Sam and Colby's house

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You and Sasha get back to the hotel room and get everything you need to stay at Sam and Colby's house. Kat was so excited, she even started helping us pack. She kept saying "sleepover! I feel like a kid again". We all laughed at her and headed to the car.

Sam, Colby and Kat got in their car and you and Sasha got into the car that was rented a couple days ago. You and Sasha put your bags in the back of the car and put in the location on the gps to Sam and Colby's house. As Sasha was driving she said to you "you and Colby were so cute looking today, you guys were matching". You smile and say to her "I didn't even mean to match him if I'm gonna be honest, but he's cute I guess". You didn't wanna hype Sasha about about you and Colby much, but as you were thinking to yourself, "do I really have feelings for Colby?". You try so hard to not think about him on your way to his house, you just couldn't get your mind off him. You kept telling yourself in your head, No I do not have feelings for him, I will not go through this again.

You and Sasha finally got to their house and park in the drive way. Kat and Colby help take your bags inside. Colby says to Sasha "how much did you pack for a week, your whole house?". Then you say "I said the same thing". We all laughed and went inside. Sam was sitting on the couch on his phone. Sam looked at all of us and asked "where are y/n and Sasha even going to sleep at, this small couch?". Kat said "we have an air mattress in the garage but it's only enough room for one". Me and Sasha looked at each other thinking. Then Sam said "unless one of you sleep on the couch and the other sleeps on the air mattress, if that's fine with you". Colby suddenly glances at me, I glance back at him. Sasha says "I'll sleep on the air mattress".

You look at the couch and say "I guess I'll have the couch". Sam then lays on the couch and says "this couch isn't even big enough for Kat to sleep on and Kat is pretty small" while trying not to laugh. "Hey I'm not small you meanie" Kat says while looking mad jokingly. "We're not going to make a guest sleep on this small couch Sam, y/n can just sleep in my bed I'll take the couch" Colby states. Sam agrees and asked you if that would be okay with me. You nod your head and say "I don't care where I sleep I'm not picky, I can fall asleep anywhere" while laughing. Everyone goes to the pool table room and starts hanging out and laughing.

You feel your heart racing in your chest. You didn't know why you felt like this. It was like you were happy that you got to sleep in Colbys bed, you were fighting your feelings to admit it to yourself.

For most of the night everyone chilled in the living room and just talked and hung out. Colby then says "is anyone hungry because I am, I'm about to go get some food". Everyone answers and says yes. Colby grabs his keys about to go get food by himself so you offer to go and say "I'll ride with you so it's not such a quiet ride". He opens the front door for you to walk out first and you both get in his car. He was driving and you were in the passenger seat. It was mostly quiet and awkward so you decided to start a conversation. You say "so how often do you visit Kansas to see your family?". You look at him as he pulls into the drive thru to McDonald's. He answers and says "quite often, I go during the holidays and mostly just because I miss seeing my family and wanna visit for a few days". You look out the window at the evening sunset. Colby orders the food and you guys start to head back to the house. As he's driving you to hear a big thump and the car slows down. You and Colby look at each other confused and he pulls the car over. You both get out and look at the tires and the back left tire blew out. Colby whispers "damn it" under his breath and looks in his trunk. Then Colby looks back at the road and says "that pot hole over there it's been there for years and no one fixed it still". You look over at the pot hole as cars drive near it.

You and him get back in the car and he calls Sam to come pick you guys up from the side of the road. He hangs up the phone and looks at you and says "sorry I know this is probably terrible for your first couple days in LA, you probably didn't expect to be in LA with almost a stranger on the side of the road with some McDonald's and a flat tire". You look at him and laugh then say "look I know you very well, enough for you to not be a stranger, and plus we have McDonald's". You and him both laugh while eating some fries out of the bag.

After 10 mins of sitting there Sam, Kat and Sasha arrive in Sam's car. You and Colby get in Sam's car but it's so squished. You sat in the middle between Colby and Sasha. Sam drives back to the house. You couldn't get your eyes off Colby the whole time you were in the car. He caught you staring at his rings and you try to look away as if you weren't looking. It seemed like Colby was also staring at you also, you could just feel it. Colby begins to talk on the phone with a tow truck for the car.

We arrived back to the house and Colby gets out first and opens the door for you to get out and then closes it. You get in the house and everyone finishes eating the McDonald's. And it's time to start heading to bed. Kat grabs the air mattress out of the garage for Sasha and starts blowing it up at the edge on the floor of Colby's bed, so that she could be in the same room sleeping with you. You get to Colby's room and it's super big and basic.

 You get to Colby's room and it's super big and basic

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Colby's bedroom was bigger than you thought.

Kat finally got the air mattress blew up and put blankets and a pillow on it. I was walking around in his room while Sasha and Kat went to Kats room. You were picking up things from Colby's room and looking at them. You knew you weren't suppose to be touching his stuff but you were just so curious. Suddenly Colby walks in and stares at you with a smile. You look at him and say "oh I'm sorry I was just curious". He answers "no it's fine" while grabbing a body pillow to put on his bed, he points at the body pillow and says "I'll put this between us". You look at it and shake your head while picking a glass skull head decoration on his end table.

Colby looks at you as you pick up the skull and says "you like skulls huh?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Colby looks at you as you pick up the skull and says "you like skulls huh?". You look at him and smile and answer "yeah my whole room back home has them everywhere". He smiles at you. Colby makes his bed for you.

Sasha comes back to Colby's room in her pajamas and phone charger, ready to go to bed on the air mattress. She says "your lucky your my best friend because I wouldn't be sleeping on this thing in random strangers house for just anyone". You look at her a laugh. Colby goes to the bathroom to take a shower. The shower is connected to his bedroom and you can hear just about everything from the bathroom.

You go downstairs and see Kat on her phone sitting on the couch. You figured Sam was in the editing room editing the YouTube video we had just made earlier.

You get out of the downstairs bathroom from changing into your pajamas and sit next to Kat on the couch next to her. Kat says to you "hey y/n I'm going to tell you something but you can't say one word about it to anyone".

Strangers, friends, to lovers (a Sam and Colby story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ