Chapter Fourteen: The Plan

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The past few days had gone by perfectly. Niall and I were still talking. We weren't officially together or anything, but I guess you could say we were dating. Not to be corny or anything, but he was everything I imagined and more. Of course there were a few differences in how I imagined things would be and how they really are. For instance I never even thought I would get to meet him. I never imagined it would be this easy to talk to him. I can be myself when I'm with him. I feel like I can tell him anything. Then there's the way he kissed me. The last time he kissed me was in the kitchen of their house and I haven't been able to forget about it. It was forceful then soft, but it didn't last long. An honestly enough, there's nothing more I could ask for. If you took away the kissing, the cuddling, all the romance, and left us with just friendship I would still be happy.

"Hey Gab, Sue's here!" Salena yelled from outside my door.

Today was her birthday party and it was time to start decorating the house. I know she's turning twenty, but that wasn't going to stop us from putting up streamers everywhere. We twirled the purple and blue streamers together and pinned them on the ceiling so that they all met in the middle. After that we began working outside in the back. We set up four tables for beer pong, other tables to sit down and chill, and left a big spot on the cement to dance near where the dj will be set up. We are counting on nice weather because we want everyone to mostly stay outside. The last thing we want is for things inside the house to get broken. Salena and I were putting ice into the ice-chests when someone knocked on the door.

"Gab can you get that it's probably Chris," Salena said carrying the ice chest to a spot on the grass.

I opened the door to be greeted by my brother, Chris, who I haven't seen in the past there months.

"Chris I haven't seen you in forever!" I said and hugged him.

"I know it's been a while hasn't it," he releases me. "So where do you want me to put these, there's more in the car too," he says holding up the cases of Smirnoff.

"Uhm just take them out back," I say heading out to grab the other cases of alcohol.

We had everything set up by four and all we needed to do was get ready. Salena decided that since she let me throw this party then I have to let her do my hair. So here we were an hour later and she was finally done curling my hair with a straightner, I know the sounds weird, but it always come out just the right amount of messy. I hurried to my room to do my make up and Salena undid the braid she had put her hair into earlier so that she could have loose waves. I could already tell tonight was going to be great!

*Niall's point of view*

"Zayn! Come in here!" I yelled down the hall from my bedroom.

"Wot's wrong mate?" Zayn asked walking into my room fixing his hair.

"Do you think I look alright?" I asked self consciously.

"You're nervous," Zayn stated obviously. "Don't be, you hear me nothing will get in the way of tonights plan. Salena and Harry got everything set up."

"I know it's just nerve racking cause its been so long. Like what if I do something wrong?" I said sitting on my bed and putting my head in my hands.

"You got this mate, she's going to be smiling tomorrow that's for sure," Zayn smirked.

"But what if she doesn't want to?" I said still unconvinced.

Zayn got up and shouted down the hall, "Harry! Harry come in here!"

"Wot," Harry said peaking his head into the room.

"Tell Niall what Salena told you yesterday," Zayn said sitting back down on the bed next to me.

"Salena said that Gabby cannot get her mind off your kiss," Harry said smirking.

I felt my cheeks redden as I smiled. "Well then what are we waiting for boys? Let's go!" I said getting up and walking out of my room.

*Gabby's point of view*

"Salena! Let's go people are already getting here," I said walking into her room.

"Ok lets go," she said turning away from her mirror.

Salena and I walked out back and were greeted by quite a bit of people. The music was playing rather loudly. I spotted a certain curly haird girl and walked to her to be wrapped up in a hug.

"Alex! You came!" I said smiling.

"Of course I did! It's Salena's birthday! Where is she anyway?" Alex said looking around.

"I think she's inside talking to Sue," I said as someone walked up next to Alex.

"Hey Gabby," Justin said giving me a hug.

"Hey Justin, thanks for comming," I smiled still not used to the fact that one of my best friends was married to Justin.

"It's no problem, where is Salena anyway?" He asked.

"Oh she just walked out," I said pointing to her.

"We're going to go say happy birthday, see you later," Alex said turning.

"Alright," I said walking toward an ice chest to get a drink.

I decided to start out light with a Mike's Hard Lemonade. I popped off the lid and took a sip.

"Guess who?" Niall said covering my eyes.

"I know your accent Niall!" I laughed as he took his hands off of my eyes. I turned around to face him. "Hey," I smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back.

"Are you enjoying the party?" I asked.

"I just got here, but it seems like it's getting off to a good start," he said.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked him walking toward the ice chest.

"Yeah sure," he said reaching into the chest and pulling out a Smirnoff.

"Let's go sit down?" I asked jesturing toward a table.

"Sure let's go sit," he said going to sit down.

"Did the rest of the boys come?" I asked casually trying to comprehend why I felt so awkward. Maybe it was because this was the first time I was with Niall in front of all my friends.

"Yeah actually they are all coming, so you'll offically get to me everyone," Niall smiled widely. "I'm not even close to the best, but do you want to go dance?" He asked with hope filled eyes.

"Of course, I love dancing!" I said excitedly as he led me to the dance floor.

He put his hands on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders as we danced to the beat of the fast paced music. Our bodies were up against eachother as we moved. I could feel the heat radiating from his chest onto me. The song ended to quickly and Niall let me inside to the kitchen.

"Shot?" He asked filling up two shots with vodka.

"Why not?" I said smiling. "After all the party is just getting started."

We brought the shot glasses up to our mouthes and threw the liquid down our throats.

"Wooooooooooo!" Niall shouted as a slammed his shot glass on the table. I knew it, shit was just about to get crazy.

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