Chapter Two: Couldn't Say Goodbye

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Unedited, sorry.

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Enjoy -Lena


        We got home in about fifteen minutes after we left the bar. Salena didn’t say a single word on the drive home, but at least she didn’t shed anymore tears. I unlocked the door to our condo and walked in with a sigh as Salena followed behind me. She walked straight to her room without saying a single word. I have to admit that I never thought I would actually be able to move in with my best friend, but we teamed up and made it happen. We were easily able to afford rent here, and still have a bit extra to spend on ourselves. I was truly grateful things turned out this way because neither Salena nor I had the best childhood growing up, but we always tried to keep smiles on our faces.

            I walked to my room and dropped my purse onto the floor by my bed. I was beyond tired from this long and hectic day, so I slipped out of my jeans and tossed off my shirt then climbed under the covers to my bed. I laid there a while thinking about everything that had happened today. My eyes finally became heavy as I drifted off to sleep with so much on my mind.

            I typically never wake up on time to get ready in the morning, but today I found myself staring at the clock waiting for my alarm to go off. I just couldn’t go back to sleep with everything from yesterday on my mind. My alarm finally went off and I sat up in my bed just as Salena walked in.

            “Ohh, you’re already up?” She questioned because she usually wakes me up after my alarm goes off.

            “Yeah I couldn’t sleep. There has been a lot on my mind all night,” I said as I rubbed my eyes.

            “You want to know what happened last night, huh?” She smiled sadly.

            “I told you could tell me whenever you’re ready,” I assured her.

            “How about at lunch we meet up at Starbucks, and I’ll tell you everything when we go eat some food?”

            “Sounds good.” I said. “Now get out of here you’re going to be late.” We laughed as she turned around and walked down the hall.

            I heard the door shut and I stood up. I was still beyond tired, but I figured a shower would really help wake me up. I walked to the bathroom and examined myself in the mirror. Yeah, I needed to take a shower to tame my curly hair so it wouldn’t be so frizzy. I took off my undergarments and hopped into the shower. I turned on the hot water, and let it slightly burn my skin before adding just a bit of cold. I liked taking warm showers. Don’t ask me why because I don’t even know. Warm showers just wake me up and make me feel clean. I washed my hair and just let the water hit my skin for a while. When I was done I grabbed a towel and stood in front of the mirror. I wiped left over make up off my face, and moisturized it. Then I parted my hair and ran some mousse through my hair maintain my curls. After I applied some light brown eye shadow, I walked into my room. I slipped into my distressed jean shorts, and tribal print shirt. I put on my black Vans and some lotion, then grabbed my bag, keys, and walked out the door.

            It took me a while to find a parking space at the school, but after I did I walked into my first class, English, and took a seat near the back. I wasn’t really in the mood to pay attention today, but I knew I had to otherwise my grade would drop. Salena helped me make it through high school, and whenever I need help raising my grade in any of my college classes, she helps me too. I took out a pencil from my bag as the teacher walked in and handed us our worksheets. We had a list of books to read over the next month or two, and they weren’t exactly the same genre as my occasional read. I pulled out The Giver and opened it to the spot where my bookmark was placed. I had barely started the book yesterday and I already found it extremely confusing. I didn’t understand why everything was the same. It seemed like such a horrible boring life to be living. I kept asking myself why this poor boy was given such a secretive job. As I kept reading, I will admit it began to draw me in, making me curious as to what the job he was given actually was. After English I had math, my worst subject. I sat in the front for that class because I knew it was the only way I was going to pay attention. Math class seemed to take forever and a day. I sat there staring down at my homework. I had a good 45 minutes left of class, so I straightened up my seating potion and began working on it. I didn’t want to have to do any work when I got home. I wanted to be able to chill a bit, maybe take a nap. I finished the worksheets with a mere two minutes left of class. I put everything in my bag and asked Mr. Harrison if I could head off to lunch. He excused me with a smile, and then I walked out the door and headed for my car. I pulled into the parking lot of starbucks and saw Salena was already here. I parked my car and headed inside. Salena was sitting at a table near the window scrolling down her phone, most likely on twitter.

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