Chapter Seventeen: Let's Steam Things Up.

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It's coming close to the end of this story:(

But there is going to be a sequel!

Only 3 chapters left!

Partly filler, but important info for the sequel:)

Enjoy, Lena


It's been a very long time since I've stepped foot in Polar Ice. Living in Arizona practically all my life, you start to forget what the cold feels like. We had all already got our skates and were in the locker area putting them on. I absolutely hated these dam things. They pinched my toes and I couldn't walk on them. I made sure to wear thick socks, and skinny jeans to avoid getting cut. I also put on a leopard long sleeve sweater that had cold shoulder cut-outs. My hair was down and still straight from yesterday and I had a beanie on. I finished putting on my skates just as Niall walked up to me.

"Ready love?" He asked putting his hand out to help me up.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I mumbled.

"I won't be that bad," he smiled. "Remember Harry is out there and we have him to laugh at," Niall said leading me towards the ice rink doors. He stepped out onto the ice holding his hands out to me. I grabbed onto them and stepped onto the ice with him.

"Whoa!" I said trying to keep my balance.

"It's alright babe, you got this," he said pulling me along with him as he moved along the edge of the rink.

"I just don't want to fall on my face," I giggled as we began slowly moving forward.

"I wouldn't let that happen," he smiled. "At worst you'll fall on your arse," he laughed and pulled us along a little bit faster.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it," I said concentrating on moving my feet.

"You wanna try and go solo?" Niall asked unsure.

"Yeah, but stay close that way if I go down you're there to help me up," I smiled and he let go of my hand.

I started out moving very slowly. I was scared of falling it always hurt, but I was determined to learn. Niall was next to me watching me with concern. He was probably scared that I was going to fall on my face any minute. I felt like I was starting to do a bit better, so I sped up.

"Looks like you're getting the hang of it," Niall said next to me meeting my pace.

"For now, if I try to go any faster I'll probably fall," I laughed, but was cut off as someone collided with me and knocked me onto my side. They fell slightly on top of and in front of me. I opened my eyes to see a laughing curly head boy.

"Harry! What the hell! Watch where you are going! You could have really hurt her!" Niall yelled pushing Harry off of me.

"Sorry mate. I lost control," Harry said as Salena made her way towards us.

"Babe are you alright?" Niall asked me with concern full in his eyes.

"Yes my shoulder just hurts a bit," I smiled.

"Let's sit out and get some food," Niall said helping me up.

"Are you sure? We've only been skating for like less than twenty minutes," I asked.

"Yeah, I'm hungry and your shoulder needs time to heal before you fall again," he said chuckling.

"Hey!" I yelled and pushed him, but he just slid perfectly on the ice.

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