The trip to LA

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A couple days pass by and you and Sasha are finally finish packing. "Tomorrow is the big day y/n" Sasha said with excitement. You look over at her in the mirror while brushing your teeth and say "what time do we even have to wake up tomorrow?". "5am" Sasha says while walking into the other room. You let out a big grunt while spitting your tooth paste out of your mouth. You put your tooth brush in a plastic bag and put it in your bag you are going to be taking to LA a day to yourself "the last thing I will need to pack hopefully". You make yourself some hot tea to help yourself go to bed because you know your not going to be able to sleep tonight with a lot on your mind about LA. You take Milo to your room and set him on your bed and turn on the tv and lay in bed. You finish your hot tea and turn your tv off and close your eyes to go to sleep.

(The next day)
"Beep, beep, beep, beep" the alarm goes off on your phone. You lift yourself up in the dark trying to find your phone in your covers to turn that outrageous alarm sound off. It is currently 5:03 am in the morning and you need to be at the airport at 7 am. You go put your led lights on and go to let Milo out to go to the bathroom. Then you walk into Sasha's room seeing that she already awake straightening her hair in her bathroom and you say "morning" she said "morning where are we going for breakfast" you start to think and then say your fav place "Dunkin' obviously".

You go to your room to get ready and figure out what outfit to wear and pick out some sweat pants and a hoodie since your going to be on the plan for awhile. You brush your teeth and then think of anything you are forgetting to put in your bag that you might need for LA. You yell "Sasha are you ready" then she walks out of her room with all her bags and throws them on the floor in front of you. You say "don't you think that's a little much for a week?" You and her both start laughing. "Nah just in case, you always end up borrowing my clothes half the time". You look up from texting and say "that's true".

You put Milo in his kennel so that you can take him to your moms house for the week for her to watch him. Sasha grabs her car keys and says I'll drive and you and her head out the door with all your bags. You stuff your bags in the car including Milo in his kennel and get in. The first stop you make is to drop Milo off at your moms. You get out of the car while Sasha sits in the car.

You get into your moms house and let Milo out of his kennel. Your mom greets you at the front door saying "have a great time I don't wanna keep you or else you'll be late". You give your mom and hug and storm out of the door.

The next stop is Dunkin' Donuts. Sasha pulls up to the drive way and she orders a Carmel frappe with a sausage egg and cheese bagel. You order and say a Carmel ice coffee with extra Carmel in it, with a bacon egg and cheese croissant. You get your food and you and Sasha both jam out to your playlist on Spotify while driving to the air port.

You get there at 6:45 am and you and Sasha get onto the plane while putting your bags on the conveyer belt to be put on the plane. You and Sasha sit in your seats and look out the window as the plane takes off. Sasha looks over out the window your by and says "bye Kansas". You look over at her and smile while scrolling through Instagram on your phone.

Some hours past by and you are half way through the plane ride to LA and you look over next to you to see if Sasha was awake and she wasn't so you decided to try to go to sleep also. You take you head pillow and put it on while watching some YouTube videos on your phone. You scroll through youtube and can't find a video that catches your interest. Then suddenly you see a video that says "alone in the real conjuring house by Sam and Colby" you love the conjuring movie so
You decide to tap on it to watch it. You put your AirPods in and set up your phone and begin to fall asleep to the YouTube video on the plane.

(Later on the plane)
You wake up to Sasha shaking you constantly yelling "y/n wake up! Look out the window" you open your eyes so slightly and look out the window as the light blinds you, but then see the city of LA. You see a beautiful beach and a big city from below and say "wow!" Under your breath.

 You see a beautiful beach and a big city from below and say "wow!" Under your breath

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