with a strip of sheer cut out on them and a collared white shirt with dark blue little hearts on it, then I threw a dark blue sweater over it but let the collar peak through. I put on some black crochet Toms, applied light make up, grabbed my bag, and left.

I pulled up to the college and went to my first class. I sat in the back not wanting to pay attention. I was in my own little world till a note landed on my desk. I scrunched up my brows confused and looked around to see who threw it. There where no signs so I opened it. My eyes watered as they scanned over the words. I normally don't let things like this get to me, but today was already a fragile day. I crinkled back up the note and grabbed my bag. I don't want to be in class right now. Thank god we were doing our assignments and the lesson was over. I walked up to Mrs. Lovegood and she excused me on the account that I wasn't feeling well. I quickly texted Salena who should have just finished her classes for the day.

'I need to talk:'( Starbucks?' I sent as I climbed into my car.

'Already here:(' she sent back and I quickly turned on the car and drove two blocks away.

I got out of my car and found Salena sitting at a table in the back corner on her laptop drinking her usual. I practically ran to the chair in front of her. She gave me a small smile seeing I was clearly upset.

"Here you go girly," she said pushing a cup of my fave in front of me.

I gave her an attempt at a smile and took a drink. She was typing on her computer and I didn't want to interupt, so I drank my drink awkwardly till she finished and closed her laptop.

"What's wrong?" She asked full of concern.

I reached into my bag and handed her the note. I watched as her eyes skimmed over the words. 'stop WHORAN around you dirty slut! Every one knows about your ex, and how not even he WANTED you. So how could you think Niall could actually want you. Do all us directioners a favor and stay away! UGLY BITCH'. The words repeated in my head as if I had the paper in front of me and was reading them.

"Gab, Gabby you can't let this get to you. Girls all over the world are going to be jealous because they want what you have been blessed to have. They will get over it, not all of them, but most. Once they see how happy Niall is with you they will give you chance." she said as she ripped up the note.

"I just don't think I'm strong enough to handle this Len. Why should I have to wait for them to give me a chance to be happy? Why do I have to prove to them that I'm good enough? If it was switched, I would trust Niall's judgement because being the fans that we are, we all know he's waited far to long to find a girl, just to throw it away on me," I said in desperation to find a way through this mess.

I Wouldn't Mind *Editing*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें