Broken down problem

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You have your hands on your head and say "no, this can't be happening, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we leave for the flight tomorrow morning. Colby looks at all the tires around the car. "It's the damn tire again", he says while taking his foot to push on the tire. The tire was flat. We were in the middle of no where all that was around was trees, a bunch of trees.

You were a little creeped out but at the same time the trees were really pretty

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You were a little creeped out but at the same time the trees were really pretty. Colby got back in the car and you followed. Colby then puts his head on the steering wheel saying "there's nothing we can do". You look out the window at the leaves falling down off the trees as the wind blew. You say "let's call Sam and Kat!". You get your phone out and see that there isn't any signal. "Of course, we just had to break down in a place with no signal" you said while throwing ur phone. Colby then says "let's get out and start walking to see if we can get signal or find a place". You and Colby get out of the car and start walking.

As you and Colby walked he grabs ur hand. You felt like you've been walking forever already.

You pass a broken down car and you start walking towards it

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You pass a broken down car and you start walking towards it. Colby grabs you and says, "what are you doing". You answer "going to look at that car". He looks towards the car and says "no, not a good idea", "come on I'm curious". You let go of Colby's hand and Colby puts his hand on his face and says "we don't have time to explore y/n, we need to figure out how to get back home". You ignore him and look inside the car. There isn't anything but junk in the car. You reach your hand through the broken window and grab a bag. The bag had letters in them with cards that said "merry Christmas", "happy birthday". You read some of them and all the cards had the name written val, you read some more and the name Val was short for Valarie. You say "weird". Colby walks over and says "stop touching things you don't know who's these are". You say "stop being a scaredy-cat" while walking towards the back seats of the car. There were more and more bags. You open another bag and it had photos of people, mostly family like photos and photos of black cats. You and Colby looked at the photos. "Someone really loved their cat I guess", Colby said while holding the photo.

Then a really bad smell came from one of the bags, the smell was so bad your eyes started watering. Then some bags fell out of the car. All the photos had fell out of the bags and then this one really weird bag fell last on top of the photos. Then came out the bag was candles and sage. You back away from the bag and say "uh Colby I think we should keep walking it's not safe here". Then your foot crunches on something behind you while you back away. You look down behind you and it's cat corpses and dead birds. You gasp and whisper "oh my god". Colby see's everything you were talking about and takes your hand and you both start speed walking away. "I told you this was a bad idea, you never listen to me" Colby said while walking. You could tell he was mad at you. If Colby was such the exploring type why was he mad? He does this for a living. Other than Colby getting mad, you thought to yourself, did we really just see witch craft items. The more you thought about it the more it creeped you out. Colby didn't really talk much as you and him kept walking on the forest road.

We get to a gas station and see our phones finally have signal. Colby calls Sam but we really don't know where we're at or the location, so he told you to go into the gas station store and ask the guy at the counter for the location we're currently at. "Sir sorry to bother you but could you tell me the location we're at, our car broke down miles down". The guy was sitting in a chair behind the counter and moved his newspaper down. He had a tooth pick in his mouth and he looked like he didn't wanna be bothered. He answer and said "yeah the location is, 666 foresting dr Los Angeles". You "thank you sir" he nodded his head and went back to reading his news paper. You walk out and tell Colby the address and he tells Sam on the phone.

You were happy we were at least in Los Angeles but the address had the numbers 666 in them, super creepy. You and Colby sat at a bench near the road waiting for Sam to come pick you guys up. While sitting there you look at both ways down the road and there are no cars just trees and road. You sigh while answering texts. Your mom had texted you saying "are you still coming tomorrow?". You reply to her text and says "yes mom don't worry I'll be there before the Christmas Eve party". She loved your message. Colby puts his arms around you and says "sorry I got mad at you, I was worried and you just wander off and do your own little thing sometimes, hm and that's something I learned about you y/n". You laughed and say "it's okay, I can be annoying, I just like to be independent". He hugs you and you both sit there as the wind blew the trees waiting for Sam.

You fell asleep on Colby's shoulder and it was just a little before sunset outside. Colby shakes you and says "y/n wake up". You get up in confusion because you thought you were in your bed but really your on a side of a road on a bench with trees surrounding you, who wouldn't wake up confused. You see Sam pull up and you and Colby get in the car. He brought extension cords so he could take the car you and Colby brought back home. He drove to the car and him and Colby started hooking the cords up. You sat in the car and waited while on your phone. Since you were in the back seat you planned on laying down for a little while with the blanket Colby got out of the car for you and sleep the whole ride home. But before you could cover yourself up with the blanket you see someone walking on the side of the road at a distance. You watch them as they walked through the front window of the drivers. Sam and Colby were busy in the back still trying to tie the cords.

You thought, why would anyone be waking on this road beside what you and Colby just went through. You open the door and says "guys someone's walking towards our car. Sam stood up and looked down the road while squinting.

(Sam's pov)
I kicked Colby's shoulder as he was bent down. Colby lifted himself up and says "what". Colby looks down the road as well and the both of us see a man walking closer and closer. Colby then says "we should get out of here, it isn't safe here". I nodded my head and made sure the cords were extra tight and got in the car with Colby. The man was about a mile close now but he went into the woods. He disappeared. "Where did he go?" Y/n says from the back seat while lifting herself up to see. I look around and say "hm he really did just vanish". Colby then says "is it bad that I left the keys in the car?". I then say "I'm sure it's fine". Colby then gets out of the car and says "just in case". Y/n sets up a video on her phone on Snapchat saying "hey what's up Snapchat". The phone was set up on the dash on the car. I then said "hey snap what's up". Y/n then explains what we're doing right now in the car and I got out and checked on Colby.

"Where the hell are the keys at" Colby yelled. "Maybe you left them at the gas station" I said.

(Y/n pov)
The video ran out of time on Snapchat in the middle of you talking so you made another one. The filter had the dog ears and tongue on it. You started talking about how we seen a person walking and other things. Sam and Colby get back into the car saying "that's weird I could of swore I put them in the-" before Colby's could finish talking a guy came out of the forest dragging an axe crossing the street. His smile was scary, he eyeballed you. " Sam START THE CAR" You yelled. Sam hurried while starting the car and Colby was frozen. Sam sped off past the guy and he ran on Colby's side of the car looking out the window with his axe. You started screaming. "THATS THE GUY FROM THE GAS STATION". Sam looked in his rear view mirror. The man yelled some things but none of us could hear him. "WE JUST RE-LIVED THE MOVIE THE BUTCHERS", Colby said. "The what" you said while still catching your breath after what just happened". "The butchers, it's a movie about some peoples who's car broke down and they went to a gas station and others things happened, a man with an axe chased them".

Strangers, friends, to lovers (a Sam and Colby story)Where stories live. Discover now