Abusive ex boyfriend

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(Colby's pov)
I get up from your seat and start texting y/n because I can't find her. In the distance i then see y/n getting pulled by a tall, skinny, blonde haired guy. I storm the way y/n and the guy were. "Woah what's going on" I said while looking at the guy. Y/n pushed the guy away and walked behind me a little. The guy then looks at y/n and says "I see you got yourself a little boyfriend huh". I look at y/n and she looked mad, kinda like she was about to fight the guy. "Listen Gage mind your damn business and walk away, all you do is create drama. Y/n got in the guys face, she had to of known the guy since she said the guys name. I had no idea who this guy could be. I gently put your arm in front of y/n to calm her down and guided her towards the back of me. I got up real close to the guy, he was an inch taller then me but he was skinny and didn't look like he worked out much, you knew he wouldn't be able to do shit.

"Listen I don't know who you are, but are we gonna have problems". I looked the guy with a serious straight face and walked more towards him. The guy looked at me and then looked at y/n. He then took a step back and said to his friends while looking at me "come on, these fags aren't worth my time". You watched as he walked away, and grabbed y/n walking out of the casino.

(Y/n pov)
You never seen Colby look so serious before. He looked terrifying. He was much bigger then Gage and only an inch shorter then him. You and Colby walked out of the casino and outside as he grabbed your arm. "Who the hell was that y/n?". You shook your arm to get Colby to get off from a hold of you. "I can walk myself out Colby". "I almost got in a fight with a suburban kid, who looked like his parents were the president or some shit". You look while walking with Colby. "That was Gage, my abusive ex boyfriend, from a couple years back". Colby was thinking and still shocked about what had happened. He gave you a hug and said "I'm sorry you had to go through that y/n", "it's fine I'm not hurt by him anymore". you and Colby went back to the hotel room.

When you got into the hotel room, you went to the bathroom and changed to get out of your dress. While you were doing that, you had a missing call from Sasha that said 22 minutes ago. You needed to call her back and explain what happened. You explain to her and then hang up and walk out of the bathroom.

You sit on the couch next to Colby and he puts his arm around you saying "I'm sorry this trip didn't really go right", you put your head on his shoulder and say "no Colby don't say sorry, I had fun besides the whole drama at the casino".

You get up from the couch and then go to the bar you had in your hotel room. You pick up a couple champagne bottle and white claws and yell "let's get drunk". Colby smiles and gets up from the couch also. You and Colby start drinking.

(A couple hours later)

It's now 12 am at night, not to late but kinda late, and you and Colby are super drunk. Colby then says let's go somewhere and opens the hotel door leading you out. He runs to the elevator while looking back at you, and you try running after him laughing, wondering where he's going. He try's closing the elevator on you before you could get in with him. As your running for the elevator he starts laughing and hurrying to press the buttons. You say "Colby nooo" while laughing. The elevator closes on you and you say "damn it Colby".

You go on your phone and wait a few minutes while the elevator comes back up. You go on Instagram and your post now has 600k likes, it was the post you posted if you and Colby at the casino. You hear the elevator come back up and no one is in there this time. An old lady walks in the elevator with you. You get in and press the first floor, the lady was also going to the first floor as you figured. The old lady had white curly hair with some tiny gold earrings that were hoops, she also had a skirt on that was grey and some red lipstick/makeup. She had a see through bag with a purple glass ball in it the size of a bowling ball. The elevator was then quiet.

The lady says "you don't look like your from Las Vegas." You look over at her and she's looking out the glass window to the elevator. You replied and said "nope I'm not from here, I'm from Los Angeles, just a vaca with my boyfriend for a day". She smiles at you and says "you are a very lucky young lady, I've seen you and him walking around here all day, such a Lovely couple". You smile back at her and say "thank you!". You knew you weren't from Los Angeles, but why would you wanna tell a stranger where your from you thought to yourself. The last thing the old lady said to you was "eternity love is already with you and your soul, your family is missing you in Kansas, god bless". You smiled and thought, what does she mean by that? How did she know I was from Kansas when I told her Los Angeles? Everything was just creepy and weird.

The elevator opens and Colby pops out of the side of the elevator and says "GOTCHA", you and the old lady jump and yell. Colby looked a little embarrassed because he didn't think there was anyone in the elevator but me. You covered your mouth and tried hard not to laugh. The lady then starts laughing and says "quite a scare young man", while patting his back walking away. After the lady walked away you got out of the elevator and starting laughing so hard. He play pushes you and say "I still scared you though" and laughs.

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