The realization

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(Back at Sam and Colby's house in LA)
(This is going to be Colby's pov)
I watch the car as y/n and Sasha drive away. It hurts to watch y/n leave. I truly loved this girl. She was the only girl that changed me after Amber died. (Colby's girlfriend that died) I sat on the couch and the house was quiet.

Sam sat next to me and and patted my back saying "she'll visit again soon, don't let it get to you that much, you still have FaceTime, social media, and texting. You could always text her". I look at him and smile and say "yeah I guess, But it's still not the same". Sam gets up from the couch and walks in his room. I got up and went to my room. You lay in bed and see one of y/n's scrunchies under your blanket. I picked it up and looked at the black scrunchie. I put it on my wrist and thought of her again. My beds blankets were still moved from y/n getting out of the bed from this morning. You sat there for a minute and stared at the spot she usually lays. You grab your phone and text her and say "hey you left something" and sent a picture of the black scrunchie on your wrist. Y/n replied to your text as soon as you sent it and said "oops I'll have to get it when I come and visit again". You smile at the text and heart her message.
(Back in Kansas at Sasha and y/n's apartment)
(Back to your/y/n's pov)
Your texting Colby and Sasha says "who's that" while both of you are sitting on the couch. You say "it's just Colby". You lay there and stare at the ceiling for 20 minutes thinking to yourself while Sasha's on her phone texting Ethan. Your thinking to yourself what your going to do this week sitting in the apartment just you and Sasha. You also think about all the things you could be doing in LA right now instead of sitting there bored. Then something hits your mind you get up from the couch and look at Sasha and say "Sasha why the hell are we here". Sasha looks at you weird and says "what do you mean y/n we live here?". Then you shake your head and say "no why are we sitting here in Kansas there's nothing here for us, we should be in LA living our dreams". Sasha looks at her contact name for Ethan and the texts and then she looks back and you and says "you know y/n, your right, we shouldn't be here". You walk to you and Sasha's bags and throw them back near the door and say "our soulmates are in LA waiting for us and never knowing when we're coming back". Sasha gets up and yells "WE NEED TO GET BACK TO LA". You then yell with her "OUR BAGS ARE ALREADY PACKED FOR US". You and Sasha run to your guys room and start packing a little more clothes and things you'll need to head back to LA. Sasha gets to her phone and books plane tickets back to LA.

You and her get in the car and drive to airport. While your in the car you call your mother and say "mom I don't belong here, I belong in LA living my dreams and I finally found the man I wanna be with for the rest of my life". Your mom then says to you on the phone "honey your 21 almost 22, go live your dreams and be happy". You then say "thanks mom I love you". She says it back and you hang up the phone. You and Sasha run into the airport and start heading to the plane. The man stops you and says "hold up lady's this plane is already full you need to catch the next one tomorrow".

You and Sasha look at each other. Just as Sasha was about to go off on the man and start yelling you stop her and say to the man "sir I'm sorry but this is very important and we cannot make the next plane tomorrow". The man looks at you and says "I understand I know what it feels like to be in this situation, been there done that. You lady's go on ahead and have a wonderful flight." You and Sasha run to catch the plane that's about to leave and everyone on the plane stares at you and Sasha get on. There were only 3 more seats left so you and Sasha sit there. You and Sasha start talking and saying "we're crazy I can't believe we're going back to LA, we just cam from there".

You and Sasha decide to take a nap and the plane arrives to LA you wake up and look out the window "we're back baby" as Sasha wakes up also. It was 7pm at night and a little dark outside. You and Sasha get off the plane and you say "I didn't tell Colby we were coming back". Then Sasha says "I didn't tell Ethan either". So then you and her just decide to surprise them.

You call an Uber and once again the same man from the last 2 times was driving you and says "back so soon lady's" you look up and smile and say "yes we sure are for awhile this time now". The man starts smiling and focuses back on the road as you and Sasha head to Ethan's house first. The Uber drops you and Sasha off at Ethan's. Sasha knocks on the door. Ethan opens the door and didn't expect to see Sasha standing in front of him. He yells "no way, Sasha?". You watch them as they hug and do some other things. You look around and say "I have to get to Colby". You tried calling an Uber but no Ubers were available in the area at the time. You yell to Ethan "what's the name of this neighborhood!" From a far because your trying to walk around to get a location. He looks confused and yells back the name. You think to yourself and say "Sam and Colby's house is a couple neighborhoods down I can walk there". Sasha notices that you start walking and yells "where are you going y/n?". You yell "to Colby". Sasha and Ethan look at you as you start running down the street. Then Ethan says "does she not know I have a car". Sasha and Ethan start laughing as watching you run in the distance.

Strangers, friends, to lovers (a Sam and Colby story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz