Chapter Six: Just Friends

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Short again and uneditied sorry

Enjoy, Lena


            Whoa did Oliver just say he was Salena’s boyfriend? When did that happened? I could have sworn she only went on one date with the guy. I looked at Salena who had her mouth hanging open and her eyebrows scrunched confused. Harry looked down at her just as confused, but not removing his hands from her.

            “What!” Salena shouted moving away from Harry and to Oliver.

            “I thought we had something special,” Oliver said sadly.              

            “We do, but…” she stopped mid-sentence and looked at all of us just standing there awkwardly avoiding eye contact. “Let’s talking about this elsewhere,” she said walking past Harry and out of the door with Oliver following her. The door shut and I looked at an extremely confused Harry.

            I walked over to him and smiled. “Don’t worry, he is not her boyfriend. She doesn’t have one. She just met him a few days ago, and he showed up here out of no where. I don’t even know how he knows our address,” I said and turned to Niall. “What do we do now? It’s already thirty till two?”

            “Let’s sit and talk about how we are going to handle the picture situation,” Niall sat on the loveseat and pulled me with him while Harry sat across from us on the couch.

            “Well, first things first. Are you to together?” Harry asked.

            This was the question I’ve been trying to avoid this whole time. Niall and I had hung out yesterday and I don’t even know if it was considered a date. We haven’t even kissed. I mean I would absolutely love to get to know him more and keep dating I just don’t know if that’s what he wants. What if he just wanted to be friends? I would of course agree to that, but yesterday when I hung out with him I felt like a kid again. I felt like I could tell him anything. Maybe the best thing for now would be for us to stay friends. I don’t want to complicate things by bringing a relationship into the mix.

            I took in a deep breath. “No we’re just friends,” I said and felt Niall tense next to me.

            “Ok,” Harry said confused. “I also take it that you’d rather the fans not find out who you are so you don’t get direct hate?” he asked.

            “No, I don’t want them to find out, but if they do I mean I think I can handle it. After all we are just friends,” I said the last part quietly.

            “Yeah just friends,” Niall said awkwardly running his hands through his hair. “I’ll send out a tweet saying I’m not dating anyone and that the girl in the photos is just a close friend,” he said taking out his phone. Harry took out his phone as well I assumed saying the same thing about Salena as Niall was saying about me.

            “So everything is o…” I was cut off by the sound of shattering glass from outside the door.

            “What the hell?” Harry asked getting up and walking to the door as we followed. He opened the door just in time to see Salena fall to the floor with her face in her hands crying. He ran over to her and pulled her into his arms. Oliver was no where in sight and there was a shattered vase across from her. Harry picked her up and we walked inside. She was still silently crying and he placed her on the couch. I walked over to her and she pulled me into a hug.

            “What happened out there?” I asked her concerned as I rubbed her back.

            “I really don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just say that Oliver will most definitely not be coming around anymore,” she whispered burying her face into my shoulder. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, and if everyone wants to go out I could really use a distraction.”  She looked up and pushed her hair behind her ear.

            “Of course,” Harry said attempting a smile. “Plus we handled the photo problem. We told them all of us were just friends.”

            She looked up questionly at from Niall and me before getting up and walking away.  I looked at Niall who was sitting by my side and Harry who was standing in front of us.

            “What do you think happened out there?” Harry asked me worriedly.

            “I have no idea,” I looked at them both giving the same worried expression Harry gave me. “But that vase, it didn’t break by itself.”

            “Do you think that h..,” Harry started looking angry.

            “You guy ready?” Salena asked quietly and smiled. However, I could tell the smile didn’t quite reach her hazel eyes. Harry stood up and slipped his arm around her shoulders “Let’s go,” he said walking to the door.

            “Yeah we still have a bit of time. I say we get food first because I am starving,” Niall said as we walked out the door.

            We walked outside and saw a black van parked out front. “I take it this is our ride?” I said looking at Niall. He grabbed the door handle and opened it as a gesture for all of us to get in. Salena sat in the back and I was about to sit with her, but Harry stole my place. I ended up sitting with Niall which I didn’t mind at all.

            “Where to boys?” The man in the passenger seat turned around and asked.

            “Uhh how about, Applebee’s?” Niall asked everyone.

            “Do they serve tacos at Applebee’s?” Harry asked and I heard Salena giggle. “Wot?” he asked her his cheeks reddening.

            “Nothing, it’s just funny cause my favorite food is tacos,” she smiled at him.

            “Looks like you’re not the only one,” Niall said winking at Harry.

            “Applebee’s it is,” said Salena and the car was put in drive.

            I took my phone out to check my twitter. I scrolled down my timeline and everyone was saying they didn’t believe Niall at all, but some of them believed Harry. I tweeted that I was going out for lunch when Justin Bieber’s song Boyfriend came on. Niall immediately freaked out and I looked back at Salena who had a huge smile on her face, and Harry just looked confused.

            “If I was your girlfriend I’d never let’cha go. I could take ya places that’cha never been before. Baby take a chance and you’ll never ever know, I got money in my hands that I’d really like blow,” Salena sang then pointed at me right on time.

            “Swag, swag, swag on you. Chilling by the fire while we eating fondue. I don’t know about me, but I know about you so say hello to falsetto in 3, 2 swag,” I said then pointed at Niall who had caught on.

            “I’d like to be anything you want. Hey girl, let me talk to ya,” He pointed to Harry who began to sing.

            “If I was your boyfriend I’d never let you go,” Salena blushed when Harry looked at her then Harry pointed at Niall who looked at me.

            “I’d keep you in my arms girl you’d never be alone. I can be a gentleman anything you want. If I was your boyfriend I’d never let you go,” Niall said looking me directly in the eyes.

            We all joined in for the rest of the song laughing at Salena’s attempts to rap like a pro. We were in the middle of giggles and manly chuckles when the driver turned back to us quickly with a serious face. “Boys we have a problem.”   

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