Precious thoughts

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Suddenly you feel a grab around your waist as your falling down the rusty ladder. Colby was behind you and caught you. When he caught you, you and him took a glance at each other for a moment and then he said "are you okay y/n?". You were looking at his blue eyes getting lost in them and say "yeah let's keep climbing" and smile.

You and Colby start climbing more halfway there and you had finally reached the top. It was windy and your hair blew through the breeze. When you looked over the ledge you could see the whole city of LA lit up. It was even better at night time then in the day. Colby looks over the ledge with you and looks at you. You look back at him. "So tell me a little about yourself y/n" he said while looking at the lit up city. You looked at him and smiled. "So I'm from Kansas and I'm visiting LA with my best friend Sasha for thanksgiving, her family lives down here". Colby says "no way! Kansas is me and Sam's home state, we were born there". You looked at him and started laughing because as he was talking while his hair was getting in his face. You and him get into deep conversations. "How about your family life?" Colby asks you, you look at the view and say "I have a mom, dad back in Kansas and an older brother that is 22 and lives in Florida with his friends. I also have a dog named milo back in Kansas!". Then you ask Colby "how old are you I meant to ask you at the party?", Colby looks at you and says "23, what about you?" and smiles, you then answered "21" smiling back. Colby then says jokingly "as tiny as you are you sure don't look 21, you look way younger, I thought you were a crazy teenage fan girl" while laughing, you start laughing with him. Colby also tells you about his family life and other things. You told Colby about Sasha and how you and her met and Colby also told you about Sam and how he met him.

Then he brings up a YouTube video that he is suppose to be filming tomorrow. Then he mentions Rosevelt hotel. That's the hotel you and Sasha are staying at. You mention to him saying "wait me and Sasha are staying at that hotel". Colby goes on about how it is haunted and then you tell him your experience of the little girl. "We're suppose to be exploring it and seeing how haunted it really is if you'd like to join us?". You answered and said "me and Sasha would love to join you guys. Colby and you start smiling at each other.

Colby gets a phone call from Sam. "Yo bro whats going on?" Colby answered. You couldn't really hear well on what Sam was saying but then you noticed that your phone was dead. "Shit" you whisper under your breath. Then Colby gets off the phone saying Sasha is with Sam and Kat wondering why you won't answer your phone. You said that your phone was dead so you and Colby start waking down the ladder to the ground.

When you get to the ground Sam, Kat, Sasha, and her brother are waiting for you. You explained to Sasha that your phone had died and that's why you weren't answering. She tells you that her brother is to drunk to drive himself home so she will have to drive him home in his car while you take the rental car. You agreed. While all of you walked back near the party parking lot you see Sasha trying to hold her brother up while he's falling because of how drunk he was. He was laughing at his own words saying "we're at the beach yay". You and Colby start laughing at him while he try's to jump in the ocean for a swim. Sasha was laughing also but was also serious at the same time saying "come on Anthony you cannot swim in the ocean at 1 am at night. The whole group laughed.

We kept walking and then Sam brought up the YouTube video as well and Colby told him that he had already told me. Sasha agreed to join them with the YouTube video also. we finally got to the parking lot. Kat gave me and Sasha a big hug goodbye for the night and sam and Colby told us to drive carful. You could tell Colby wanted to hug you also but at the same time he looked nervous. You didn't think much of it because you didn't know if that was actually the case so you get in the rental car, and Sasha gets into her brothers car.

(Colbys pov)
I got in the car with Sam and Kat from the back seat. "So we met y/n and Sasha they seem super cool", Sam said while turning the car out of the parking spot. "Yeah y/n is super nice, I got to know a little about her and everything" I said while looking out the window. Sam looked back at me and said "and thats exactly why I invited her to make the YouTube video with us". I rolled my eyes "oh come on Sam, I don't expect to actually start talking to the girl, besides she lives all the way in Kansas". Sam opened his eyes real wide "oh Kansas, where we're from?". "She's super pretty, and her best friend is really sweet" Kat looked up from texting while joining in me and Sam's conversation. "Well we'll see how tomorrow goes" I said while putting my hand up to my jaw to rest my head.

(Y/n pov)
You follow Sasha home to her dads house to drop her brother off quietly because it was so late at night. I waited in the car while Sasha ran her brother Anthony back into the house. She gets into the car and says "remind me to never go to party's with him again" you both start laughing. Sasha asks "why didn't Sam and Kat climb the tower". You explained that Kat was to nervous and Sam wanted to stay with her. Sasha then says "oooo so it was just you and that's Colby dude!?" with a smirk on her face. You look at her and say "come on I just met the guy we didn't do anything". "Well technically you didn't really first meet him today, you had already known he was a person off of YouTube" Sasha laughs. You tell her to shut up jokingly and tell her the conversations that you and Colby had when you and him were up there. She said "he looks like a good guy you should totally try talking". You change the radio station while driving and say "nope, I haven't did that in awhile, you know... the bad experience's are real". Sasha nodded her head, She looks out the window singing to the music on the radio as you drive to the hotel.

You arrive to the hotel and park the car. While walking in the elevator Sasha says "so this hotel is really haunted huh?". You answer "yeah". She looks over at you and says "that stuff is probably fake". You always had weird visions when you were a kid and your grandmother was a medium so you believed in spirts/ghost and all types of haunted things. You tell Sasha "seeing isn't always believing". Sasha says "I guess" in a quiet voice and starts texting on her phone.

You get off the elevator and walk into your hotel room. Sasha goes to brush her teeth while you get the left over food from earlier out of the mini fridge next to your bed. You start eating in bed while watching tv. Sasha gets in bed also and falls asleep instantly. You say to yourself "man that girl really falls asleep fast" you turn off the tv and go on your phone for a couple on mins you look up Sam and Colby's Instagrams as well as Kat's and start following them.

The second you followed Colby it said follow back within a minute. You smiled at your phone and then you get a dm request. You check it and it's Colby saying "can't wait to make the YouTube video with you guys tomorrow it'll be awesome". The dm makes you smile even more after you read it and replied "Ikr never had a thought in mind that I'd be making a YouTube video with Sam and Colby". He hearted you message and replied "goodnight" and you replied back "goodnight". You turn your phone off can't waiting for tomorrow and close your eyes falling asleep.

Strangers, friends, to lovers (a Sam and Colby story)Where stories live. Discover now