Lost in the huanted forest

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Your walking and can't seem to find anything. You check your phone and you have no service. Your flash light starts flickering and you knew it was going to turn off soon. You yell "fuck" while dropping your phone in the wet leaves below you as your trying to find service walking around. "My phone is all wet now". As your scattering around in the leaves for it you find it and pick it up and hear something from behind you. You get up really fast grabbing your phone and look behind you and see nothing once again. You look around and say "hello?". Then in front of you, you see the same figure person walking towards you in the foggy distance. You don't walk towards it because it was frighteningly tall and was was hovering off the ground. You could see legs on the person but the legs weren't moving but the person was. then you got to thinking, this wasn't a person this was a ghost.

As it got closer you started backing away super fast and suddenly bump into something behind you yell "AH". you also hear someone yell behind you. you could look back and it's Colby! You and him bumped into each other while not paying attention. He says "omg y/n are you okay, are you hurt, oh my god". You looked over and the ghost person was gone. You said "there was someone walking towards me and it was a ghost like figure it didn't look real but real at the same time". Colby said he seen the same thing also. You ask him "where the hell were you everyone was worried sick, Sam and Kat are probably looking for us". Colby says "us? Your lost also? I was following behind you and something grabbed me from behind I looked back and seen nothing but by the time I went back to follow you guys you were all gone". You say "I got lost trying to find you". Colby hugs you and you and him start walking to find Sam and Kat.

You and him are walking the dark path trying to find the cabin again. You explain about the cabin to Colby. A wildly loud scream from the distance in the forest cuts you off of your conversation. You and Colby start running, you drop your flashlight and look back at it while seeing the light of it fade while Colby has your hands running with you. You and him run into Sam and Kat. Everyone fell on the ground in the mud as we fell to the ground after bumping into each other. We get up and Colby explains to Sam and Kat what happened after he got lost, but now all four of us were lost in the forest, no service, and two flash lights.

We're walking still trying to find our tent or the cabin. Sam says "over there!" And we all see our white car in the foggy distance parked. We run to the car and jump in. We sat in the car for awhile staring at our tent, still scared and petrified about what happened. Colby then says "we minus we'll go back to the tent because if we try to drive home we wouldn't be able to see because of the fog and the dark night with no lights around". That's when you realized a lot goes in behind the scenes in Sam and Colby's YouTube videos.

Everyone really doesn't wanna go back out there to the tent but we got out and did. Everyone was muddy and cold. It was about 1 am in the night. When we got in the tent Sam and Colby explained to the camera what has happened because they were too busy being scared to catch half of the footage. After they were done we laid down for awhile trying to go to sleep. You were still scared but know that Colby was right by your side laying there made you feel so much better. You sit there and stare at the top of the tent while it starts raining a little. It hits the tent and blocks out all the sounds that was happening outside around the tent. It was so cold because you were wet from falling so many times outside in the woods, you were shivering. Colby than turns and looks at you while you can't sleep and looking at the rain hit the top of the tent.

(Colby's pov)
I stare at y/n while she stares at the rain hitting the top of the tent. I see that she's shivering. I felt so bad so I said quietly "body heat from me will make you warmer", I put my arm around her and pulled her in I could feel her cold body start to get warm again. She looks at me as I'm starting to fall asleep. I fall asleep to her smile and her eyes starting to close. We both fell asleep while hearing the rain.

(Kat's pov)
I see that Colby and y/n fell asleep while holding each other. I was sitting up on my phone playing a game that doesn't need wifi or data to play since I didn't have any service. Sam then taps me and whispers "Kat there a shadow person standing in the front of the tent". I look over at the tent zipper where you go to get in and out of the tent and there is a tall figure standing still in the front of the tent. I cover my mouth trying not to make a sound while my heart beats faster than it ever had before. Sam hurried up to turn the camera on to record it but then the shadow then walks away slowly to the side of the tent. Me and Sam watch it as it walks around the tent. Sam is squeezing my hand tightly and so am I hoping that it goes away. We don't move a bit. The shadow slowly fades away and no where to be seen anywhere around the tent. Me and Sam looked at each other in relief that it's gone. Sam hugs me as I start tearing up. That night was beyond the most scariest night of my life.

(Y/n pov)
You woke up to your body feeling hot, like very very unusually hot. It was 3 am when you checked your phone. you shake Colby to wake up and he looks around confused saying "why is my back so hot" while rubbing it. We yell to wake up Sam and Kat and they say the same thing. We all storm out of the tent because all of our backs were burning. Sam yells "what the hell is going on with the ground". Sam and Colby lift the tent over. The tent wasn't that heavy at all.

When Sam and Colby moved the tent me and Kat looked at the ground that was underneath the tent area it was in. The ground was turning red and was steaming. You went to put your hand on it to feel it and it was burning hot like lava. Sam and Colby come over to me and Kat staring at the ground and they said we gotta go this is super bad and they start packing up the tent. Me and Kat kept yelling "what does this mean?". They wouldn't tell us. It was still super dark and you seen figures from all corners of us piling around us. Me and Kat start yelling "Sam, Colby" because they weren't paying attention, they were putting the tent in the car trunk.

The 4 of us look around as we were being surrounded by figure like people wearing black capes around them, they were around the 5 trees our tent was while we were running to the car. We got in the car and the car wouldn't start for Sam, Colby got in the passenger seat yelling "start the fuckin car Sam" while Sam was yelling "it won't start". He kept turning the key to try and start it. While they were doing that me and Kat were looking at the red ground around the trees and the people surrounding it out the back seat window.

Finally the car started and Sam drove away from what was happening. You couldn't believe what just happened. It was like it was all a dream but it wasn't. Me and Kat demanded Sam and Colby to tell us what was happening back there and then they said. "It was witch craft. We set up our tent in a witch craft free circle". At that moment we knew that we could have died or got cursed. Kat looked and pulled up some pictures of it and stared showing to you.

       The pictures Kat showed you

       The pictures Kat showed you

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The photos looked similar to what happened to us

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The photos looked similar to what happened to us. You just wanted to get home and have no more worries and forget about what he just happened.

Strangers, friends, to lovers (a Sam and Colby story)Where stories live. Discover now