Chapter Seven: Issues

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This has not been edited and is kinda boring sorry

Enjoy, lena


            "What’s the issue?” Harry asked concerned.

            “The silver car to the left of us has been following us since we left the hotel, and we just passed Applebee’s because there were at least 10 girls standing outside,” he sighed.

            “How did they know we were going to Applebee’s?” I asked confused.

            “I may have taken a picture of the stoplight and posted it on Instagram saying ‘headed to Applebee’s’,” Harry said looking down at his hands sheepishly.

            “How about we go somewhere with a drive through that way we have more time to hangout anyway?” Salena asked reassuringly to Harry.

            “How about Taco Bell?” I asked knowing to would both agree.

            “Okkie dokki,” Salena said at the same time Niall and Harry said “Perfect.”

            “Uhh, the closest one is about three streets down by Castles ‘n’ Coasters,” Salena said giving directions.

            “What’s Castles ‘n’ Coasters?” Niall asked Salena.

            “It’s our little amusement park. You know with roller coasters and rides. They even have mini golf,” Salena smiled probably remembering all the times we’ve went there to have some fun.

            “Mini golf,” Harry asked. “We should go there after we eat!”

            “Sounds like a plan,” Niall said smiling.

            We pulled into the drive thru and all of us ordered what we wanted along with drinks including their body guard and driver. The boys insisted on paying, so we pulled up to the window, but Harry handed his card to our driver. We got our food and decided to park and eat in the car before heading to Castles ‘n’ Coasters. Niall immediately dug into his tacos, and I couldn’t help but remember why I had fallen so in love with him during my teenage years. He looked too cute as he ate, and I don’t care how creepy that sounds.

            “Aren’t you going to eat?” Niall asked me breaking me from my thoughts.

            “Yeah, sorry just kinda zoned out a bit,” I said taking a bite of my taco.

            “Hey Harry, you mind sharing a bit of your nacho bell grande with me?” Niall asked taking the last bite of his first taco.

            “Don’t you have two more tacos left?” Harry asked moving his food away from Niall’s reach.

            “Yeeeah, but I want to see what yours tastes like,” Niall gave Harry puppy dog eyes.

            “Fine, but only a little bit,” Harry gave in handing it to Niall as I laughed finishing my taco.

            “Taco?” Salena offered Harry. He smiled and took it obviously not able to refuse a free taco. “Thanks,” he said unwrapping it.

            “Whoa! Did you just share your tacos?” I asked shocked and making fun of her because she never shares her tacos.

            “Shut up!” Salena warned giving me a look that could kill.

            “Calm down ladies and enjoy this delicious food,” Niall said finishing his last taco.

            “Soo,” Salena said and we all looked at her.

            “Wot?” Harry asked while eating his nachos.

            “Has no one else noticed the four girls parked to spaces down that keep staring at the van?” She asked uneasy.

            “Can they see us?” I asked as we all looked at the silver car that must have followed us all the way here.

            “No the windows are tinted. All they can see is their reflection,” Harry answered.

            “We should go talk to them that way they don’t follow us to Castles ‘n’ Coasters,” Niall said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

            “Right,” Harry said fixing his hair. “Ladies we will be right back.” He smiled then they got out of the car and walked toward the car where the girls were obviously freaking out.

            “Soo, you and Niall,” Salena started once the boys left.

            “Yeah, what about it?” I asked her already sensing what she was going to say.

            “Why aren’t you two together?”

            “Because that would just complicate things. Plus I’m happy enough to be his friend,” I said sadly.

            “Mmhmm, and you think all Niall wants is to be your friend?”

            “I could ask you the same thing about Harry or even what the hell happened with Oliver back there,” I warned.

            Her face froze and she frowned. “Fine,” She said and the subject dropped. Shit I screwed up. What happened between her and Oliver must be really serious. I leaned back in my seat and saw the boys walking back to us through the window. They hopped back in the car and smiled.

            “How was it?” Salena asked attempting a smile.

            “Well we took pictures and signed some stuff. Just the usual,” Niall smiled and turned toward me. “Ready to go have some fun?”  

            “More than ever,” I replied with a smile.

            When we got to Castles ‘n’ Coasters there weren’t many people there. I guess not many people like to go during the winter even though it’s still pretty warm outside. We walked inside to the arcade to buy our bracelets. We bought rides and 1 event bracelets for mini golfing. Salena insisted on paying for mine and hers.

            “Ok so where to first?” I asked.

            “Well I want to go on the Sea Dragon,” Salena said.

            “I was thinking more like golfing first,” Niall said shyly.

            “Well than, how about you and Gabby go mini golfing and Salena and I will go on some rides and catch up with you guys later?” Harry asked with a nervous looking Salena beside him.

            “Sounds good,” Niall said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door with him and leaving Salena and Harry in the arcade.

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